Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz, Trigun, or any songs that are used in this story. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Readers Note: This is a re-post. Also this contains major spoilers for Trigun, so if you haven't seen the whole series I wouldn't recommend reading this.

Gundam Wing & Trigun


Episode 1: Another Tear


Preventer Report:

Name: Johan Peacecraft Rodriguez

Code Name: Preventer Star Dragon

Date: June 22, AC 198

Report: A strange occurrence has happened on the experimental colony X-18999. For about two days nothing was heard from the officials there. Until, I (Preventer Dragon) was sent. I found that the colony had been abandoned. Everything was decollate and empty. It didn't seem that there was any kind of attack. It just seemed that the citizens dropped what they were going and left. To where is still a mystery and I didn't find a single person, but I did discover something. It was at the colony Hall, the towns' hall sort to speak. I found a name written against the shinning windows. The name was written enormously and carefully painted in red.


Additional: It has come to my immediate attention that the mobile suit which belongs to Preventer Officer Heero Yuy, The Wing Zero, has been stolen. How it has been stolen and why is still unclear. Though it is my personal opinion that I say these next few words. It is of absolute utmost importance that the Wing Zero should be returned to the Office of Preventer. For the Wing Zero is one of the most dangerous mobile suits ever constructed. If it were to fall into the wrong hands God help us all. This isn't a small flame; this is already a fire that is starting to get out of control. Preventer must take action, now.


Meanwhile in another universe on a desert planet scorched by twin suns (called Gunsmoke), Vash the Stampede was sitting on the porch of the local hotel looking out at the sky so blue. He was wearing only a button-up shirt and light pants. He did bring his red duster back with him from that battle with Knives as well as his and his brothers' fun with Wolfwood's Cross-Punisher (A large cloth and belt covered cross that had weapons hidden within it).

He was thinking that it had already been two whole weeks since he came back to Millie and Meryl with his brother Knives over his shoulder. Now, he figured he could live life in peace, no longer would he have to "keep moving". He could stay in one place and try to live just as Vash and not as "Vash the Stampede".

He took in a deep breath of the fresh air. As he breathed he heard a loud scratch next to him. He looked over to find his old friend Nicholas D. Wolfwood lighting up another crooked cigarette.

"I thought you quit." Vash stated smiling as he leaned back on his palms

Wolfwood took out the cigarette and put it out underneath his shoe.

"Old habits die heard." He smiled

Wolfwood had survived all right. After that battle with the remaining Gung-Ho Guns (Minions of Vash's brother Knives) he was severely injured. He limped his way to the church holding his Cross-Punisher like Jesus on his way to crucifixion.

Although he was at death's door, he did not die. He simply passed out and it was during that time his body was taken away by a priest named Father O'Riley, who was hiding in that particular church.

O'Riley healed Wolfwood back to health, simply because it was his duty to help the sick and needy, especially in this case when it was a priest under his care. But by the time Wolfwood had healed and could figure out just what was going on he found out that his weapon, his symbol of his trade, his Cross-Punisher was gone.

Wolfwood figured that Vash must have taken the Cross-Punisher so he went looking for him without any kind of protection. He went to the place where he told Vash the location of his brother Knives. By the time he got there some shocked and surprised faces of Vash, Meryl and especially Millie Thompson (who fell in love with this gunman priest) greeted him.

Millie saw Wolfwood walking into town and she wept with a smile as she dashed to him. She threw her arms around him while she laid her head against his chest while tears of joy ran down her face. It had been the greatest day of her life as well as the others who thought he was dead.

Needless to say, things had been going well after that battle in the desert between Vash and Knives. All they were doing was taking care of Knives, just as Rem Saverem (a mother figure for Vash as well as spiritual role model) had instructed to Vash all those years ago.

Vash and Wolfwood sat (or rather stood in Wolfwood's case) looking out at the water well that had been built in the center of town and they saw people coming and going with empty and full water buckets.

Both Vash and Wolfwood breathed in the fresh air with a small black cat at their feet. The peace was intoxicating.

"You know something Vash?" Wolfwood asked

"Yeah?" Vash asked waiting for Wolfwood's thought

"I see what you've been searching for all this time."
"What do you mean?" Vash was a little confused by what Wolfwood was saying, normally Wolfwood isn't this peaceful.

"You were searching for a moment's peace. Now we're living in it."

Vash looked up at the sky, making sure that the suns didn't blind him by closing his eyes.

"Yeah." He smiled

The air was still, even though the only noise was the scurry of people going ot the water well. Suddenly something happened that shattered the peace.

"Vash!" a voice boomed out from behind him.

The voice was so loud that Vash leaped out from his sitting position to lying down in the sand with his hands to his ears. His eyes did recover from the grayness and the specks of light in his vision (or rather seeing stars) and saw Millie standing on the porch. He felt like screaming, so he did.

"I hate it when you do that!" he cried

"I'm sorry Vash." Millie panted, she looked as though she had been running a marathon with her hair twisted and sweat running down her face, "It's Knives." She gasped, "He's gone."
Vash looked at Wolfwood, the two dashed passed Millie to Knives room. Vash threw open the door to find Meryl by the bed. The covers were thrown back, and the beds' occupant was gone. It was true, Knives was on the loose.

"Oh no." Vash whispered knowing the terrible things that Knives could do on his own.

Meryl turned around, "Vash." She said with sobbing eyes, "I'm sorry."

"we don't' have time for that." Vash stated, "We need to find Knives."

Meryl wiped her face of her dry tears and looked at Vash with clear eyes and vision.

"I think I have an idea of where he went." She said

"Where?" Vash asked impatiently

Meryl went over to the closet and opened it's doors and there the four of them (Millie caught up a moment ago) looked into the closet with awe and wonder. They saw the tear, a diamond shaped picture in perfect contrast to the wooden closet interior. It showed a long steel hallway going towards the center of the diamond.

"What is it, Vash?" Wolfwood asked hoping he would have the answer

Vash looked at Wolfwood, "I have no idea."

Wolfwood raised an eyebrow, "You're 140 years old Vash. I hoped that you'd know something."

Vash made an odd face, "Just because I'm old doesn't mean I know everything."

Millie stopped the dispute, "Stop you two. We have to find Knives before he stirs up more trouble."

Vash and Wolfwood nodded at each other and left for their own rooms, they came back with their weapons. Vash had dressed himself back into his red duster once again, his duffel bag over his shoulder and he held in his hand his silver custom colt revolver, Wolfwood with his Cross-Punisher, and Millie with her huge stun gun cannon.

Meryl stood up with her white cloak and pink suitcase

"Meryl?' Millie called, "Why are you bringing your suitcase?"

Meryl shrugged, "If this thing leads to a different place, I'd like to have a change of clothes."

"I agree Meryl." Vash said, even though he wore his red duster mostly over his clothes.

Wolfwood noticed something about Vash, "Hey Vash, didn't you have two hand guns?"

"The dark one was Knives." Vash explained, "It seems he took it with him."

Fear was on all of their faces. Vash explained what the guns could do, they not only could be powerful handguns but in the hands of either Vash or Knives the gun could morph with their arm and make a cannon with enough power to put a hole in the moon. Which as a matter of fact has happened on one occasion where Vash was forced to use this weapon called "Angel Arm".

"This means, he can morph his Angel Arm." Meryl presumed

"Yeah." Vash agreed, "We have to go now. If Knives went through that thing we have to follow."

Vash went first towards the tear, while Millie locked the door.


At the same time on the other side of the tear, Johan and Duo were walking at a rabbits pace to the briefing room.

It had been an odd day, first Johan had an idea and he asked Duo to help him with it. As they were working on this small "project" an alarm went off. It was the alarm of a hull breach. Thankfully, no one needed to find it, whenever there's a hull breach each computer screen displays where the breach is located.

The breach was located in the mobile suit bay and the closest ones there were Johan and Duo. At the time they heard it they dashed like sprinters to the mobile suit bay. When they got there they found a horrifying site. A hole in the doors that lead to the cold depths of space, the hole itself looked like as if someone had sliced their way through it like cutting through a slice of cheese. Although most of the mobile suits were still there, there was one missing; The Wing Zero Custom.

There was no way to describe the terror those two felt standing there with the emergency doors closing over the hole and knowing someone took the Wing Zero. Both of them knew the power and mind warping effects the Wing Zero had, if it's in the wrong hands, who knows what could happen.

Johan found a small speakerphone in the wall and made the call.

"Main staff." He called, "We have a big ass problem. Would the main staff report to the briefing room."

"I'm going to go after the Wing Zero." Duo asserted

Johan turned around and looked at Duo.

"I'll go after it." He said, "You go to the briefing room and tell them what's happened."

Johan dashed into the mobile suit bay like a track runner. He stopped and leaped into the Gundam Ryu, he threw his body into the cockpit seat and shoved the key into the slot as the cockpit door closed and lights as well as screens came on.

He placed his hands on the horizontal joysticks and shoved them forward, but nothing happened to the Gundam. It didn't move. Johan pulled back on the controls and pushed forward again, nothing happened.

The Gundam Ryu was disabled.

Johan jumped from suit to suit. From the DeathScythe to Heavyarms, to Sandrock, to Nataku, to Tallgeese, and to the Clockwork but nothing worked. Had they been sabotaged or had the engineers for a tune-up disabled them?

Johan looked at the sensor screens and saw a small blip (he knew that it was the Wing Zero) fly further and further away from the center.

Frustrated, Johan slammed his fist against the arm rest, he felt the swelling heat in his fist knowing that one of the most dangerous weapons ever built is now gone. To do what? That is the question that frightened him the most.

He leaped out of the cockpit to the Gundam Clockwork and caught up with Duo.

Now they were walking at a rabbits pace to the briefing room to tell the others of the events in the mobile suit bay.


The quartet of Gunslingers came through the tear and found themselves in the steel wall, floor and ceiling hallway of the Preventer ship Peace Million.

"What is this place?" Wolfwood asked looking around at the splendor of this unknown place.

Vash smiled as he looked around, "Reminds me of home."

"It does make a nice change from the brown walls." Millie said looking at the bright side of the situation.

"It's bright here." Meryl observed as she covered her eyes with the sleeve of her cloak from the fluorescent lights, "Let's move." She instructed, "But be cautious, we don't know what exactly is here. For all we know this could all be a trap set up by Knives."

Wolfwood laughed, "No need to tell me." He reached to his Cross-Punisher and pulled off the belt and cloth with a swift stroke. As the cloth and belts dropped to the floor he picked it up as the long end opened to reveal the tip of a long machine gun.

Vash quickly looked at him, "Hey don't kill anyone!"

Wolfwood had heard that place from Vash several times so he decided to go along with it, at least this time.

"Alright." He sighed, "No killing." He sounded as disappointed as an unimpressed movie audience member did. It annoyed the hell out of him but he decided to "do business a little differently."

Vash pulled out his long barrel revolver, while Millie got out her enormous Stun gun Cannon. One could look at this cannon of Millie's and ask, "how the hell does she hold onto that thing?"

Meryl on the other hand reached under her white cloak and pulled out one of her single-firing Derringers while she dragged her pink suitcase behind her.

Suddenly they heard footsteps and talking.

"We have to find out who took the Wing Zero." One voice said

"It couldn't have been Heero. He's not that reckless." The other voice said

None among this quartet knew what was going on or what they were talking about. Though Vash had a feeling that Knives had something to do with what they were talking about.

The others tighten their grip around their guns as they saw two boys turn around the corner.

One was dressed like a priest with balloon pants and brown hair with a long braided ponytail while the other had ragged black hair with a white coat on.

Their eyes met and the first one to ask anything was the one in the white coat (Johan). He rose his hands when he saw that all four of them were armed and Duo did the same thing although he placed his hands behind his head.

"Who are you?" Johan asked

Meryl saw that they were no threat (since the two were only boys), they didn't have any guns. She holstered her Derringer and turned to the others.

"Let Millie and I take care of this." She said

Millie allowed her Stun-gun cannon to slide on its strap. She and Meryl walked towards Duo and Johan.

Meryl pulled out her card to show who they were and whom they worked for and Millie did the same.

Johan and Duo looked at the cards.

"Hello." Meryl greeted, "I'm pleased to meet you. I'm Meryl Strife from the Bernardelli Insurance Society, however in some places I happen to be known as Derringer Meryl. This is my partner Millie Thompson though she is known as Stun-Gun Millie. Those two behind use are Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Vash the Stampede."

Vash heard this and covered his ears with his gun still in his hands (though it was now next to his ear).

"I really hate it when you call my by my full name!" He cried

"Vash the Stampede?" Duo asked with a confused look

"You've heard of him I'm sure." Meryl shook her head knowing (or rather hoping) that they would say yes and that Vash is known as the Humanoid Typhoon with a bounty of 60 billion double dollars on his head, dead or alive.

"No." Johan said, "It's the first time I've heard that name."

Vash wept, "Thank God!" He held his hands together with the revolver between them in a prayer poster.

Johan looked over their shoulders and saw a familiar site, the tear. He immediately knew that these people weren't from this universe. Though first things were first, he wanted to introduce himself.

"Now that you've given your names." He smiled as he lowered his hands; "I'll give you ours. I am Johan Peacecraft Rodriguez of the Office Preventer, Code name; Preventer Dragon."

Duo smiled as he gave his own introduction, "And I'm Duo Maxwell of the Office Preventer, Code name; God of Death."

Wolfwood smirked, "That's an interesting name to give to yourself."

"You people aren't from around here, I can tell." Johan stated, "I know that because I recognize the tear."

"The what?" Vash asked

"The tear." Johan explained, "That diamond shape behind you."

The quartet of gunslingers looked behind them to look at the tear once again. This time the picture within it changed to the brown walls of clay and floors of wood that was their hotel room.

"We call it a tear because it is a rip between two worlds." Johan had explained, "How they're formed and why is still a mystery. Though it is that tear that has brought you to this world."

Duo tapped Johan on the shoulder, "Johan. I'd love to stay and chat with these people but we have to get to the briefing room, we can still catch the Wing Zero."

"What's the Wing Zero?" Meryl asked

Johan outstretched his hand, "Come with us." He said, "I'll explain."

Wolfwood was a little bit in disbelief, "Why should we trust you?"

Johan smiled, "I'm unarmed and I pose no threat to you. Plus I think you can help us in this matter. We could always use the extra help."

Johan knew that it is a security risk to tell others outside of Preventer about their weapons. Though in this case the circumstances have changed a little bit. So Johan needed to tell them what has happened. He had a hunch that someone must have come through the tear before them and stolen the Wing Zero.

"It must have been Knives." Vash thought.

The group came to an elevator and on their way up they began to talk.

Wolfwood noticed Duo's outfit.

"I like your outfit, Duo." Wolfwood commented,

"Thanks." Duo smiled as he leaned against the wall of the elevator.

"But how did you come by the name God of Death."

There was a pause

"I don't believe in God, but I believe in a God of Death."

"You don't believe in God, but you believe in a God of Death?" Wolfwood repeated leaning against the elevator wall.

"Yeah." Duo smiled, "because I've seen a lot of dead people."

Wolfwood began to laugh hard, so hard that he was bending over.

"What's so funny?" Vash asked concerned

"That…" Wolfwood tried to explain as he recovered from laughing, "That is probably the most sane thing I've ever heard."

"Yeah." Duo agreed, "By the way, I like that weapon you're carrying. What do you call it?"
"It's called a Cross-Punisher." Wolfwood explained, "Though I do have my pride as a tradesman. You see I'm a man of the cloth."

"That doesn't surprise me."
"Why do you say that?"

"I could tell from your cufflinks." Duo smiled

Millie and Meryl were standing next to Johan who looked as though he was in deep thought. Then Johan looked at the gun Millie was carrying.

"That's one huge gun, Ms. Thompson." Johan commented

"Thanks." Millie smiled, "but please call me Millie."

Johan closed his eyes, "In that case call me Johan."

Meryl heard his name and had to ask, "Johan is an unusual name." She said, "I don't mean any disrespect, but it is a name you don't hear that often."

"My mom picked it out." Johan explained, "You see when I was an infant I could only fall asleep whenever I heard music. One of the composers I liked was Johan Sabestian Bach. Thus I got the name."


The elevator stopped and the group went to the briefing room where they were met with the faces of their co-workers and friends. There was Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Wufei Chang, Quatre Raberba Winner, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Milliardo Peacecraft, Lady Une, Haruka Tenou, Howard and Alexandria DeLarge. They sat around the briefing table and looked at the ones who have come into the meeting room. Their faces looked curiously at the quartet of gunslingers who walked in with their "strange" clothes and weapons.

"New friends of yours?" Lady Une asked

"Yes." Johan explained as he took his seat, "We've discovered another tear onboard this ship. Duo and I were on our way here and we ran into these four. This is only one of a few strange events that have taken place onboard this ship. First of all the theft of Wing Zero."

"We do have to find Wing Zero." Heero stated, "I'm sure all of us know that."
The ones around the table nodded, while the gunslingers only had limited information on what was going on.

"Have you tried to go after it in a mobile suit?" Lady Une asked

"I've already tried that." Johan reported, "But all the mobile suits were disabled. I think whoever took the Wing Zero had sabotaged the mobile suits."

"What about going after it with Peace Million?"
"I tried that as well." Howard then reported, "The ship didn't seem to move, the engines were malfunctioning."

"It's odd," Trowa hypothesized, "that someone could steal a mobile suit and sabotage any means of us capturing the saboteur and yet get out without any of us knowing."

While this discussion was going on, Meryl leaned over to Vash and Wolfwood who stared with ever wondering awe at this group around the table.

"Those six are just boys." She whispered to them

"Yeah." Vash agreed with narrow eyes, "I think there's more to them than what meets the eye."

"Vash." Wolfwood whispered, "It looks like the hunt for Knives has started again."

To be continued…

Author's Notes: This story started with a thought that I had about Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Duo Maxwell. I thought o myself that the two would get along quite well. So I had thought about the plot as well as the interaction between the characters of both series. However there were some details of Trigun that I really wanted to change. Such as when Wolfwood dies, I didn't want him to die so I had him live by the chance that he was healed by a fellow priest in the church he was dying in. However, in this story there is a villain that I also brought back from Trigun, that'll be found out later on.

Come back soon for more chapters of Trigundam…