Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies.
Warning: Attempted Crack
Note: Currently waiting for my new laptop to arrive, not that there is anything wrong with my current laptop; but having a backup one doesn't hurt either. In any case, I have a paper due this Thursday, and finals next week. So since school work decided to get in the way, updates will be rather slow until this two hectic weeks are over. I apologize for the delay.
Many thanks to those who took time to review, add it to alert and/or favorite.
Bak did not expected to see Komui in his underwear when he arrived to Black Order, nor did he expected to see Komui in his underwear playing a card game with Allen either. Well, he had expected Komui to be slacking off, or sleeping to ignore the mountains of paperwork; but to be engaged in a card game of all things... that was just ridiculous. The Asian Branch Chief shook his head in exasperation as he walked over to the duo, and nearly pitied Komui since the latter was not aware of Allen's notorious skills at cheating in card games.
Oh yes, he knew about that little ability all right. After all, he too fell victim to that innocent look and that innocent smile when Allen was at Asian Branch. Needless to say, Bak was traumatized for months after he lost most of his life savings (which Allen used to pay off some of his Master's endless debts), and was reduced to be the silvery white haired exorcist's butler for two weeks. That was a story that should forever be remained buried, and be unspoken of.
"Bak-san, fancy seeing you here," Allen greeted pleasantly with a smile that oozed with sadism, and added, " Would you care for a round of poker with me and Komui-san?"
The mentioned Asian Branch Chief nearly cringed in recoil, and gulped loudly when he noticed that evil innocent smile. "No thank you, Allen-kun," he managed to utter with a weak smile. He had just managed to re-save a small portion of what he had lost to Allen a few months ago, and he does not want to lose it in one sitting. In Bak Chang's book, poker is a evil, evil, evil game that should not have been invented.
"You're cheating! I know it!" Komui declared as he pointed to the silvery white haired exorcist, who merely raised a delicate eyebrow at the accusation.
"How can you be so positive, Komui-san?" Allen responded calmly as he shuffled the deck of cards after their 23rd round. So far, he had won nearly everything in Black Order, with the exception of Komurin army... not that he wanted those robots anyway.
"Because that's the only way to explain why you've won all 23 games," the Supervisor of Black Order responded as he readjusted his glasses. If his dear sister sees him in this state and how quickly he had lost Black Order over to Allen, he would never live it down... oh, what humiliation has befallen on him. And it all started with an innocent game of poker too.
"Ah, but you have no proofs or evidences indicating that I am cheating," that was Allen's counter. He inwardly let out a smirk when he noted Komui's frustrated expression, and simply placed a pile of shuffled deck on the table before he continued with his speech, "Since I am feeling generous, I will return your clothes to you. On one condition."
'There it is,' Bak thought as he warily eyed at Allen, and then could not help but think, 'Poor Komui. You should have never accepted that game.'
"Black Order will belong to Uncle Neah," the silvery white haired exorcist responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Who is this 'Uncle Neah'?" Komui inquired suspiciously, already used to the fact that Allen had tendency to take over Black Order. Last time the young exorcist had done so, it only lasted for 10 minutes, much to his relief.
"The 14th Noah, who also happens to be my uncle," Allen answered, and let out a smirk when shock expressions splashed over Bak and Komui. "Don't worry about the details. He's on our side."
An uncomfortable silence blanketed over the group whilst Allen busied himself with a deck of cards. When he looked up from his activity, Komui had already redressed in his attire and a contemplative look appeared on his expression. "Allen, if the Central gets a wind of this..." the Supervisor of Black Order started.
"If you're not sure, you can ask the Sacred Chickens what they think," the silvery white haired exorcist interjected with a wave of his hand, and added, "You just need to feed them; if they eat the feed, that means they approve, and if they don't, then whatever you plan to do is rejected. It's simple, right? Besides, Uncle Neah will never let any harm befall on me. Same with Crown Clown. Well, they have their share of disagreements, but that's normal."
"Sacred Chicken?" Bak raised an eyebrow at this, totally unsure what to make of it; but he could not help but ask this, "How do you differentiate between normal chicken and Sacred Chicken?"
Allen paused in his shuffling, and then responded, "I'm not sure. Why don't you go to Rome and ask their historian or Pope? I'm sure there's someone who knows the answer."
No one knew what to say to that, really.
"In any case, Black Order now belongs to Uncle Neah, and I believe he'll be renaming it as 'Neapolis' or something along that line," Allen continued with an innocent smile (that did not seemed innocent in Bak's eyes).
'Yes! I am finally free from evil paperwork!' that was the first thought that crossed Komui's mind.
"Of course, you'll be still doing the paperwork and all that jazz since we don't want Central to be more suspicious of me than they already are," Allen added as an afterthought, unaware of the fact that he had just crushed Komui's spirit, and continued, "But Uncle Neah will be your boss. Ooh, I'm sure he'll be thrilled by my news. Nice working with you, Komui-san." With a smile and a wave, Allen ran (pranced) down the hallway.
"Oh, woe is me," Komui murmured under his breath rather dejectedly. At least he did not lose his position as the Supervisor of Black Order... if anyone knew what had transpired, he knew they would beat him into a bloody pulp. At least he thought so.
"At least you didn't lose your savings like I did," Bak remarked with a shrug, unsure what to make of the situation.
Random Notes: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn will be out tomorrow. Why must you taunt me when I will be busy studying for my finals? Why~ *sobs*
Listening to: Change Ur World by KAT-TUN