Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies.

Warning: Attempted Crack

Note: So the second installment ended abruptly, and I did not have an intention to write the third installment. However! This plot bunny demanded that I have to write this no matter what; thus, here it is. The third installment of Allen's Domination (not World Domination, because that will just be hard to do). Enjoy~!

Allen let out a sadistic scowl as he kicked a sandbag as hard as he could, and then proceeded to punch it with so much power that the poor sandbag wobbled from its position. It had been approximately three months since he tied up Komui, and took over the Supervisor's position by the storm. It also had been roughly around a month and a half since Komui extracted his revenge, and turned him in a girl with some kind of potion – whose name escaped him at the moment.

It was just a month ago that he changed back into his true gender, but that did not mean Allen had truly forgiven his eccentric Supervisor, despite the fact that he did smiled and told the older man that he had forgiven him for the gender switch. However, due to the potion's side effect of sorts, Neah – his equally eccentric uncle – had gotten a form of his own; and much to Allen's dismay, the 14th decided that it was high time the two catch up. That was a week ago.

"Allen, what did that poor sandbag do to you?" Crown Clown inquired with an eyebrow raised. His white cape fluttered behind him in an invisible wind, with the fluff and all.

The chestnut brown haired exorcist stared at his Innocence with a scowl (which seemed like a pout if one asked Crown Clown), and responded, "Nothing. But that Komui-san… maybe it's high time I show him what I can really do with the skills I learned during my time with that demonic Master of mine." With that, Allen let out a dark chuckle that reminded the Innocence of Black Allen, whom Crown Clown had met a handful of times.

Much to Neah's utter displeasure, another side effect of that blasted potion that his darling nephew had an unfortunate meeting with happened to be that… Crown Clown also has a form of his own. As much as he did not like to admit it, the Innocence looks handsome… almost as handsome as himself.

'Of course, since Crown Clown is somewhat separated from Allen, my darling nephew looks better with his brown hair instead of that white hair,' Neah concluded inwardly with a small smile gracing on his features. His smile instantly turned into a scowl, and his glare landed on the long haired Innocence, 'Who does he think he is? Giving my nephew an old man's look?' was his thought.

"Allen," the Innocence started with an exasperated sigh as he ran his hand through his long silvery white hair, and his grayish blue eyes landed on his host, "I thought we've agreed not to dominate over Black Order anymore. Remember what happened the first time we tried it? Besides, we succeeded it last time; but you got bored and left after ten minutes."

"I didn't say anything about dominating Black Order," Allen let out a sly smirk as he made his way to Crown Clown and Neah. He gratefully accepted a water bottle from his uncle, and emptied nearly half of its content before he continued with his speech, "But they don't know anything about what happened to us, and I want to shock them out of their wits. Besides, I want to make use of Neah's power, and my talents… make sure I'm not rusted and all. Dominating Black Order again could be a side dish, yep."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Allen," Crown Clown sighed as he shook his head, inwardly wondering why his host decided now of all times to hold a grudge against Komui.

Allen let out an innocent smile that did not seem innocent at all in Neah's eyes, and said, "Don't worry; third time is a charm. Or so they say. I wonder if I can make an occupation using these talents of mine."

"No! Allen, you can't become a thief or a swindler!" Neah hastily responded as he shook his nephew back and forth, trying to get his point across.

It was then that the chestnut brown haired exorcist decided to do what Kanda always does. "Che," he muttered with a scowl, and added, "How boring."

Note #2: My sincerest apologies to my readers who are waiting for updates on my other fics. I am currently buried under my 20-pages long term paper (of which I only have 2 pages written after I finished reading 8 long scholarly articles last night), and my anxiety and stress level is at its peak. So please bear with me.

Listening to: Winter Moon by NewS