When Dean woke up, he went on a mission. He texted Missouri and asked her to meet him in Iowa, where RoboSam thought they would find Crowley's second. She simply texted, 'already there'. And Dean smiled. Once in a while things worked out in his favor.

He hurried down stairs, dressed, ready and smiling. "Hey Sam! Get the led out, let's get going."

RoboSam drew his eyebrows together, and he had a soul Dean would have suspected that Sam knew something wasn't right, and he even anticipated, out of habit, RoboSam saying something like 'you're awful chipper….you okay?' but instead RoboSam said, "You are up earlier than anticipated. You usually sleep exactly four hours, wake up from a dream, go to the bathroom, and then sleep for another two hours. You are ahead of your usual schedule." RoboSam said with casual indifference.

In an effort not to wince and the oddity of that statement, Dean simply shrugged, hoping it looked nonchalant. "I figured if I was up we might as well kick it and get this show on the road." He clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "Come on, pack your crap, we need to roll."

"I did that already. It's in the car. I was simply waiting for you to finish sleeping." RoboSam blinked once. The willies were crawling up Dean's spine and it took serious effort to keep his body language in check, the years of honing his skills as a liar allowed him put on a casual smile and nod his head.

"Okay then. I'm gonna say bye to Bobby and we're out." RoboSam nodded, moved to the door, opened it, and left. Dean breathed a sigh of relief. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts, convince himself to be in the car with the trained, human looking, killing machine, and said a quick p Dean shook his head, hoping to shake away the weird feeling that RoboSam left all over Dean. Dean shouted a good-bye to the old hunter, took a fortifying breath and joined the shell of his brother in the car, and took off at a break neck speed for Iowa.

They drove for hours, got stuck in traffic, took a detour, and were back on the main drag, half way there, and Dean still had no idea how he was going to get RoboSam to not pay attention for thirty seconds so he could slip the drugs into the giant man's drink that was currently pinned in between his legs while he thumbed through pages on the demon that had become Crowley's second.

"I'm gonna stop." Dean finally braved when he saw a sign alerting travelers to amenities. RoboSam looked up from the paper he was studying and turned to look at Dean, and the slowness of the motion reminded Dean of an evil robot intent on destroying all human life, and that look coming out from his brother's hazel eyes made his stomach burn.

"You hungry?" RoboSam asked.

"Yes. And I think we both need to hit the head." RoboSam nodded. Dean felt the surge of relief pulse through his body. If he can get Sam away from his drink just long enough, this could actually work out. But tangled up in the relief was the knowledge that nothing ever came easy to a man with the last name of Winchester.

Dean waited for Sam to go to the bathroom, and he poured the colorless odorless powder into his brother's drink, mixed it up, and pretended to be eating when Sam returned from the bathroom, and Dean tried not to watch with eagerness and hope as RoboSam ate and drank.

A small wave of satisfaction pulsed through Dean when Sam finished the last of his drug laced Coke a Cola in one long draught. Sam put the cup on the table and looked at Dean with those same emotionless robot eyes and said "Let's go." Dean took a final bite of his sandwich, threw money on the table and followed the shell of his brother.

And just like everything else in Dean's life, his bed laid plans weren't so well done after all. RoboSam didn't fall unconscious, he simply got wobbly, disoriented, and confused. However, he wasn't confused enough to not realize that Dean had drugged him, and the body of Sam Winchester, took a swing at the elder Winchester, Dean swerved, and caught the hand, and stopped the punch before it landed home on his jaw. And Dean bit his lip, apologized and punched RoboSam hard enough to knock him out.

"That's 16 times I've hit you since you've come back." Dean mumbled and shook his head with remorse.

He sped the rest of the way to the house he had promised to meet Missouri. She was waiting outside when he pulled the sleek black Impala up the drive.

"There you boys are! Sure took you long enough." She admonished.

Dean licked his lips and sighed. "Sammy with soul I know how to maneuver. Sam without soul is much more difficult." He said by way of excuse.

"Get him out of the car." She demanded. Dean nodded, and pulled his brother's heavy body out of the car, and put him in the grass beside the gravel drive way.

"Do you want him inside?" Dean asked, hoping that he wasn't going to have to maneuver Sam into a fireman's carry.

"No. No. This will be fine." Missouri said distractedly and knelt beside Sam's face. "Come here." She said with a motion over her shoulder to Dean. Dean knelt down beside her.

"What do you want me—"

"Shhhhhh." She demanded. She put one hand on Sam's chest and one hand on Dean's. She closed her eyes seeming to take stock, trying to ascertain something, and slowly the warmth of her little hand was removed from his chest and she turned, clear black eyes full of emotion, to Dean. "There will be consequences."

"There are always are." Dean said without humor.


"Look. Can we make this better or not?" Dean snapped. He didn't want to hear that she couldn't help, that he would, in fact, have to resort to plan B. Plan B made his stomach sour. Once he put his brother down like a dog, he would have to turn the gun on himself. He couldn't live with the idea of putting a bullet in his brother's brain.

"Don't you snap at me boy! I'm the one doing you a favor!" Dean closed his eyes and calmed himself down. She was right. She was the one about to do a huge favor for him, and he had no right to be disrespectful to her.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Missouri softened at the apology. She knew what it took from Dean Winchester to apologize.

"I want you to know, that pulling Sam's soul out of your body won't be as easy as it sounds."

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because, his soul and yours are all mixed up."

"Mixed up?"

"You and your brother have always had a special bond, something that angels and demons alike wanted to destroy because it would make you two easier to destroy, and that bond is what saved the world, it is what secured Lucifer's spot in the cage." Dean nodded. "And now that Sam's soul has lived inside of you for over a year, the two of you have sort of…." She was at a loss for words and instead she laced her fingers together, and looked up at Dean. "Connected?"


"So, pulling Sam apart from your soul, will hurt both of you. Each of you will have pieces of the other still inside of them. There will be no way to cut you apart cleanly."

"So, we're like Siamese twins. Awesome."

"There are some people who would give their lives to be connected to another person like the two of you are connected." Dean had no words. He just stared.

"Now, are you ready for me to do this? This will hurt you just as much as it will hurt Sam."

"A little pain never stopped me." Missouri gave him a small sad smile, she knew how true that was. Every time she felt his presence, his mind, his will, it was almost like she could smell the stench of burning flesh, the wounds from Hell would never go away, and they would always affect him.

She touched Dean's chest, and then put a hand on Sam's and she began to concentrate, and began slicing the two souls apart, and she tried to ignore Dean's screams, tried to ignore the pounding in her mind as Sam was torn away, and pushed through her aura into his own body. The painful ordeal ended with both men screaming and Missouri passed out in between them.

Dean sat up first, chest heaving, throat sore, and he reached over and checked on Missouri, she was breathing, her heart was steady, and he looked away from her face and saw Sam starring at him.

"She okay?" Sam asked.

"She's good."

"Let's get her inside." Sam said and got to his feet, took a moment to regain his equilibrium, and helped his brother help Missouri into the house. They put her on the bed and left the bedroom.

Dean rubbed his chest, the ach inside was more painful than he expected.

"Me too." Sam said. Dean looked up at his brother.

"I'm glad you're back Sammy."

"Good to be back." Dean stepped over the divide and hugged his brother. Both hung on for dear life, and after a few moments they stepped back, looked at one another and knew, what the other was thinking, knew what the other one was feeling, and neither knew if it was because they still shared bits and pieces of the other's soul, or if it was because they were just feeling the same thing. But in that second, they just simply didn't care.

For once the universe let things go right for the Winchesters.