FudoTwin17; Mgdgjstdjsxfjsfjxfkfvgjk!
Dog # 1; What did she say?
Goldfish # 1; She said 'hey, guys I'm back eating pomegranate!
Cat; You speak that language?
Goldfish # 1; She's just got food in her mouth. Here, I'll translate.
FudoTwin17; fkcdfksfsxf,cdgtlcgjlfgtydictgolfh;ghylfdffjdgtlfhyfjdetgdtkedtg.
Goldfish # 1; This story may seem unoriginal or remind you of something, but it's totally original.
FudoTwin17; zdjsxfrjsxf,cdgtkdfgtkuftgkcdgtkdtcgc.
Goldfish # 1; She doesn't own Yu-gi-oh 5D's.
FudoTwin17; fkdgkdfgtdfgthdfjsrirfkfgtcgv cvcgkdsxdfjdcfkdcgkhcdgkdg!
Goldfish # 1; She also said that she is tired of the hate mail and wants you people to respect her.
Cat; Everyone should be treated the right way.
Chapter 1
Yusei opened his eyes. It was dark, too dark. And cold. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was being in the satilite.
Suddenly, bright white lights flicked on. He was in a completely white room with a large gray door. He was laying on a table, like a science experiment.
Yusei looked down.
Scowling, he saw that all he was wearing was a pair of white shorts.
They door banged open and in walked two men. They looked like the typical mad scientists with their lab coats.
"Mr. Fudo," The one up front said, "I am Dr. Goodwin and this is Dr. Sayer. You probably want to know why you are here, don't you?"
Yusei glared.
"Well, you are here for the sake of science. So be happy, you're going to help mankind!" Dr. Sayer said.
Yusei spat at them.
Disgusted, Dr. Goodwin smiled, "I suppose we should start testing on Mr. Fudo immediately."
Meanwhile, outside
"Say no to animal testing! Say no to animal testing!" The crowd cheered.
Aki and Caitlynn among them shouted. They both wore shorts and T-shirts that said 'Sacramento Animal Rights group'.
Caitlynn had long black hair with gold streaks. She had soul-seeing blue eyes and gold bands on her arms to represent her origin, Egypt. She shouted with her best friend beside her.
A car slowly pulled up in front of them. Jack hurried toward the girls from another part of the crowd.
"Aki, get out of here! Before your dad sees you!" He said.
She nodded, "I'll be back in an hour!"
Caitlynn waved before she and Jack got back to protesting.
They watched as Aki's dad got out of the car and walked in the building.
FudoTwin17; Well, I think I'll stop there.
Goldfish # 3; She has to get to church now, bye!
Dog # 1; R&R!