I'll try to update my other stories later... Maybe tomorrow. I just like writing this story so I update this one more... Sorry... Anyway enjoy and thanks for reading so far.
By the way I own nothing in this story. If I did Puck and Rachel would be married on the show.
Santana and Brittany had gone around to 'visit' the sights. Although they saw them once a year they still liked to get souvenirs to take home. They usually got all the things they could carry, from hats to snow globes. Rachel had to wonder where they put them once they got back to Lima. Quinn never liked to get things because she said they'd crowd her house and she hated things feeling crowded. Their house was already quite small, Rachel noticed, when she visited Indiana to see Sam and Quinn. The three girls usually visited Rachel but on occasions when she didn't have to rehearse she visited them. They hated the fact that they weren't closer to each other but they managed to stay best friends even though the journey was larger than they wanted.
Rachel and Quinn had been browsing around shops for about three hours before Rachel sighed and said 'lets stop for a break'. They were currently sitting in Costa sipping cups of coffee. Quinn was trying not to mention the Puck thing but she really wanted to bring it up to get more information. Rachel knew this because of the way Quinn kept shuffling in her seat, a sign she wanted to say something. Rachel just decided to ignore it so she could have the most time possible without having questions fired at her.
"Rachel..." Quinn started as she put her coffee cup on the table, she was biting her lip and looking at Rachel for any signs of annoyance.
"I know what you're going to say Quinn..." Rachel sighed and put her coffee cup down as well. She crossed her arms and lent back in her chair.
"How long have you been hanging out with Puckerman?" Quinn asked as she smiled a little smile at Rachel.
"I don't know... A couple of months? I have no idea," Rachel shrugged a shoulder, acting casual.
"And does he have a girlfriend?" Quinn raised an eyebrow.
"No," Rachel told her instantly.
"Do you know this for sure?" Quinn's eyebrows were rising up even higher.
"Yes," Rachel nodded and took another sip of her coffee.
"Does he like you?" Quinn took Rachel's hand in hers.
"I don't know. I don't think so," Rachel admitted looking at her coffee which was now back on the table.
"Oh... Rach..." Quinn smiled at Rachel and gave her hand a squeeze.
Noah Puckerman however was slurping down a can of beer with Finn in their living room. Finn kept checking his phone for texts. Puck knew he was awaiting a text from Sara (at least he think she was called that, it was either Sara, Lara or Kara) even though Finn hadn't spoken it out loud. Once ten minutes had passed of sitting in silence Finn's phone beeped and he pounced on it before tapping out a quick reply. Once that text was sent Finn put his phone in his pocket and looked at Puck.
"I'm seeing her again tonight," He told Puck before take a drink of his beer.
"Happy to hear that," Puck said as he put his can of beer on the coffee table.
"So, you seeing Rachel again next Sunday?" Finn asked Puck as he set his can next to Puck's.
"I think so... Probably," Puck shrugged although he knew they were definitely going to see each other because of the 'see you next week' goodbye.
"What are you gonna do once you've got a job?" Finn raised an eyebrow at his best friend who'd become like a brother to him.
"What do you mean?" Puck frowned, looking confused.
"Once you've got a job and you no longer need Rachel's help... What are you going to do?" Finn repeated but Puck still looked confused.
"I don't know what exactly you're asking," Puck's frown deepened and he sank further back on the couch in confusion.
"When you've not got an excuse to see her... What will you do? You're Noah Puckerman... You can't possibly just tell her that you want to see her all the time. You've got to find another excuse to hang out with her. What excuse will it be this time?" He rephrased the question and this time Puck knew exactly what he was getting at.
"I'm no coward... I'll just ask her to the pub or something," Puck answered with a shrug.
"We both know you won't... You like Rachel and you can't let her know that," Finn replied with a roll of his eyes.
"I've only been hanging out with her for like three months... I don't like her... That's shit," Puck glared at his friend.
"Sure... Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll start to believe that," Finn laughed as he got up, picking up his empty beer can and putting it in the bin before getting himself another beer.
The four girls were out at a bar that night. It was pretty rubbish because only one of them were single so they couldn't exactly go 'sex searching' as Santana used to call it when they were in high school and used to go to various parties. But the four of them were sitting at bar stools all the same. Santana had opted for a short black revealing dress even though she's got a girlfriend. But Quinn and Brittany were wearing more appropriate dresses which reached their knees and didn't show too much cleavage.
Santana had dressed Rachel much to her dismay. That meant Rachel was sitting on the bar stool, pulling her dress down further so it didn't reveal that much leg. The dress was red and reached about an inch lower than her bum. It was tight so Rachel didn't have to worry it'd come up much, it was firmly in place whether she liked it or not. It had a low scoop neck with thin straps which Rachel was surprised kept the dress up at all.
They were all listening to Brittany tell them about the dream she'd had last night (or rather Brittany spoke and they all nodded occasionally to show they were 'listening'.) They were sipping their drinks (alcoholic for Rachel and Santana. Non alcoholic for Brittany and Quinn. Quinn was appointed 'taker-homer' and Brittany was a bit crazy when she was drunk) as they nodded their heads/ tapped their foot in time with the music. Then they heard a voice behind them.
"Wow... Fancy seeing you lot here," They all turned in their seats pretty much in unison to see a tall, well built male standing behind him with a taller, lankier boy standing next to him. Puck and Finn.
"Hey," Rachel smiled at the sight of them and Quinn and Santana nodded in greeting.
"I like your t-shirt. My teddy bear has a top like that," Brittany commented and none of them knew which boy she was talking to so both of them muttered a thanks.
"It's nice to see you," Puck told them but Finn knew the comment was directed at only one of them.
"You too," Quinn nodded as she took a sip of her drink.
"I'm going to go and find Kara," Finn said before dashing off into the crowd of people. Santana followed Finn's lead and grabbed Brittany's hand, dragging her to the dance floor. That left Quinn, Puck and Rachel. Seeing as there was no one Quinn could run off with she stayed put. She knew if she ran off she wouldn't find her way back to Rachel's house. So she tried to stay out of the way by talking to the barman (who she was 97% sure was gay).
"So Berry, how are you?" Puck asked as he slid into the seat Santana had just vacated.
"I'm good. Puckerman, how are you?" Rachel took a quick sip of her cocktail before placing it back on the bar-top.
"I'm pretty good. And can I just say, you look pretty hot tonight," Puck grinned and gave her a wink while Rachel crossed her fingers that she didn't blush.
"Your not too bad yourself," She commented as she crossed her legs and turned towards him slightly.
"So Santana chose the dress, hey?" He raised an eyebrow and she laughed.
"Obviously. As I'm the only single girl I'm supposed to be 'sex searching'," Rachel rolled her eyes as she shifted in her seat.
"Sex searching? Which lucky guy is going to be your target," Puck glanced around the room and Rachel looked around him at the crowd of people on the dance floor.
"I'm thinking the guy in the blue t-shirt and jeans," Rachel pointed at a guy who was dancing with a girl with black hair.
"He's gay," Puck said after a quick glance at him.
"No he's not," Rachel shook her head, "He's dancing with a girl."
"I'm betting that she's his best friend. And his boyfriend is just over there," Puck pointed towards a man at the end of the bar ordering a couple of cocktails.
"How did you work that one out?" Rachel cocked up an eyebrow and Puck shrugged.
"I have a sixth sense for this kind of thing," He ordered a beer then turned back to Rachel, sipping it.
"So who do you think I should have sex with?" Rachel looked at him with her eyebrows raised and her chin placed in her hands.
"Umm..." Puck looked around the room then back at Rachel, "Me?"
"I'd need to have another five cocktails before I'd even think about it," She grinned (it was a lie, she'd have sex after one.)
"Coming right up then. Ready for cocktail one of five?" Puck smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Ready as I'll ever be," She sighed and Puck pushed the cocktail he'd just ordered towards her which she promptly started to sip.
It turned out that she'd had seven. Not that she knew that of course. She was too busy laughing, falling into Puck's lap and occasionally dragging Puck to the dance floor. Santana, Brittany and Quinn had left a couple of hours ago. Brittany wanted to go so after persuading Santana, Quinn agreed. She'd first had a discussion with Puck about the fact that he must bring Rachel back in once piece or she'd cut off his balls. Puck promised he would because he was kind of drunk as well. Not that Quinn knew that. After hearing Rachel's and Puck's conversation for an hour Quinn knew that he liked her back (even if it was only a little) and he wouldn't let her get hurt. But even so it was still Puckerman so she'd had a quiet word with the nice bartender she'd been talking to and told him to keep an eye on Rachel.
At this point Rachel was sitting on Puck's knee as he sang the words to the current song very loudly. Rachel joined in occasionally but she kept forgetting the words and she'd start to laugh hysterically. Rachel turned on Puck's knee so she was straddling him and then she put her arms round his neck. He sent her a lazy smirk before placing his hands on her hips and pulling her towards him.
"You know, I really like you," Puck drawled and he was so close to her that his breath was creeping down her neck.
"I like you too, I guess," Rachel slurred before kissing Puck. He reacted instantly and kissed her back. It was surprising how well they fitted seeing as they were so different. They were in unsion. Together. The kiss was passionate and fierce. Puck nibbling at her lip to gain entry which she gladly gave. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer. They only pulled apart when they could no longer breath properly. And at that moment Rachel jumped off Puck, grabbed the clutch bag she'd brought and Puck pulled her towards the exit of the club.
The next morning Rachel woke up with a banging head ache and a queasy feeling in her stomach. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the dark room. The curtains were drawn tightly so she had no idea what time it was. She didn't recognize the room, which had clothes strewn all over it. Rachel soon realized some of the articles were hers. She took a moment to think back to last night but she couldn't remember after Quinn had left. She pulled the comforter off her and got up. She then padded across the room and gathered up her clothes before putting them on.
Once she was dressed she pushed the door open and walked into a room which, unlike the other, she did recognize. It was Puck's living room. Puck himself was sitting on the couch, sipping a cup of coffee, with only his boxer shorts on. And in that moment Rachel realized what exactly had happened.
"Morning," Came the rough voice of Puck. Rachel nodded but the movement hurt her head. So she just sat next to him without doing anything else.
"Do you remember anything?" Puck asked quietly as he placed his coffee mug on the table.
"'fraid not," Rachel whispered back. Puck nodded and leaned back on the couch.
"Neither do I," He replied with a sigh.
This was absolute shit. Sorry. I'll rewrite it later. Promise.