A/N: Hey! So, this is my first story. I'm new to this whole scene so any feedback would be very greatly appreciated. I'd especially like to know if you guys would rather I have Puck and Kurt fall in love eventually, or if they should just become closer friends.

About the title: I'm going to always suck at titles. Sorry. This one's a Fleet Foxes song that I happened to be listening to while writing this story. It kind of seemed to fit. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, Fleet Foxes, Singin' in the Rain, or a unicorn.

Kurt sat perfectly still. He obviously had not been prepared for what he had just unleashed. The choir room was overrun with the jabber of the Glee-clubbers, some gossiping, some still wide-eyed with shock. Others, Kurt would later find out, were silently furious. He hadn't meant to tell them about the full-on face attack that Karofsky clumsily attempted to pass off as a kiss. He was just so angry, having his first kiss-that-counted stolen away. Being the only out gay kid at McKinley had left him with ample time to dream about what it would be like, when that one boy brave enough to cut through all of the rampant homophobia in their little town would find his way to him, and light up his world. Oh, Kurt had imagined it being so perfect. But along with everything else perfect in Kurt's life, Karofsky just had to destroy it.

Sure, Kurt did feel pity for Karofsky. For the scared little boy who couldn't be himself. Couldn't go a day without hurling a geek into a dumpster, or slamming the "fairy-boy" into a bank of lockers with a steadily increasing forcefulness. Kurt knew now, though, that all Karofsky was trying to do was push away the part of himself that he couldn't yet handle. Might never be able to handle. And that was sad, Kurt knew it was, and he related all too well to the feeling. But still, a few weeks of never-ending slushie facials and amped-up shoves and all it had done was knock the sympathy right out of Kurt. In spite of his growing animosity towards Karofsky, the angel-voiced singer still wouldn't have spilled any details about that day in the locker room because, honestly, it wasn't worth the fallout.


Classes are over, and Kurt is walking to Glee. His phone buzzes from the pocket of his fabulously tight, studded leather pants, and he pulls it out and rolls his eyes at the text on the screen, before laughing in spite of himself.

Text Message From: Noah Puckerman

hey, man. I was watchin' that movie last night that you always talk about, singing in the rain, or whatever. that guy's name shoulda been Don Lottawood, he got so many hot chicks. I can dig it. Puckasaurus out!

Kurt was still laughing at Puck's sleazy, yet mildly amusing attempt at humor when a large hand came out of nowhere and smacked his phone to the floor. Oh, good. This again. As his phone hit the ground and the screen cracked, Kurt found himself face-planted in the bank of lockers. Yeah, this was pretty routine. But this time, the brutish jock moved in close behind Kurt, his mouth just a little too close to Kurt's ear.

"You're lucky, fag boy. I could break things much more important than your little fairy phone."

Kurt winced at not just the words, but the hot breaths that accompanied them. He felt the bigger boy release his hold and start to walk down the hall with the rest of his cavemen buddies, but just as Kurt turned around, he was met with a sarcastic air-kiss and a sneer. Really? It wasn't enough that he had stolen his perfect moment just a week earlier, but now he was going to taunt him with it? No. No, this is not how it's going to go. Kurt scooped up the wreckage that used to be his cell phone, silently thankful that he had learned long ago of the importance of having insurance for anything breakable and not slushie-proof. He still found his hands shaking, and while he knew exactly why, he hadn't the faintest idea what would make it stop.


The clearly-fazed boy stormed into the choir room, almost a blur until he reached his chair in the back of the room and slammed his messenger bag down next to it. Plunking down into the chair, he let out a strangled sigh and tried to relax, even though now he had the attention of every Glee club member firmly fixed on him, with the exception of Mr. Schue, who was usually late.

Puck was the first to speak. "Dude, is this about that text? Because I totally wasn't bashing your favorite movie. I meant it like.."

"..No, Puck. No. It isn't about you. Or Don Lockwood. But honestly, I don't wanna talk about it. Where's Mr. Schue? I'd like to get this started sooner rather than later," Kurt was speaking way too quickly, and his hands were still shaking slightly. Mercedes caught it first. "Kurt, you're shaking! What the hell's wrong?"

He tried to force the words 'nothing' and 'forget it' out, but before he could stop himself they were replaced by a lip-quivering, "Karofsky. Just. Karofsky."

"What did that barely-walking-upright meathead do to you?" ..Rachel this time.

Kurt had really meant not to say it. But these were his friends, and maybe it would be okay just to tell them. Besides, he was so damn furious, he no longer cared to respect the privacy of someone who so clearly couldn't respect anything about him.

"Last week, when I followed him into the locker room and confronted him about why he was.. the way he always seems to be. I was really livid. I let him have it. I thought he was going to hit me, I told him to go ahead. But instead, he.." Kurt trailed off, unsure if maybe he should stop, but he remembered that stupid air-kiss from minutes earlier and he continued.

"..he kissed me. It was repulsive. I shoved him off me, and now he's on the war path." ..Kurt stopped, and took in the stunned faces of his fellow Glee-clubbers.

Quinn spoke first. "Well, that certainly explains a lot."

Then Mercedes. "Oh, oh HELL NO! He did not force you to kiss him. Please tell me you kicked that boy in his sack."

"Kurt, I'm so sorry your first kiss was with someone so...putrid." ..Rachel.

"Man, want me to kill him? Because I totally will kill him." Finn.

This went on for awhile, everyone talking at Kurt, talking around Kurt. Everyone, that is, but Puck. He had been seated in silent fury for a few white-hot moments, but as soon as they were all consumed by their various conversations, Puck slipped out into the hallway undetected. He really didn't wanna ditch Glee club, or leave Kurt for that matter, but he had just discovered that he knew of a particular face that was just begging to be rearranged. And, man, did he feel like punching something right about now.


Puck stalked down the hallway like a meathead-seeking missile. It was Thursday, so Karofsky would be at hockey practice. As he walked towards the athletics department, Puck found his head a blur of thoughts. He knew he shouldn't initiate a fight with a fellow jock; if anything, it would propel him further down the ladder of misery that was the McKinley food chain. But he also knew that if he didn't do something to alleviate the rage he was suddenly feeling, it would be dangerous for everybody who crossed his path. He didn't need to wonder why he was angry. Kurt was a fellow Glee-clubber, and he felt a sort of obligation to protect him. Besides, they had recently become pretty good friends, and you definitely don't mess with one of Puckzilla's friends.

Puck stood in a darkened alcove right off from the doors to the boys locker room and he just... waited. There wouldn't have been much sense to go in and confront him in the middle of meathead central. He did know, however, that while the rest of his buddies were rather expedient about changing into their gear for practice, Karofsky tended to lag behind a bit. In awhile they'd all be filing out the doors, leaving their leader behind unguarded. Not wise, but hey, they've never been accused of being the brightest.

As he stood meticulously waiting for the parade of morons to begin, he felt his teeth clenching as he thought of Kurt's quivering lip and then those three words that eventually came. 'He. Kissed. Me.'

Puck needed to hit something. Anything. It just wasn't fair. Who the hell does this douche think he is? Forcing himself on Kurt like that. And then Puck thought for a second, and his anger doubled and then tripled onto itself. Stealing his first kiss. Butchering it. Bastard. I'm going to kill him.