My First story! Plze enjoy!

I hope you all like it.

Also, an awesometastic shout out to percyluver25 and pjo06!

"Wake up buddy." A voice said. I immediately recognized it and stood up with a grunt. Hey boss! I said, pricking my ears with joy.

"Hey Blackjack" Percy Jackson was one of the only half-bloods that understood me. After all, he did save me from Kronos. He then patted my side and said," Ready for a quick flight?"

Of Course! I nickered, unfurling my coal black wings.

"Well come on then!" we both walked out of the stable, my hooves clicking against the concrete. The wood's musty smell mixed with last-nights campfire's smoky one greeted me as we stepped out. I would have enjoyed waking up Annabeth (she secretly gives me apples), but Percy headed the opposite direction into the trees.

We finally came to a clearing. The autumn leaves littered the ground just like my feathers had last year when I molted. I couldn't fly for a week! Percy climbed onto my back and grabbed clumps of my mane.

Ready Boss? I said, turning my head to look him in the eye.

"Let's Go." I took off into the bright blue sky; wings expanded, and wind ruffling my mane. Suddenly, the deathly smell of a dracenae reached my nostrils.

Umm Boss… I whinnied.

Percy saw the monster and shouted, "Dive Blackjack!" then uncapped Riptide, its celestial bronze shimmering in the sunlight. I nodded then shot towards the dracenae who hissed with rage as Percy struck out with Riptide, Immediately disintegrating on impact. I made a soft landing then Percy dismounted and showered me with compliments.

The only think I remember him saying is "You did amazing…" since I was distracted by the undergrowth behind him which started shaking.

Boss, Hey Boss! "What!" Percy asked annoyed that I interrupted his important (not) lecture.

Turn around! I neighed urgently, he whirled around and screamed like a little girl or that was the little girl that came out of the bushes holding a knife.

Don't blame me if things are spelled wrong, plze just review!