Nothing too fancy here, just a short, bittersweet poem, told from Terence's perspective as he regards Tumnus and Lucy's blossoming relationship.
But really, this can pertain to anybody who loves somebody, but that love goes unrequited. I know I can definitely relate.
Characters (excluding Terence) © C.S. Lewis and Disney/Walden Media
Terence and Poem © unicorn-skydancer08
All rights reserved.
There they are—
My two dearest friends
Looking as joyful as I remember them
Yet here I stand,
All alone
In the cold and dark
I watch them kiss
Their lips meeting hungrily
Their arms clinging tightly
As if one cannot bear to let the other go
It tears at my heart
I cannot bear to watch
Yet I cannot turn away
That should be me
My heart protests—
I should be him
Holding her
Why should he be the one?
How can she choose someone like him
Over someone like me?
Jealousy sickens me,
But shame and guilt also burn deep
Who am I,
To rob my friends of their happiness?
I cannot be selfish
I cannot betray them that way
It would be unforgivable
Both mean the world to me
Both are close to my heart
I could never hurt them
So, I will keep my distance
And hold my tongue
I will never say a word
To either of them
My heart weighs heavy
For how else are you supposed to feel
When you lose something beautiful
That you never had—
When you see someone you love,
And know that you are not the one?