Here it is. The final chapter in Haunted. I hope you all liked this story! I had loads of fun writing it and I'm terribly sad it's over! But I will have more stories up - not sure if they'll be Romione, though. ^_^ There might be more. Who knows.

Naturally, I do not own Harry Potter! My hero does.


"Come on you two!" Ron called as we walked into the station. "You're gonna be late."

"Oh, Ron, stop! They won't be late," I chastised.

"I was only joking," Ron laughed as he pushed his daughters cart.

I rolled my eyes as I felt Hugo's hand slip into mine.

"Mummy, when can I go?" he asked me, his right hand moving to his mouth. Next thing I knew, his thumb was in his mouth and I couldn't help but smile.

"In a few years," I replied as we made our way to platform nine and ten.

"But I don't wanna wait," Hugo grumbled around his thumb.

"Hugo, stop sucking your thumb," Rose said. "It's a nasty thing."

Hugo shot his sister a glare.

"Shut up!"

"You two," I warned.

Rose turned away and then said, "I wanna do it, Dad."

Ron let go of the cart and Rose took it. Head down, a look of determination on her face, Rose began to run straight at the barrier. Just as she went through, Hugo yelled, "DON'T HIT THE WALL!"

"Hugo!" I said sternly. "Knock it off."

"Oh, Hermione, calm down. He's just having fun," Ron said as he too went through the barrier.

"Right, come on, Hugo." Walking briskly with Hugo, we went through the barrier and I saw Harry and Ron talking.

"Let's go," I said, hurrying over to them.

"Any problems parking?" Ron was asking Harry. "I didn't! and Hermione didn't believe I could pass the driver's test."

"I did too," I retorted. "I had complete faith in you!"

As Ron and Harry took Rose and Albus's trunk over to the train, Ginny turned to me and said, "Well, one more after this."
"Oh, hush!" I said, nudging her.

"Mum! Mum!" cried a voice. out of the steam of the train came a little boy with dark hair and brown eyes, which looked excited and worried at the same time. "MUM! Guess who I just saw? Teddy! With Victoire! He was snogging her! I asked him what he was doing and -"

"You just interrupted them?" Ginny asked her oldest son. "You are so like Ron."

"Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin!" he said as if trying to get it through to his parents what was taking place at that moment.

"Oh, wouldn't it be lovely if they got married?" little Lily was asking Hugo. "Then he'd really be part of the family."

"He's already over four times a week for dinner," Harry said. "Why don't we just let him move in?"

"Yeah, that would be good," James said seriously. "I could share a room with Al."

"No. you two will only share a room when I want the house demolished," Harry told his son sternly. I giggled. Tell that to Harry, who shared a room with Ron many a time.

Ron nudged Harry and nodded with his head. There stood Draco Malfoy, with a receding hairline and his usual suit, standing with a woman and a little boy. The woman had dark hair and a beautiful face. The little boy looked very much like his father, much like how Albus looked like Harry.

Draco saw them staring and nodded curtly, then turned away.

"So that's little Scorpius, eh?" Ron murmured. "Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains."

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Ron!" I cried, exasperated. "Don't try to turn them against each other before they've even met!"

"Right. Sorry," Ron said. "But don't get too cozy, Rosie. Granddaddy Weasley wouldn't forgive you if you married a pureblood," Ron added, much to his daughters amusement.

I saw Harry check Fabian Prewett's old watch and then said, "Right. It's almost eleven. You better get on board."
"Don't forget to give Neville our love," Ginny said to James as she hugged him.

"Mum! I can't give a professor love!" James said, horrified.

"But you know Professor Longbottom," Ginny said. I smiled as Rose looked nervously at the scarlet train in front of her.

The sounds of children departing from their parents was all around us as I watched Rose watch the train.

"Rosie, come here," I said. She turned and I saw a familiar look on her face. A face I associated to even myself as a look of intense concentration.

"Mum, think I'll be in Gryffindor?" she asked me as Ron's back was turned, Hugo standing with him. They were a sight, those two.

"Rose, we'll love you no matter what house you're in," I promised as she rushed into my arms for a final hug. "If you're in Hufflepuff, that's great. One of the most amazing women I ever knew was in Hufflepuff."

"Who?" Rose asked, momentarily distracted.

"A woman named Nymphadora Tonks Lupin."

Rose's eyes widened. "She was?"

I nodded.

"Ravenclaw?" she asked me, her eyes narrowed.

"I was almost put there," I told her.


I shrugged. "Then Slytherin just got a wonderful new girl."

Rose beamed. "I love you, Mum."

"I love you too, Rosie," I said as I kissed her forehead for what would be the last time until Christmas. "And I'll write you every day, okay?"

Rose nodded. She turned to Ron, who hugged her tightly, gave her a kiss on both cheeks, and walked her to the train.

"Love you, Rosie," I heard Ron say as Rose hung out of a train window.

"Love you too, Daddy."

I smiled gently as Ron made his way back to me. He took my hand and we both waved as our daughters excited face disappeared.

"She'll be alright," Ron told me.

I nodded as we turned and left.

All was well. It had been for over nineteen years.

To you who stuck with this to the end, I thank toy. A lot. Seriously! I love each and everyone of you who did! I am eternally grateful to you all! So thank you! And I hope this ending wasn't too lame!
