FudoTwin17: :(

Cat: She just realized how long she left you guys without a chapter, and she hasn't spoken since.

FudoTwin17: D:

Goldfish # 7: She's really guilty.

Cat: Yup. Thus, she apologizes for leaving you on your own for so long and, despite having many excuses at her disposal, she will use none. She hopes that this chapter will make life easier on you guys, and she is extremely sorry.

Dog # 1: Extremely.

Cat: Now, without further ado, we present the next chapter. Sorry again. She doesn't own Yu-gi-oh GX.

Chapter 14

Alexis bit her lip, brown eyes trained on Caitlynn's slumbering form. When Caitlynn woke and claimed that she'd used too much magic for her body to handle the day before, the two men in the group decided to carry her. Since they had no horses, that also meant that Alexis and Blare's loads were heavier with the extra baggage they had to carry.

The extra weight slowed her down and made it hard to walk, but Alexis held her complaints despite her struggles (even when Blare kept the exact same pace that she'd held before all the extra weight).

All because she was willing to do anything to save the Prince.

The truth was that Caitlynn barely expelled any of her magic power, but she needed the time to gather magic energy for what they were going to do that night.

Alexis could feel herself shake slightly at the thought of it. They were going to rescue Jaden. They were going to save him from the evil king and take him to the rebels. They were going to take action, take the good prince from under his brother's nose, and make King Haou very, very angry. A slight grin made it to her face.

She couldn't wait.

However, she pushed the thoughts from her mind, letting a worried look cross her face as she stared at her cousin, her best friend.

Alexis didn't trust any of the warriors three. It was just her and Caitlynn against the world. Thus, she had to trick them (which was incredibly hard with an abnormally intelligent sorcerer, a martial artist with a magic eye, and a master strategist watching her every move). Thus, she had to rely on the only thing that she knew all three of them would fall for: emotion.

She couldn't show them her excitement. She had to be worried for Caitlynn's health. She had to be scared for Jaden. She had to be afraid.

She wasn't.

. . .

Later that night, the four of them managed to set up camp for the night. Alexis was careful to sneak into Caitlynn's tent when the rest of the travelers were occupied.

"Caitlynn?" Alexis whispered to her best friend later that night. "Are you asleep?"

"No." The other girl murmured, but Alexis noted the even way that her chest rose and fell as well as the peaceful look on her face, eyes shut and all. If it weren't for speaking up, Alexis might have thought she'd fallen asleep.

"It's almost time." She whispered, heart thudding hard in her chest.

Caitlynn peaked at her, opening one dark blue eye. "Okay. I'm going to contact Prince Jaden."

Alexis nodded in understanding. "I'll prepare."

After going over their plan once more, Alexis slipped out. She was about to round the corner when she noticed a feminine shadow coming her way. Hoping to avoid Blare, she quickly turned and began to open the tent again to go inside with her cousin.

"What are you doing?" Questioned Blare. "She needs sleep."

"I-I know." Alexis stuttered, not ready for such a conversation. She tensed but quickly forced her muscles to relax. She needed to get out of this situation. For Jaden. "I-I just . . . . I am worried." Alexis admitted, letting her eyes tear up a little.

Blare smiled at her softly, and Alexis noted the tender way the other girl put her hand on Alexis's shoulder. "I understand. It will be fine, though. You must keep belief that she'll be fine. I've suffered from using too much magic power before, and it wasn't a good experience, but it'll be okay. Caitlynn will pull through."

Alexis smiled at her, pushing away her guilt. After all, it was necessary.

They had to save Jaden no matter what.

"I suppose I'm worried over nothing." Alexis murmured, dropping her eyes. "But I cannot help it. What if she isn't okay? What if someone takes her before she's recovered for the book? What if the empire-King Haou wins? What if Jaden-" Alexis didn't realize that her hands were shaking until after Blare grasped her hands tightly, eyes holding only concern.

"I promise you all will be well, Alexis." Blare whispered. "We will win."

Alexis let out a breath, pulling back her emotions and forcing herself to move back into her manipulation. "Yes. Yes. O-Okay. Just give me a few minutes. I need to clear my head."

Blare nodded, releasing her and staring after her worriedly.

Once Alexis was alone at her and Caitlynn's bags, a guilty smile slid onto her lips.

. . .

Caitlynn blinked, falling to her knees unceremoniously. It'd taken her a few moments to focus enough to actually attempt to contact the prince, but when she did it hurt. It was a weird feeling in the back of her head that made her wince that slowly enveloped her whole body until she was suddenly standing in a foreign place.

Well, kneeling.

She stood, stretching and taking in the room. It was not pleasant. The wall she was facing had a number of torture tools as well as chains and devices for holding prisoners. She winced at the thought, pretending seeing a room like this again didn't bother her.

Caitlynn turned, outright gapping at the boy she saw on the table. Though she had no doubt he was Prince Jaden, she was quietly horrified that he was so unrecognizable. He was covered in blood, burns, and bruising from head to toe so that there was nothing on him that was clean except maybe parts of his hair (which was still mostly matted with blood). His pants were stained and shiny. His hands and feet were mottled and twisted in a way that would never heal right without magic. She couldn't help but notice that his his chest looked almost partially caved in, and she winced at the thought of how many ribs were broken. She could see his jaw moving, but even it looked as if it were broken. The words he spoke were mottled, but she stepped forward anyways to see if she could make out the words.

"Roses . . . ." She managed to make out. "Love . . . Lex . . . ."

She had to blink away tears as she realized just who he was talking about. "Oh, Alexis."

Caitlynn got the oddest feeling that she wasn't going to be able to speak with the prince, but it didn't matter. She knew where he was being kept.

Suddenly, she heard a clicking on the stone outside, and panic filled her. It was time to go. Now!

Any remains of her visit were gone by time the lone figure entered, a firm, composed look on his face. "Oh, brother." He whispered. "You can't take much more of this."

. . .

Blare could not sleep, and both men flanking her noticed.

"What is wrong, Maid?" Asked Jim with a kind smile.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" She immediately retorted, ignoring the knowing smile that immediately jumped to his face.

"You aren't talking." Jim stated, grinning slightly. "Why, I've never heard you close your yap except for when you've been completely lost in thought. So what is wrong?"

"Well, I spoke with Alexis." She spoke after a long moment.

"Ah." Recognition immediately registered in Bastion's eyes. "Bad, huh?"

"Yes." Blare whispered. "We have to protect them, no matter what. Prince Jaden's sacrifice will not be in vain if I can help it."

"I see." Jim murmured, smiling softly.

"You see what?" Blare immediately jumped. She knew that look too well. It was a look that he always got when he knew something that no one else did. She scowled at him as he leveled that gaze on her.

"You still have feelings for the prince." Bastion spoke softly.

Immediately, she felt hot. "Be quiet!" She exclaimed. "There is no truth to your words!"

"Then why did you react so . . . vehemently?" Asked Bastion bluntly. Jim winced at the clueless words.

The war mage jumped up. "I'm going to go check on the girls. Excuse me."

The moment she was out of sight, Jim hit Bastion. "Ow!"

. . .

Blare stepped into the tent quietly, noting how both bed rolls both were filled by the forms of the cousins. She smiled softly. "Sweet dreams." She murmured, gently touching Alexis's leg.

However, something was wrong. She frowned when she realized that it was too . . . malleable to be a human leg made of muscle, skin, or bones. She flung the blankets aside of both girls, eyes wide.

All that were there were bags.

. . .

Cat: Yup. She hopes you enjoy this.

Dog # 1: R&R! Bye!