Hey guys. I won't talk for long. Now, figuring out the timing for the story probably took me a few hours so if I have gotten anything wrong please don't get mad at me.

I lay awake, my little brother sleeping next to me. My mother lay in bed near us. Our father was nowhere to be seen. He's probably on watch, I thought. I shifted slightly in the small hammock I shared with Carson, my brother. He didn't move as I crawled out of our bed and onto the floor. The sun had not yet rose as I'd seen from the small sun-roof-like window that was right above my bed. However, as I walked across our small room I saw it was only minutes away. I smiled and walked across the room. I didn't bother tip-toeing. With the ship creaking so much anyway, it didn't matter. As I walked across the deck I found it completely disserted, except for one man.

He was tall and strong. He sat on the stairs near the helm of the ship, looking over his vessel. He had dark brown hair, similar to mine. It fell at his shoulders and was usually tied up in a pony tail. He had his beard neatly trimmed and smooth along his face. He wore simple britches and dark sturdy boots. His wore a loose dirty off white shirt that had a slight v-neck showing off his upper chest. Over it was a brown leather sash that crossed over his chest. His gun was holstered safely to his belt.

His eyes shifted slightly when he sensed me coming but relaxed when he saw it was me. "Good morning," I said quietly. He put his hand up to his mouth, telling me to be quiet. I went silent and sat down next to him. He put his arm around me and I shifted closer to him, nuzzling my head into his neck. As I stared into the horizon the sun slowly began to rise. Bright red and orange light streaked across the sky, illuminating the ship. Warmth spread through my body.

I sighed and hugged my dad. "Do you know the story of the pearls of the sea?" He asked me, his deep thick voice soft and kind. I nodded slightly.

"Isn't it the ship?" I asked looking around at the boat.

Dad laughed and nodded, "yes, the ship is one of them. However there are three more, three more of the beautiful things in the world."

"What are they?" I asked, curious.

"The first one is a woman." I should've guessed. Despite how my father tried, most of the crew's conversation had to do with women. "And she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Her eyes…" my father continued.

"Were the color of fall leaves just about to drop, holding to many secrets to count. Her hair was bright blonde, turned gold from her time at sea. She was amazing, gorgeous and the most perfect woman on earth." A smooth voice finished behind us. We turned to find my mother, her golden eyes twinkling and her blonde hair blowing in the wind. She wore a bright green robe father had gotten her in Singapore. She smiled and stood behind father, placing a hand on his shoulder. "He told me that on the day we met." She bent down and kissed him on the cheek.

"What are the other pearls?" I asked. Mom and dad looked into each other's eyes, a secret passing between them.

"The woman's children," father said simply. "A girl named Anastasia and a boy named Carson." I smiled hearing my name. "One day," dad continued, tapping my nose, "Carson will captain this ship. He will be the most fearsome pirate in the world. And you, Annie, will find a man. You will love him and, once I find him acceptable, you will be married."

"And you will be as happy as I am with your father." Mother said. I smiled at my future.

"And we will be together?" I asked hopefully.

"Not always darling," father said seriously. "A pirate needs to be free, free to sail wherever he likes. However, if you ever want to seek me out…" Dad suddenly jumped up and ran back into our quarters. When he came out he carried a case, with 3 locks on it. After unlocking it he slowly opened it. Inside were 3 compasses identical in every detail. "Take this, don't lose it," he told me, pushing the trinket into my palms. "This will point to whatever you want most in the world." I opened the compass and found the small needle rotating like mad. Finally, it stopped, pointing on father. He chuckled and squeezed me.

I loved father more than life itself. He and I seemed to have a deep and indescribable relationship. It seemed more likely to have that kind of relationship with Carson, the one who will inherit the ship but he's always loved me a little more than him.

"Carson will get this one, once he's a little older and I'll keep this one on my person at all times," Dad continued, motioning to the other two compasses.

"Are you telling the truth?" I asked.

"Every word love," dad said staring deep into my eyes. I smiled at him.

For we a moment we were silent, looking out on the sea. For a moment we were a simple family; Jack and Delilah Sparrow and their children Anastasia and Carson. Only for a moment, however. That seemed like my whole life really. Moment by moment. I was in a place only for a moment.

You see, with my dad being a pirate we traveled everywhere. I'd never been on land for more than a year. The longest was about four years ago when my mom was pregnant with Carson. Even though dad loved me with all his heart, he wanted to make sure mom was healthy and safe while she was pregnant with his only son. He found out from some voodoo woman in some jungle- oh, it's a long story. Anyway, we stayed in the town for about nine to ten months while mom was pregnant. After that, we went back on our ship, The Great Barnacle and traveled around some more.

Well, that was our ship when Carson was born. Now it's a haunty black vessel titled The Black Pearl. Two years ago when I was twelve, my father decided he wanted to go find a ship he had sailed on when he was younger. Back then the ship was called The Wicked Wench. Anyway, he left me, mom and Carson in an inn on a nearby island while he sailed off to look for it.

He didn't tell me and the Carson the whole details of what happened when he went to find it but I heard him talking to mom the night after his return. "I nearly died," I told her shaking in his bed. "The Wench was sunk deep; I had no hope of retrieving it. A storm came the night I meant to turn and leave; a real hurricane it was." He paused here and all I heard outside their door was breathing. Then dad said real quiet and real slow, "I was foolish Lila, I didn't think of you or Anastasia or little Carson. I tried to raise it."

"But…I thought you said there was no hop in bringing back," mom said with shaky breaths.

"There wasn't. I nearly drowned." There was a gasp. "I was near death," dad continued, "I was thinking of you. How…I would never see you again." Silence, then sounds of sobs came from inside my parent's room. I peeked in the crack of the door and found mom in dad's arms, crying in fear. "Then…he came," dad said over my mother's cries. More silence. "Davy Jones," dad's voice whispered.

"The captain of the Flying Dutchman?" my mother nearly whispered.

"The very same," dad said. "He rescued me AND he resurrected the Wench."

"Really?" my mom whispered in surprise. I saw my dad nod. Then a look of suspicion passed across mothers face.

"What was the price? You made a deal with him didn't you? Damn you Jack."

"Shh," my dad told her. "I did make a deal. I get the Wench for thirteen years and then I give him my soul." My mom nearly screamed. "Delilah, calm down!" my father exclaimed. "I have a plan. Footsteps then came closer to me. I jumped up and sprinted to my bed and jumped under the covers. I heard my dad come in. He sighed and touched my head and then left. I couldn't hear them talking through the wall so I lied on my bed, wide awake in fear.

Dad couldn't leave me and Carson and mom. He just couldn't. If he says he has a plan, he probably does, I thought. That thought didn't help me sleep however. I was awake all night, scared for my father's fate.

That morning, both my parents looked happy but it didn't look like they were faking it for Carson. Maybe his plan is fool proof. And maybe I'm a mermaid. Anyway, the deal hasn't come up since then so sometimes I even forget about it. Sometimes.

I'm fourteen now and we've been sailing around with a crew we got in a town called Tortuga for nearly a week. I didn't get to see much of it since dad barely let us off the ship there but from what the crew looks like I can tell the town was a pirates town full of drunk men and prostitutes. The crew seems trustworthy enough save one man who scares me.

He's around the same age and height of my father with thick red hair and beard. He wears elegant clothing and is a skilled swordsman. My father named him first mate which, of course, I don't like. He'll get us killed one day, mark my words. Though dad doesn't let him talk to me. If he can, he'll try to keep all the men as far away from me as possible and Barbossa's no exception.

My father has told me one thing. We're heading someplace secret. We're heading someplace we've never gone and will never go again. He seems excited and I know why. It involves the deal he made with Davy Jones.

So how'd I do? Please review, and if any of you are confused at Jacks behavior it is because I think having a family makes Jack keep his sanity. So, that's it. Like I said PLEASE REVIEW!