Whispers In The Dark


Division takes on a group mission. All Thirteen Recruits, plus the many number of agents.

This one mission is about to turn life upside down.

Pairing: Michael/Alex (Malex)

Rating: M.

The Recruits:

1. Sage

3. Chase

4. Mason

5. Brigette

7. Ilana

8. Nevada

9. Stone

10. Jersey

11. Thom

12. Jaden

13. Alex

Note: This will start out before 1x08- Phoenix, but after 1x07- The Recruit

It will eventually work its way through some of what occurred in 1x08. and will pull from 1x09 too.

Chapter 1: "Expecting Changes "

Eleven recruits stood in two lines facing forward, shoulders straight, serious faces, hands and arms at sides. There were only eleven because they had lost two last week in some of the ugliest circumstances. Michael walked down the stairs going into the hub where the recruits were standing.

"Good morning," he said his voice had that formal hard edge to it as usual. "Today I came to let you all know that you should be expecting some major changes to come within the following days. These changes will be implemented slowly. This change will be about how well you can work together."

Alex was standing with Jaden and Thom in the first row of recruits; they were standing in sequential order going backwards, with only the spaces that held Robbie and Sara once now empty. Alex found her eyes drawn towards Michael's as he was talking, she was listening but at the same time she seemed almost lost. The events of last week hadn't left her mind, being held hostage by Robbie. Even though she had managed to basically get out of it, because she had gone in prepared it still haunted her. What if she hadn't been prepared? What would have happened then? Would he have killed her too like he shot those guards?

"Live, Breathe, Work together," Michael was saying. "Today's schedule stays the same, but starting tomorrow things will be just a little bit different."

What different? Alex had only caught the end of what Michael just said as she came out of her thoughts.

"Tommorrow be prepared for anything," Michael said," Now get to work." He dismissed the recruits and Alex turned to walk away. "Alex."

She froze in mid stride with her back to Michael; she knew she should turn around because that was his I meant business voice. Okay so he always meant business but it was just that tone of voice when he said her name. Slowly she turned to face him.

"Is something wrong?" she finally asked finding her voice.

"I'd like to speak with you, come with me and we can talk." He started walking towards the stairs that led out of the hub.

She followed him out of the hub with many set of eyes following their moves, what could he possibly have to talk to me about? They hadn't really spoken since the night he left her room after the truck stop.

Their walk eventually led them to the conference room and Michael was opening the door and stepped inside waiting on her to follow. Once she had stepped into the room, he shut the door behind them and then moved to the table that sat in the center of the room.

"What is this about?" she finally asked.

"An Op," Michael stated, he grabbed the file that he had left on the conference table earlier. " Percy has activated all of Division for this."

A baffled look crossed Alex's face," All of Division? What's that supposed to mean?"

Michael raised an eyebrow," Its means everyone. All the recruits, all the agents."

"For one OP? Isn't that kindda ridiculous? Is it even necessary? What are we going for World Domination or something? What does that have to do with me?"

Michael had to bite back the smirk that threatened to grace his face, because his reaction had been much the same when Percy came to him and told him about the new OP.

(Two Days Earlier)

The door to Percy's office opened and Michael walked in closing the door behind him, which caused Percy to look up. "Michael take a seat," he said.

Michael sat down," I almost had Nikita," he said feeling frustrated. He had already told Percy before that they could close the books on Sara, that he had seen her body in Nikita's car. He just never specified it was Sara's live body still living and breathing.

"You'll get your chance to get Nikita. I trust you will," Percy said as he looked at Michael," But that isn't why I called you into my office today."

"Alright. Is there something new going on?"

A plain off white folder sat on Percy's desk," New OP," he said and slid the folder across his desk towards Michael.

"Great, so who were you thinking of using?" Michael asked as he picked up the folder and opened it finding the details.


Michael's eyes lifted from the file to Percy's face," Excuse me? Everyone as in who everyone?"

"Everyone Michael. As in all of Division. All the recruits and all the agents." Percy leaned back slightly in his chair.

"Percy, isn't that a little crazy?" Michael asked finally finding his voice," Plus we are down two recruits, both dead."

" You'll fix that."

What! Was he supposed to go to Rent A Recruit and just pick up two more? "Division isn't built for something like this. This is completely insane. Surely we can just take one or two recruits with us for this and I'll take a team with me, that should take care of whatever this is."

"Take a careful look at the file, and then return to me with a decision."

This was how Michael ended up inside the conference room two days later with a baffled Alex standing before him. "It's necessary. Don't you think I'd know what is necessary for an OP Alex." His voice was almost cold now.

Alex crossed her arms over her chest; she had obviously hit a sore spot by suggesting that Michael didn't know what he was doing. That's not what she meant at all by asking that question; perhaps she should have worded it differently. "No that's not...of course you would know," she said. "I'm still not sure what this has to do with me."

"I want you to main operative on this OP. I'll still be there, but I am relying on you to do this."



Alex felt like there was some sort of catch here, another test maybe? She didn't like how this was sounding at all. "Why?"

"Because I know you can do this."

Thanks a lot. No pressure there at all. "What's the catch?"

"Before I can trust you with this mission, I need you to speak to Amanda. I think a session with her will help."

"What! No! NO way!"

"Alex," Michael said a warning tone in his voice. "This isn't an option. This is an important OP and after what happened last week, I think a session with Amanda is very much required."

"What does last week have to do with anything? And I am perfectly fine, I managed to get out that situation unharmed." Alex was starting to get really mad now, everyone always thought they knew what was best for her and acted like she had no idea about herself.

"I can't take the chance of you being lost while on this mission or distracted or in any sort of emotional distress or pain. Am I clear?"

"So you think a Session with Dr. Amanda is going to make it all better for your little field trip."

"Alex. I mean it. I'm not in the mood for games today. I can easily just stick an agent as the main operative on this mission. If that's what you're clearly asking that I do, than let it be. You have great potential but wasting it, is not what you're here for."

Clearly that question was going to go unanswered. There was nothing but changes around the corner, ones that were making no sense. Since when did Division dive in as a whole for one operation? There was some other catch attached to this. It was up to her to find out what that was. She looked at Michael again putting on her most sincere face.

"You're right. I'm sorry…I'm just a little bit of a mess after last week. I should speak with Amanda. After all she is here to help." Yeah I don't think so. Amanda's method of helping was not one that she trusted at all.

Michael eyed her trying to determine if she was up to something or if this was for real. He figured the only way he'd find that answer is to speak to Amanda after the session. "Good. Then go make an appointment so see her as soon as possible. After that we will discuss this OP more."

"Thank you," Alex said. Then she turned and walked out of the conference room and tried to figure out how to delay setting up that appointment with Amanda. There was more to this OP and she wanted to know what first.