Well first off HI. I've been working on a hellboy fanfic for who knows how long and I'm not anywhere close to finishing it but I wanted to get part of it uploaded so this is me starting that. I know my character has the same name as my username but like I said this has been stored away for a long time and that's kind of where I got the name for my username in the first place. A lot of my early fanfics (non of which were actually ever seen by the public) have 'Rai Marshel' as the main character. I loved the name and it became mine. So I hope for some feedback. Read and Review.

"Sorry I don't work for the government anymore." That was my replied when I was rudely awakened by a phone call. "Who the hell calls at…oh…" It was 10:34 AM.

"There goes my job interview… and breakfast." I muttered as I reached for the phone. Someone was looking for a Rai Marshel and they weren't going to find her. I hadn't used that name since I was a little girl. Now I was 24 years old and I wasn't particularly happy that some government agency caught up to me. "Looks like I need to move again."

"Sergeant Marshel I assure you we aren't looking for trouble. I know that you are very talented and I hoped that you would at least let me explain." The kind old man on the other end was in danger of having a pissed off young women explode on him.

"Listen I already read through the crap you sent me. I listened to several phone lectures already and I'm telling you straight up I'm not interested in being anyones science project." I pulled the phone away from my ear to hang it up when the man called my name.

"What?" I asked a little too harshly.

"Sergeant Marshel I know your record is superb and I am interested in your abilities but I believe you might be able fit in here better than you think." I thought about it for a minute and sighed.

"Fine I'll check it out tomorrow. That's not a 'yes' on staying though. Now let me sleep" There was a soft chuckle on the other end and then the line went dead as I pulled the cord from the wall.

"Well this means I'm avoiding rent." I whispered to myself with a smile as I pulled myself off the floor. I looked down and realized that I hadn't even changed after dinner last night. I had simply fallen asleep on the floor watching TV. "How pathetic." I turned off the TV and headed to take a shower. "I really hope this place doesn't end up being some kind of psychiatric ward" I thought as I threw my few belongings into my only duffle bag.

"What the hell is this?" I asked aloud as I stared up at the sign that read "Waste Management." I checked the address I had been given for a third time before checking the sign again. With a heavy sigh, revealing my annoyance, I made my way to the intercom.

"Hey, is there a professor Broom around?" I asked before anyone could ask me what I wanted.

"Sergeant Rai Marshel." A voice stated rather than asked. "Yeah." I replied.

"Hold still." The intercom ordered. Before I could asked a small eye scanner appeared out of the crappy looking intercom.

"Ow!" I rubbed my blinded eye as the scanner disappeared back into the intercom.

"Get back here you little son of a…" The intercom interrupted me. "You can go in." I growled inwardly and headed through the gates with my bag slung over my shoulder.

When I entered what seemed to be the main lobby I felt like giving the officer behind the main desk a piece of my mind for the little eye scanner but he interrupted me again.

"Rai Marshel, you're late." I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Only by like fifteen minutes. Get over it." I replied with a smirk.

He narrowed his eyes at me and ordered me to stand still. The floor beneath me shuttered and I glanced down to see that it was an elevator platform beneath my feet. I gave the front desk man a cheesy smile and wave before he was lost from my view. He only glared.

The elevator lowered several levels and finally stopped when it reached a floor that included two large golden doors in front of the lift. "Subtle." I thought as I stepped off the lift and walked towards the doors. I leaned against the door, pushing it open and peeked inside.

The room looked warm and inviting. It was sort of a library and an office combined. I stared at the tall shelves filled with books of different size and color. There were couches set up that looked inviting next to a large fireplace that was lit. There was also a desk in the back corner near a spiral staircase leading to another level of the room. Finally my eyes landed on a large tank that took up the entire wall on one side. "Weird" I thought as I headed towards it with an itching curiosity.

I placed a hand on the glass of the tank and tried to see if there was anything in it. I squinted when I thought I saw something and widened my eyes in surprise when I identified a face through the glass. It looked like a fish but at the same time it looked like a man. He seemed to be taller than me and looked really skinny. His skin was amazingly blue with some darker blue stripes all over his body that made him definitely look like a fish.

"You must be Rai." A voice said right behind me. I jumped and screamed in surprise. I whipped around and found myself standing face to face with the blue fish man. I turned back quickly to the glass and saw the man's reflection. "Idiot" I thought as I looked back to the man and tried not to panic.

"I didn't mean to scare you. You were obviously concentrating quite hard on the water." I nodded slowly and took in his appearance.

"Wow." I whispered and then felt my face heat up, hoping I hadn't offended him. "That's not usually the reaction I receive." He blinked at me a few times and I couldn't help but gulp.

"Yeah well I hope this doesn't sound rude or anything but I think I've seen worse." I replied trying to sound normal.

"Ah yes, you are the military expert. You must have seen plenty of gruesome things in your time." He said. "How do you know that?" I asked more surprised than guilty over the fact that he just interpreted my comment as calling him gruesome.

"Abe can read minds." A new voice stated. The blue man and I turned to see a man dressed in a black suit standing by the golden doors that I had left open.

"You must be Sergeant Rai Marshel. I'm Agent Clay." The man approached me and extended his hand for me to shake.

"Hi. Uh what do you mean by 'he can read minds? " I asked shooting the blue man a skeptical look. The man in black released my hand and nodded towards the blue man.

"Rai Marshel, 24 years old, born in San Diego, California. You were an orphan for most of your life and joined the military at an early age, illegally of course. You advanced in ranks, you are an excellent marksmen and you have an impressive ability. Can I see it?" The fish asked. I watched him for a few minutes not sure of what to say but was snapped out of my daze when Clay cleared his throat.

"Oh. Yeah…sure." I raised my hand to about eye level and let the energy flow. The electrical charge became visible and it looked as if I were controlling lightning in the palm of my hand.

"Do you have control?" The blue man asked studying my hand. I nodded and let the electricity flow for a few more minutes before I lowered my hand. "I haven't lost control since I was little. I have even used the ability to restart the heart of a soldier on the field. It comes in handy." I smiled with pride as I thought about the men whose lives I saved on the battle field with my talent.

"That is impressive but you quit because of it. May I ask why?" My smile faltered.

"Stuff happened. I don't really want to talk about it." The blue man nodded.

There was a slightly uncomfortable and awkward moment of silence. The blue man cleared his throat and stretched a hand forth for me to take. "I'm afraid I haven't properly introduced myself. My Name is Agent Abraham Sapien." I placed my hand in his and was shocked by the cold tissue.

"You can just call me Rai. I don't really like people using my last name. If you have to be formal about it then you can call me Lightning. That's the name I'm more use to." Abraham nodded.

"Alright now that you know who we are, maybe we should get you settled in." Clay interjected. I turned to him, releasing Abraham's hand. "Slow down there. I'm not sure if I'm staying yet." I said. The two men looked at me.

"I don't even know why I'm here. Maybe one of you wants to give me a clue." I gave each of them a questioning look as they exchanged a look of their own.

"This is the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, the B.P.R.D." Agent Sapien replied.

"And why am I here?" I asked. "That's up to you. Why are you here?" He asked. I sighed and shook my head. "I don't really know. The man on the phone mentioned my 'abilities' and I just thought he would know something that I didn't. I don't really have anything to lose by being here." I replied. Abraham and Clay nodded.

"We hunt monsters and we protect people from things that are too terrifying for them to know about. As the Professor always says, 'there are things that go bump in the night and we are the ones that bump back.'" Clay said. I thought about it for a moment.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked. Abraham turned and made his way over to the book shelves while I watched him.

"You are like us. The Professor simply advised that we give you a home and in exchange maybe you could help us. No need for all of that talent to go to waste." He replied, turning back to me for a moment with a book in his hands.

"I guess I don't really have anywhere better to go." I muttered. He nodded and picked another book from the shelf. "You said 'us' does that mean there are more people like you?" Abraham nodded without looking back at me.

"Yes but you would have to be careful if you were to meet him." He said.

"He's not in the best mood right now." Clay added, also watching Abraham as he calmly looked through a third book.

I took a second to take in the information. To say I wasn't overwhelmed would be a lie, but saying I wasn't excited would also be a lie. It would feel good to get back into the action. I couldn't help but feel some more excitement because of the chance I was going to get to use my powers. After taking a few deep breaths and spinning in a complete circle to let go of some tension I stood ready to face the two agents.

"Ok… I'll think about staying. How's the pay?" I asked trying to sound nonchalant. "It depends on what you are looking for. I'm sure we can fund you enough to keep up with your obsession of ice cream." Abraham stated, picking up on the idea from my head.

"That sounds promising. How much do you get?" I asked trying to get my mind off of ice cream. "Rotten eggs." Abraham replied. I made a face of disgust (he couldn't be serious) and would have said something to continue the conversation but Clay interrupted.

"Agent Lightning we should probably get going." Clay said.

"What about the professor? I was supposed to meet him here." I said looking around the room, suddenly remembering my real purpose for being there.

"The professor is out right now so I'll give you the tour and you can talk to him when he gets back." Clay said waving goodbye to Abraham. I waved goodbye too and ran after Clay as he left the room.

"Alright then, your room is the third door down that hall." Clay said pointing down a hallway to our left. I nodded and asked Clay to wait for a minute while I dropped off my things. It only took a second and when I returned to Clay's side he noticed my disapproving face.

"What?" He asked. "The room is hideous." I replied with a grimace. Clay shook his head with a smile and continued down the hall.

"The kitchen is that way at the end of the hall. Gym is down there and to the right. Locker room is to the left. There's a shooting range up ahead, second right." I watched Clay point this way and that as we walked through the halls. Clay pointed out the conference room, the files room, and several important places while I walked beside him quietly.

I was about to ask him a question when an alarm went off. Red lights flashed and there was a large amount of commotion coming from down the hall.

"Come on." Clay ordered as I followed him through the halls. We raced through the commotion and I had no idea what was going on. It felt strange that no matter how many times I asked Clay what was going on he wasn't able to answer me. We finally came to a stop when we reached a garage area where several black cars and a garbage truck were parked.

"Alright kid this is how it works. When that alarm goes off you get here quick. That alarm means we have a monster out there that we need to take care of." He explained. I nodded.

"What's with the garbage truck?" I asked, slightly out of breath from the sprint here. "It's transportation for Abe and uh…him." Clay finished lamely. "Who's 'him?" I asked wondering what Clay was avoiding. He turned to me suddenly, also out of breath.

"Listen ok, he doesn't like people. That's just him, so don't feel offended if he doesn't take to you right away. Also he can be pretty intimidating." Clay tried to explain. I watched him and nodded slowly.

"Well let's see if this is something you're cut out for, kid." Clay said giving me a pat on the back before running off to help with things.

"Agent Lightning." I looked up when I heard my name and spotted Abraham coming my way. "Abraham what's the deal?" I asked looking around as everyone scrambled to find their equipment.

"You can call me Abe, Agent Lightning. So far I'm not sure what the alarm is for. I do know that the professor is already there and that it would be wise for you to go ahead of us." I gave Abe a puzzled look but after a few nudges he ended up getting me a ride that would be ahead of the truck.

Whoever this other agent was, Clay and Abe sure had been going through a lot of trouble to get me to avoid him. It just made me more nervous. I sat in the front seat of one of the black cars with an Agent named Alexander. We set out early, before I could even get a glimpse of the fearsome agent. Alexander wouldn't even tell me what he looked like.

I sat in the car with a slight pout as we made our way through traffic. Abe was giving me an opportunity. If I could prove my worth maybe this guy wouldn't be so hard on me. I would never show it but I actually felt like I wanted to be accepted here.

If things went well I could have somewhere to stay. If not I was just going to have to keep wandering. The pressure was intense. One of the reasons I quite the military was because I was tired of losing men out there that I knew. I always felt so guilty and the possibility that they could die and it would be my fault was something that haunted my mind at night.

"We're here." Agent Alex announced as we pulled into the private parking lot of a university. Alex directed me and six other agents inside where we found a large amount of police tape. I stood still and watched as men filed through and checked the scene.

I jumped a little when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced behind me and found a man that appeared to be in his late eighties. He had white hair and wore a black suit like everyone else. He had kind eyes behind a pair of wire rimmed glasses and had a soft smile that was lined by his white beard and mustache.

"You must be our newest agent." He said in a voice that made me feel less tense about this whole situation. Before I could object he went on.

"You must be otherwise you wouldn't be here." I smiled at him and shook his hand. I noticed that he had a walking stick and that he leaned most of his weight on it as he held my hand.

"Sir, thank you so much for your offer to stay. I'm sorry for the attitude I gave you over the phone. I had no idea that this…" I trailed off as he smiled wider.

"You will do just fine here, my dear." I couldn't help but smile back as well.

A group of Agents broke out in an argument and ruined the moment completely. I glared at them while the professor calmed them down. "That thing is still in there and I don't think we have time to wait for the team." One agent said. Several agents nodded and agreed. The professor silenced them and gave them all a quizzical look.

"I see no reason to panic. We have an agent right here." Professor Broom said motioning to me. I could practically feel my jaw drop. "But professor…" I tried to protest but one quick look from him and I had to shut up. He looked so confident and an irrational sense of longing for his approval began to develop inside of me.

"Oh shit! I can't do this by myself. I don't even know what is in there." The agents watched me and I put on a brave face for their benefit. The professor led me away from the agents and I felt my mental control slipping.

"It is alright Rai. There is only one monster and I am sure that you are completely capable of handling it." I tried to take his words in and encourage myself to buck up but I just felt terrified.

The professor smiled at me, stating that he had the utmost confidence in me. I was led to the university library where I was given two pistols. I felt a little better once they were in my hands. I was also equipped with a cool belt that had a tracker of some sort and a communicator. I tested it all out and then turned to the professor briefly.

"Professor is there any way I can back out of this? Don't you have another agent?" I asked. He nodded but I'm not sure it was an answer to either of my questions. "I believe the best way to learn is through experience." And with that one of the agents opened the door to the library and beckoned me inside.

I glanced back once more hoping someone would stop me and announce "just kidding" but those words never came and the doors were closed behind me immediately.

"Ok Rai, get a hold of yourself, you can do this. It's just target practice. Just think of it as target practice." My muttering didn't do much to ease my fear. "Why did I have to get myself into this? I could be at that crappy apartment right now with a five dollar pizza and some ice cream." I silently whined, thinking about how good that sounded.

"Uh hey, any one in here?" I asked aloud. "Damn that sounded so stupid. What are you some kid? You're a freaking military veteran. Pull yourself together." I slapped myself a few times to maintain control and then gripped my pistols.

"I'm waiting." I shouted, sounding much braver than before. There was a loud bang to my left and I turned to the source of the noise quickly. I was greeted with the gorgeous, gory body of a university security guard. "Damn." I breathed before spinning on my heels at the sound of another bang.

"Where are you?" I called. There was obviously no reply but it still pissed me off that I couldn't find this thing. There was a small whooshing sound behind my head and ended up spinning on my heels again. I froze when I spotted a shadow where a shadow shouldn't be.

A large head appeared from the shadows and I spotted a large yellow eye in the center of what would be the forehead. "Gotcha you son of bit…"

DUN DUN DUN! Alright first part kind of dry. I plan on uploading the second chapter right away so that whoever is kind of interested can see what this is made of. This is a little stronger than my other stories online but its Hellboy so that's why. I hope I can gets some reviews, that would be super awesome and until next time peace out! =J

(if there are spelling issues understand that my life is dependent on spell check and if it misses something I'm truely sorry ok I'm not perfect especially when it comes to spelling.)