Disclaimer – I don't own any of the characters.

This chapter has been completely re-edited. Enjoy!

I paced back and forth in her room, staring down at the small white pregnancy test in my hand. Glancing nervously at the clock, I watched as the second hand slowly made its way around the clock face. My hand was shaking violently, and as the second hand passed the number 6 I looked down. A bright pink mark was sitting boldly in the centre of the small plastic window. I sighed and threw the test onto the floor, slumping down next to it. Then the reality of the situation sunk in, and the feeling of despair washed over me, like a tsunami. I dropped my head into my knees, and rocked back and forth slowly, crying into my knees.

How could this have happened? I'd always been an A* student. Even from before I'd started at Hogwarts. I was on target to complete all of my owls next year, with the highest possible grades. One night, one drunken stupid mistake! One firewhisky, too many. They all said I needed to have more fun. Live a little. Party more often, let my hair down every once in a while. But look where it got me. Pregnant at 15, by a guy I'm not even seriously dating.

'Hermione, time for dinner!' My mother called, her voice carrying up the stairs. All the emotion evident in her voice. She loved me, and was proud of me. But what will she say when she finds out? Will she hate me, will she be disappointed? How can I tell her? Should I tell her? All the questions began to circle in my mind, until my thoughts eventually became a large blur.

I didn't move. I'd completely forgotten my mother had called me. I was busy thinking about how I'd tell...him. What about my dad? How was the baby's father going to react? What about my friends? What about my professors? Should I keep it? Will I be allowed back to school if I'm pregnant? What about my owls?

My head was spinning, as my mother called again. This time more loudly, the impatience clear in her voice. 'Hermione, food's ready!'

Again I didn't hear her. A few seconds later, I heard footsteps on the stairs. It barely registered. Suddenly a loud knock on my door, scared me enough to be pulled out of my thoughts.

I lifted my head up, staring at the door through my red eyes. The door was then flung open, and my mother, Jean, stood in the doorway. She was still wearing her work clothes. Black trousers, ironed to perfection, and a crisp clean white blouse. Her long dark hair was piled onto the top of her head, and she looked rather annoyed at my tardiness for dinner.

But, when she saw me, curled up in a ball, tears still running down my cheeks, she gasper loudly.

'Hermione, what's wrong?' Mum asked, her voice hinting at panic. 'Are you hurt?' I didn't even look up.

Mum then looked down at the floor, where the pregnancy test lay abandoned. Her eyes widened greatly and she mumbled. 'Oh my god.'

Suddenly her expression softened greatly, and she knelt down next to me. Her small skinny arms wrapped around my shaking shoulders. I buried my face in her shirt, and a fresh wave of tears was unleashed.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. Then, my mother asked gently.

'Who's the father, Hermione?'

'Fred Weasley' I sobbed, thinking back to that dreadful night, of which I could barely remember anything.

'Does he know?' Mum questioned.

'No. Not yet.' I whispered, shaking my head.

'So you're going to tell him, then?'

'Maybe, I'm not sure. I mean, I know we're going out, but that doesn't automatically mean that he has got be there for the baby. Does it? Should I even tell him? He could just laugh in my face, and dump me. I don't want to abort my baby. I think it's a horrible thing to do. But, if Fred doesn't want the baby, I can't raise it alone. Adoption is always an option...' I trailed off.

'Hermione, you have to tell him, he has the right to know he is the father after all. He sounds like a good guy from what you've told me, and his parents are lovely. I'm sure he will want to be there for the baby, no matter what.' My mother said softly. 'But just in case, don't rule out an abortion.'

'Mum!' I shouted. 'How could you say that? I would never do that! How could you kill another human being? An unborn child, my unborn child! My flesh and blood! A poor defenceless baby, my poor defenceless baby! It's murder, it's...man slaughter!' I practically shouted. Pointing to my flat stomach, I continued. 'This baby could be anything. A doctor, a lawyer, a professional quidditch player, a professor, a witch, a wizard or even a squib! It deserves a chance in life, to become something, to prove it's worth something.' My voice lowered. 'There are many options, but an abortion isn't one of them.'

'But, what about school? You're studies and Fred's studies? You're OWL's and NEWT's?' My mum asked, clearly not taking on board anything I'd just said.

'We'd find a way. I'm not even sure we'd keep it anyway. There are plenty of people who'd be overjoyed to adopt a child.' I replied, calmly. 'But, if Fred and I decide we want to go through with it, then we'll make it work. We'll find a way.'

'But...' Mum began. But I cut her off.

'I'd like you to leave my room, please. Now, mum.' My expressionless voice spoke.

'I'm just saying dear, it could be an option. You don't want to throw your life away, so soon. Especially, with a boy like Fred Weasley. I think you should probably get some sleep now.' Mum said, rising from her position on the floor.

'One more thing mum.'

'Yes, Hermione?' She asked.

'Why aren't you shocked by my pregnancy?'

'I figured, that you've been so good all of your life, eventually you'd go off the rails in some way.' She explained. 'Obviously it was sooner rather than later.'

Then, she left. The door slamming shut behind her.