This is the last chapter guys, sorry about that, I honestly didn't expect this to be as popular as it is *smiles* but, I am going to be having a lot more Cloud, Zack, Reno fanfictions coming up, mainly one shots, but still a lot of them ^_^. This chapter was actually inspired but a review I got for this story, they said something about Zack needing to be taught a lesson and it just clicked in my head whilst I was writing this, that that was exactly what I was going to write for you guys haha.

And a few of you e-mailed me about how the chapters always start with a thought from Reno, yes they do, and that's because the story is mainly revolving around our sexy idiot, I also enjoy writing the mind of Reno so that's why his thoughts are always there x3

Reviews mean the world to a writer!

Rated M for a reason little children!

** I do not own Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Axel, Cloud Strife, Reno Sinclair, Roxas or Zack Fair

I can't believe I'm about to ask my own brother this, he's going to laugh at me, the tall spiky haired idiot…not that I can talk but whatever. Reno chewed on his bottom lip as he stretched his legs out so that his heels rested on the coffee table in front of him, his hands linking over his stomach as he sat in his casual clothes, for once having a day off from his duties.

"Yo, Axel?" Reno started as he pulled at his slightly fitting light blue shirt, his eyes meeting those bright green ones of his twin.

"What is it?" Axel replied as he slurped a mouthful of noodles down his throat, fingering the yellow water surrounding his food with chopsticks as he clambered onto the sofa beside Reno, his backside resting on the arm of the sofa as his feet rubbed together.

"Um," Reno sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples with his fingers, cringing as the slurping noises Axel was making as he ate, "how do you dominate someone who is uncontrollably dominant in the bedroom?" he spat out quickly, rolling his eyes as he heard a quiet chuckle erupt from Axel.

The other red plopped his chopsticks into the small white pot and slipped off of the arm of the sofa, onto the proper cushions of the furniture, "I guessing we're talking about Zack," Axel guessed and Reno grinned, "I'll take that as a yes," Axel continued as he faced his brother, "trap him, make him think he's going to dominate and then trap him," Axel suggested and he looked to his bedroom door as if he was remembering something and Reno rolled his eyes, knowing that his advice had obviously been known to work from Axel's personal experience with Roxas.

Trap him…right so I now need to get a butterfly net or something? Haha, butterfly net catching First Class SOLDIER Zack Fair, that's a funny image.

"So things are getting serious between you guys?" Axel asked and Reno snapped out of his perverted thoughts of Zack tied up in netting.

"I guess you could say that," Reno smirked and ran his tongue over his lips as he watched Axel raise an eyebrow at him.

"So are you some sort of threesome with them?" Axel urged and his eyes sparkled with interest as he shuffled on the sofa so he was sitting right next to Reno.

"Ooooh yeah," Reno grinned as he began to think back to the events that had happened a few days ago that had involved a lot of chocolate and candles, Zack, Cloud and the local park.

"You slut," Axel laughed loudly and slapped Reno's back hard before standing up and walking into the kitchen to throw away the noodle pot he had finished eating out of.

"Only way to live bro," Reno replied confidently and stretched slightly, breathing with relief after his back clicked a few times and resting his head lazily on the back of the sofa, closing his eyes for a few moments to rest them, they had been killing him since he had been flying nearly every single day for ShinRa.

"Yo, Reno!" said red turned in his sleep, waving weakly to whoever it was that was interrupting his sleep, wincing as he was slapped across the face lightly, "wake up!" Reno's eyes snapped open in slight shock from the loudness of (who he now recognised to be) his twins voice.

"Nyah," he moaned as he rubbed his eyes harshly, trying to wake himself up, "what the hell is the deal with the rude awakening bro?" he yawned and dodged another slap as Axel's hand nearly connected with his face.

"You're late," Axel said seriously and his hand thrust towards the clock, pointing at the time and Reno chuckled lightly, though his laughter sounded somewhat irritated at the same time, "why are you laughing?" Axel frowned and Reno ran his hands throw his sleep ridden hair.

"I'm not even on duty today man," Reno explained and blinked his eyes a few times, finally being able to keep his eyes open for more than two seconds.

"Oh," was all Axel could reply with as his cheeks flushed red a bit, he cleared his throat in embarrassment and quickly ran into his room.

Thank you so much for waking me up, dearest brother of mine. Reno grumbled darkly in his thoughts as he made his way into towards the bathroom, grabbing a random green shirt (that was actually Axel's) and a pair of blue faded jeans on the way.

The irritated red head moaned a little as the hot water began to run down his body, easing his aching muscles and ridding his body from the previous day, his hands running over his now warm flesh, running his fingers through his dirty red hair as he massaged shampoo into it.

Jeeze, I wish they were here… Reno sighed heavily as he reluctantly made the relaxing hot water stop running and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a white towel and wrapping it around his thin waist, he looked into the small mirror and whined as he saw his natural flat red hair, I look like a goon, fucking hell!, he began to get changed.

"I'm telling you, Roxas, he's still the same and everything, but something is different about him," Axel whispered down the phone as he spoke to his blonde boyfriend.

"How do you mean?" Roxas's innocent voice sounded from the other end.

"I don't know, it's like seeing me back in high school when we started dating," Axel smiled fondly at the memory of being completely love drunk and smirked as he heard Roxas whimper shyly.

"So you think he's in love then?" Roxas asked and Axel could practically hear the smile on his face at knowing his boyfriend had been insane for him back in high school.

"Yeah, but this is Reno we're talking about, he would fuck anything, pussy or dick," Axel stated and Roxas snorted down the phone at his unsubtle attempt at explaining Reno's feelings.

"Axel, just leave him alone, so he can figure this out on his own…and come over, I'm bored," Axel's eyes went wide as he heard the seductive tone in Roxas's voice and he swallowed hard as he felt himself getting aroused.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" he said quickly, putting the phone down quickly and darting out of the room, bumping into Reno on the way.

"Yo, watch where you're going!" Reno chuckled and Axel waved at him in some sort of apology, snatching his keys from the side table and leaving the apartment.

Someone's going to get laid Reno rolled his eyes, wish I was, he stared at his trousers, he had been immensely sexually frustrated, though it had only been a few days since he last had sex, he was still so frustrated.

He grunted as he heard his unusual ring tone sang around the room, he answered in a bored fashion and put the phone to his ear, "Yo," he greeted and a smile appeared on his lips as he recognised the small laughter.

"Tired much?" Cloud chuckled and Reno laughed as well.

"Not much, what's up?" said red yawned and stretched himself across the sofa, one of his arms slung over the back of the sofa behind his head.

"Can I come over…actually, no don't worry, I don't want to be a bother," the shy response made Reno moan, how could Cloud not realise the effect his innocence had on him?

"Cloud," Reno laughed, stopping the blondes rambling, "come over you idiot," he heard Cloud sigh with a little relief.

"Okay, I'll be over soon!" Cloud replied happily and the phone line went dead.

Reno couldn't believe the thrill he felt when he heard the door sound with the noise of knocking, he took long strides towards the door and his hand pulled the door handle down, smiling at the blonde before him…who looked so fucking hot in his tight black shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Reno," Cloud beamed as he fell forwards, his arms linking around the taller mans neck, his face buried in the crook of his neck as Reno spun them around so he could get the door closed before he could rest his own arms around the teenagers waist, "you smell nice," Cloud giggled as he breathed in the scent of lemon that was wafting from the red heads hair.

Reno raised his eyebrow in amusement at the simple, sweet comment his boyfriend made and pulled Cloud's chin up gently with his finger, licking his lips before he kissed the lips he had missed for several days, boy was Reno glad he knew that both Cloud and Zack had the same day off as him.

Cloud smiled weakly as his fingers curled around the green fabric of Reno's shirt, unwillingly purring into the kiss and Reno quickly pulled away with a surprised face.

"You purr?" Reno snickered as Cloud's face went bright red.

"Is-is that bad?" Cloud said uncertain of what Reno was getting at and his eyes widened as Reno's hand slipped under the back of his shirt, his fingers tracing around the small of his back, the tips of the red's fingers underneath the brim of his jeans.

"It's…" Reno moved his lips to Cloud's ear, "hot," he growled and Cloud yelled as Reno suddenly lifted him over his shoulder, carrying him into his bedroom, his phone against his ear again, his foot kicking the door shut.

"Sergeant Fair speaking," Reno rolled his eyes at the authority that Zack spoke with.

"Get your butt over to my place, now," Reno ordered and licked his lips as he gently put Cloud onto his bed, admiring how beautiful the blonde looked laying down.

"Talk about needy," Zack joked, but his laughter came to an abrupt halt as he heard a low moan rise from his best friends mouth, "a-are you guys…" he was cut off from another moan as Reno stroked Cloud through his tight jeans.

"Yes we are, so hurry before I complete this action without you," Reno urged with a slight whine in his voice and smirked as the phone line went dead, he threw the phone across the room before returning to his desire.

Soon Cloud, we will be trapping Zack Reno climbed up Cloud's body, supporting his weight above him so he didn't crush his small frame.

"No," Cloud whined but his eyes betrayed him, the Turk could see the lust and want in his bright blue eyes, his cheeks were flushed and his mouth was parted as he tired to control his breathing, "R-Reno!" Cloud gasped as said red dove for his neck, biting down hard as his tongue worked around the trapped flesh between his teeth.

"Aren't complaining now, are we?" Reno teased, the tip of his tongue dancing upwards on Cloud's neck, his hands sliding underneath the boys back and slipping down so he could cup around Cloud's backside, grinning as the shy male let out a small moan, his arms wrapping around Reno's neck, pulling him down and connecting their lips together, his tongue snaking its way into Cloud's mouth, running it over the roof of his mouth, his hands linking with the blondes passionately as they kissed, their hips rolling against one another's.

Cloud moaned shyly and hesitantly pulled away from Reno, gasping for air and his chest rapidly moved up and down as he panted, smiling up at his lover, "what?" he whispered as he saw a sly look appear in Reno's eyes.

"Me and you," Reno began as he sat up on Cloud's stomach, his hands running under the front of the teenagers shirt, "are going to dominate Zack," Reno couldn't help but laugh at the facial expression that blessed the blondes beautiful face.

"Wh-what!" Cloud gasped, his eyes were as wide as saucers as he continued to stare at Reno in disbelief, "I can't be dominant, especially with Zack!" Cloud whined and covered his face with his hands.

"Well tough man, I wanna see that guy squirm under us," Reno winked at him and stuck his tongue out, causing a giggle to erupt from Cloud.

"I doubt that he would squirm, he's more of a 'give it to me now' kind of guy," Cloud said with his finger pressed to his lips as he thought about the raven and as if he heard them talking about him, he was knocking on Reno's front door loudly trying to get their attention.

"Just try it," Reno whispered as they got up from the bed, walking towards the door.

"Fine, but if I suck at it, it's your fault," Cloud muttered, replacing his frown with a smile as Reno opened the door to reveal a rather alert looking Zack, who was dressed in a simple grey shirt and blue faded jeans, though they were baggy, they still somehow managed to show off how amazing his muscular body was.

"Bedroom," Zack muttered as he practically ran into Reno's room, leaving the other two laughing at his reaction, clearly Cloud's moans had made him hornier than they had anticipated.

Arriving back in Reno's bedroom, they were confronted with a shirtless Zack, who's eyes looked as sexually frustrated as they could get, his arm shot out and he grasped Cloud's arm, pulling him roughly towards his body and kissing him hungrily, soon pulling Reno to his side as well and pulled away from Cloud so that he could kiss Reno.

Nu uh, no way are you getting away with this Reno pulled away from Zack quickly and Zack frowned at him, raising his eyebrows as Reno pulled his own shirt off, throwing it into the corner of his room, where it landed on top of his purple lamp.

Cloud, who was pressed right up against Zack's bare chest, watched Reno carefully, shakily following in the red's shadow and pushing away from Zack, nervously removing his shirt from his body, allowing it to fall wherever.

"Okay?" Zack whispered to himself, jumping a little as Reno's body and hands flew towards his jeans, unbuckling his belt and zipping them undone, discarding them in the same direction that Reno's shirt had gone, leaving him only in his baggy red boxers.

Reno looked to Cloud and tried to send him signals to distract Zack for a while and Cloud nodded a little, walking back over to Zack and kissing him passionately, lacing his tongue shyly with the raven who moaned a little at Cloud's forwardness, only slightly aware of the red head below, who's hands were stroking the well toned skin above the brim of his boxers, his lips following his finger tips as they went, he then hooked his fingers under the brim of Zack's boxers and pulled them down the mans legs slowly, tossing them behind him, his eyes widening as he saw the erection before him.

"Unleash the beast!" Reno chuckled as he eyed Zack's manhood, I didn't really think this through, this guy is fucking huge! He took in a deep breath as he enveloped Zack's head, causing a loud moan to erupt from the man who was still wrapped up in his embrace with Cloud. Reno moved his mouth further onto Zack, making sure that he wouldn't gag and stopped as soon as he nearly had Zack completely in his mouth, feeling him hit the back of his throat he began to bob his head quickly, sucking harshly as his tongue slavered over the length, his hands on Zack's hips, his nails digging in as he felt Zack start to move in his mouth, secretly hoping that Zack doesn't start to thrash in his mouth like Cloud did as he was certain Zack's erection would come out the back of his head if he took him all in. How he managed to get pleasure from this being in his backside rather than pain, is anyone's guess.

"Haaah!" Zack groaned as he pulled away from Cloud, his eyes glazed over with lust as he gripped onto Cloud tightly, his eyes slipping closed as Cloud began to suckle on his earlobe, the teens hands wandering around the front of his body, his fingers stroking the part of Zack's erection that Reno's mouth wasn't getting and Zack grunted into Cloud's ear, "Wh-what is up with you two t-today?" Zack stuttered as he tried to regain his senses, failing as he knew they were trying (and succeeding) to seduce him.

"Get on the bed," Cloud ordered firmly, finally picking up enough confidence to speak, pulling away from Zack's ear and removing his hand from Zack's dick, smirking as Reno pulled away from Zack as well, practically forcing Zack to fall back onto the bed.

Zack looked up at them both, frowning as he tried to figure out when it was exactly that the two of them had gotten rid of their trousers and boxers, his eyes suddenly sparkling with realisation, they were dominating him.

"Whoa, hold on a sec-" Reno attached his lips to his, interrupting him mid sentence, pulling away with a trail of saliva still connecting their lips.

"It's our turn," Reno growled and Zack whined as he reached behind Reno's head and pulled his hair out of the black band, something that Reno had found out very soon after sleeping with Zack and Cloud a few times. Zack loved his long hair, it was almost a fetish if you will, for the SOLDIER.

"But-" Cloud covered the raven's mouth with his hand and shook his head furiously, his lips moving to the mans ears.

"Shut up and take it," Cloud purred seductively and both men stared at him in shock at his sudden boldness.

Zack sighed as Cloud began to kiss all around his collarbone, biting down hard, blood appearing on his chest, but he didn't care, he could feel Reno spreading his legs apart, a large, warm skilled hand ghosting over his erection a few times before three fingers were shoved inside of him in a dramatic fashion, causing a loud yell to fall from his lips.

"FUCK!" Zack wailed and Reno smirked, this SOLDIER was clearly an 'ass virgin' always giving and never receiving as he had once said to Axel and Roxas when they were discussing sex.

"I only have my fingers in you," Reno groaned as he started to scissor his fingers inside of him, "and I can already tell how tight you're going to be," Reno added and Cloud giggled against Zack's skin, his hand reaching down and rubbing his thumb over the top of Zack's dick, helping Reno create ultimate preparation before they acted.

"Cloud," Zack hissed and closed his eyes, feeling embarrassed for the first time in front of the two men he adored so much.

"Like it?" Cloud sniggered and jerked harshly on his dick, Zack bit his lip as he raised his hip as little, Reno removing his fingers in the process causing Zack to pout largely as he opened his eyes to watch what would be done next, moaning at the site of Reno sitting between his legs alone.

"Cloud, behind me," Reno said and the blonde froze, his face loosing it's colour a little.

"Y-you mean I start the whole…thing?" Cloud stammered and gulped as Reno nodded.

"Come on," Reno chuckled and pulled Cloud towards him, kissing him sweetly, his hand rubbing Cloud's penis slowly.

Zack threw his head back into Reno's pillow, not believing how turned on he had just gotten by just watching them make out.

Cloud moaned and left Reno's lips, "I'll do it," he whispered as he crawled behind Reno, his hand shakily grasping his own member and guiding it slowly into Reno, who was moaning before he even inserted him. Cloud closed his eyes in pleasure as he felt Reno stretch around him, his heart raced in his chest as he finally sat completely inside Reno, feeling the urge to move he whined loudly, wanting Reno to hurry up and enter Zack.

Impatient Reno chuckled lightly before he slowly entered Zack, a throaty moan ripping through his lips as he felt just how tight Zack really was and he gripped the bed sheets as he force himself not to move roughly.

Zack knew that he was feeling pain, but he didn't react to it, he just figured it was down to his SOLDIER that had made him nearly immune to most inflictions of pain, his make influenced eyes slipping closed as he felt Reno's warm hands rest on his hips as Cloud's rested on Reno's, the shy blonde taking a rather rough first thrust into Reno who cried out his name instantly as he began to move in and out of Zack at the same time. What was so amazing about their sex, is that they could stick to a rhythm with each other and if one of them went faster, so would the other, in perfect synchronisation.

Reno looked down as he felt Zack hips rolls upwards to meet his, the mans head was buried deeply into the pillow as he arched his back, moaning Reno's name constantly as he felt a new pleasure he had never experienced before.

"Cloud, how the fuck could you not tell us how good you were?" Reno groaned as Cloud moved harsher and faster inside of him, his breath hitching as Cloud somehow managed to find that spot that made him see stars so quickly.

"Didn't want you guys to beg me," Cloud responded seductively as he rammed into Reno even faster, a burning knot building in his stomach as he drank in the moans that Zack was screaming from under Reno.

"R-Reno, move, move faster," Zack growled, Reno didn't need telling twice, and it wasn't as if he could refuse the most erotic face on the planet anyways, his hips slamming against Zack's as all three of them moved as one, crying out their lovers names over and over again as hot wet kisses were placed over backs, chests and stomachs, some placed on lips, though this could only be achieved by Reno and Zack, not that Cloud could care much with his head thrown back wards, moaning like a slut.

Cloud's eyes shot open as he felt Reno shudder, he looked at the man he was currently tormenting with his member and felt a new wave of pleasure run through him as he realised that Reno had actually climaxed before him, for once he wasn't the first one, he could settle for second and he groaned as he felt Reno squeezing around him, knowing the red was doing it on purpose and he bite down on Reno's back as he felt his seed seep into Reno.

Once again, it was Zack who was last to finish, Reno could feel that he was close as he tired to angle himself differently, his eyes flickering to the man beneath him as he suddenly screamed, grabbing Reno roughly by the shoulders and forcing him to move faster, obviously having found the spot that made Zack see stars.

"Ah fuck, Reno," Zack moaned and squeezed the man in his arms a little tighter as he felt himself splash over his own stomach and on Reno's chest, panting as everyone stayed still for a while, the room smelling once again of sweat and sex, passion and love.

Cloud pulled out of Reno and collapsed beside Zack, Reno following and resting on the other side of Zack so that the raven was sandwiched between them, both of them giggling as they saw the sudden glare on Zack's face.

"Screw you guys for being dominant," Zack frowned and crossed his arms across his chest like a child and the other two fell silent, slightly worried they had pushed it too far, soon jumping as Zack slid an arm under them and cuddled them both tightly, "but if you don't do that again soon, I might have to kill you both,"

THE END! ^_^ And I mean it this time haha, there will be more from these guys I promise I love them dearly :D and also 'unleash the beast!' - dedicated to my friend x3