Hello everybody, first of all I'd like to thank you for considering reading this story. I haven't really written to much Harry Potter fiction in my life, and absolutely none on , so I hope that this doesn't turn out too bad, and sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I believe I will enjoy writing it. Moving on, this story is going to start out with Harry having a few flashbacks both during and after graduation from Army MOS Training. How he got there will be explained by the end of the first chapter, and I hope that you can accept that and continue reading it, if not then this is obviously the wrong story for you...who knows, it might be the wrong story for me to write, I don't know. Anyways, enough of my rambling, let's get moving forward, eh?
After Sirius' death, Dumbledore ignoring his pleas not to send him back to the Dursleys, and his two best
friends breaking ties with him, Harry has had enough of the wizarding world and chooses to flee to America. There, using
magic he manages to enlist in the US Army. However things never go as planned for Harry, and it would seem that he's destined
to return to the wizarding world sooner than he had planned...but this time, he has a mission ahead of him. And he will not fail this time,
one way or another.
What's Left of the Flag
Chapter One
There are many moments in my life where I look back at it and ask myself what the hell I was thinking...many of them have occurred fairly recently this summer, of course that may not count as it's pretty much been the same question over and over again going through my head.
"Drill Sergeant, I was instructed to make my way into the class room, Drill Sergeant!"
"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"
"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"
"Two!" What the bloody fucking hell was I thinking?
Three weeks earlier.
"Harry, really, it can't be that bad at your relative's house. You've returned there every year since you started school, and before that you lived in their home for ten years without coming into harm's way, surely you are exaggerating their treatment of you."
Harry only shook his head, "Please, Headmaster, you have to believe me! They hate me there, I can't go back there again, especially since..." Harry swallowed the lump in his throat at his Godfather's name, "since Sirius is gone...I just can't take it any more."
Albus Dumbledore sighed deeply before patting Harry on his shoulder, as if he were a small child, "Harry, I understand that you need time to grieve, which is why you must go back to the Dursley's residence this summer. I promise you that if you still feel the same way next summer that we will figure something out, but until then you have to promise me that you won't do anything that might put yourself in danger."
Harry glared at Dumbledore's condescending tone before shaking his head again, "Fine...believe what you will. I'm leaving now, sir. He said sarcastically, much to the annoyance of the older man behind his desk. Harry quickly excused himself from the Headmaster's office, choosing to make a beeline to Gryffindor tower, rather than chance running into anybody else who might be in the corridors. As he passed through the common room he couldn't help but notice Ron and Hermione talking quietly in the corner of the room. He briefly considered talking to them and asking if they were alright, seeing as how neither of them had spoken to him since the battle in the Department of Mysteries, but decided against it since he wasn't really feeling up to any more 'wonderful' conversations with anybody today. Not only had he lost his God father barely two days ago, which it seemed nobody but himself, Remus, and Tonks acknowledged, but he had also been shot down on staying at the Burrow or Number Twelve. Although he didn't particularly like the idea of staying at the latter, it would most likely be better than going back to the Dursley's for another summer of being beaten to a pulp and used as slave labor for his Aunt.
However before Harry could make it all the way up the stairs he was ambushed by his two best friends, "Harry, we need to talk about the..." Hermione seemed to hesitate, looking around suspiciously for a moment before continuing, "We need to talk about the Department of Mysteries." She said, in a slightly lowered voice.
Harry sighed deeply before nodding, motioning the two to follow him up to his and Ron's dorm, hoping to god that they weren't going to go on the whole it's not your fault line. He knew it was at least partially his fault that Sirius was lured to the battle and wasn't going to just brush it off as if it had never happened like so many others apparently had. "Look, guys. If you're going to try and tell me it's not my fault, then just don't...I don't want to hear it right now." He said, tiredly.
Ron rolled his eyes before glaring at Harry, "It's always about you, isn't it? Oh my scar hurts, guys you have to help me stop You-Know-Who, it's all my fault that Sirius died everybody should feel sorry for me!" He mocked in a high pitch voice, causing both Harry and Hermione to stare at him in shock.
"Ron! Stop it! I can't believe you! You said that you'd let me handle this!" She shouted at the red head, leaving Harry even more shocked.
"What? What the fucking hell are you two talking about? I've never asked either of you to help me with Voldemort!" He ignored Ron's flinch, "In fact this last time I specifically asked you NOT to come with me!" He growled.
"Yeah right, Harry! You know that we've always been the reason that you keep lucking out and we're tired of being your side kicks and always getting hurt doing it!" Ron shot back.
"SHUT UP RON!" Hermione shouted at him, silencing both boys and cutting off Harry's response. Turning to Harry she sighed, "Look, Harry...what Ron's trying to say is that it keeps getting more and more dangerous around you and...well I don't think that we can keep being your friends with all that's been happening over the years. Especially since Vol- agh, you- know-who, is really back." She said, quietly.
The raven haired teenager stared at her for a moment before looking at Ron and then back to her, "So...that's it then? You promised that you would always be by my side, and then when the going gets rough, and nobody likes me anymore because they can't pull their fucking heads out of their asses, you're going to run off to greener pastures? Is that it?" He asked, getting more and more angry at his two 'best friends'.
Hermione shook her head, about to say something when Ron interrupted again, "Yeah, that's exactly what it is, Potter! I'm to much of a coward to be your friend. No! What is happening is that you're turning into an arrogant prick who keeps on leading us into danger each and every year, and we're sick and tired of it! You want to know why everybody hates you? It's because you are a no good, shit-for-brained arrogant-" Before the youngest male Weasley could finish his sentence Harry's fist slammed into his face, breaking his nose, "AGH! MY NOBE! FUGH YOU HARRY! I HAGH YOU!"
Harry glared at his two previous best friends, "Get the hell out of my room...both of you. I don't want to see either of you ever again, you hear me? If you ever talk to me again, EITHER of you, I'll put my foot so far up your ass that you won't be able to walk again. You hear me?" He shouted, pointing a finger towards the door. Before throwing himself into his bed and drawing his curtains.
"Platoon! Attention! Open ranks...march!" Drill Sergeant Siebert shouted.
The entirety of Delta 35th's Engineer Battalion's First Platoon moved as one as they made way for the Drill Sergeants to inspect their ranks. Private First Class Harry Potter was dreading this moment. The first actual inspection since he had gotten to the United States Army's Basic Training in 'wonderful' Ft. Lenardwood, Missouri. Not only was it his first inspection, but as the Platoon Guide he was to be held responsible if any of the other soldiers in the platoon weren't squared away...of course he already knew what was going to happen...it was still red phase, after all. Five minutes went by before any noise was heard within his ranks, as he ignored the Drill Sergeants for the other Platoons shouting at them. Potter had just about thought that their Drill Sergeants would admit that they had done something right for once, despite that it was obvious they were the best platoon in the company...until he heard the dreaded phrase. "HOLY SHIT, GUY!" Fuck...
"What the hell is this shit? Private Potter, get your sorry ass over here!"
"Moving, Drill Sergeant!" Harry was praying that whatever the Drill Sergeants had found wasn't too bad...but it was too much to hope, he was sure. As if confirming his worst fears Potter's eyes found Drill Sergeant Feagan standing in front of none other than Private Martin...one of the two resident fuck-ups in first platoon...and he was missing his cover. "Drill Sergeant, Private Potter reporting!"
"Private Potter, are you not the PG for this platoon?"
"Yes, Drill Sergeant!" Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
"And as such, you are responsible for ensuring that all of your fellow soldiers have their proper equipment, am I right?" Feagan stated calmly, despite the rage broiling just beneath the surface.
"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"
"So why, may I ask," The Drill Sergeant continued, his voice getting louder by the second, "Is Private Martin missing his God damned cover?"
"I don't know, Drill Sergeant! He must have misplaced it, Drill Sergeant!"
"Oh he must have misplaced it? How the fucking hell do you know that if you haven't even asked him?" He shouted.
"I-uh...Private Martin, where is-"
"No, Drill Sergeant!" Damn it all to hell...I still have fourteen more weeks of this shit.
Two and a half weeks earlier
Harry couldn't believe that he had actually went through with it. After realizing that not only was the wizarding world at large hating him right now, but his two former best friends had abandoned him and Dumbledore had sentenced him to another summer of hell on earth at the Dursley's. After sitting by himself the entire train ride home he had thought about what he could possibly do in order to escape from his life...eventually he came up with something, but wasn't sure exactly whether he could pull it off or not. He had decided that he wanted to leave Britain, at least for the summer. He certainly had enough money, at least in wizarding money, and he knew that could be converted to muggle money.
After pondering his situation for a few more hours he decided that upon arrival at Kings Cross he would lose himself in the crowd before calling the Knight Bus to take him to the Leaky Cauldron so he could convert a few thousand galleons to some muggle money, both pounds and American money, where Harry had decided to go. His plan went off without a hitch and the next day he found himself sitting at a bus station in New York City, trying to figure out his next move. He had already bought and consumed an aging potion, making look as if he was eighteen, and had obtained 'legal' documents that said he was in fact eighteen and a legal adult with Citizenship in Britain.
Unfortunately he hadn't thought much beyond actually getting away from Britain and now had nowhere to go and only a couple hundred dollars on him, his money not going nearly as far as he had hoped after converting it to both muggle pounds and American dollars. He was close to giving up and buying another ticket back to London before something else caught his eye...an Army recruiting office. He considered his life for a moment, thinking about how he had been treated in the magical world, what he had been through, and questioned whether or not he actually even wanted to go back there. After thinking about it for a while he decided that even if he did want to go back then he could merely obliviate a few people, destroy his paper work and then it'd be like he never even entered the United States...of course he never stopped to consider how wrong he was.
He had gone into that recruiting office that day and had signed on to join the United States Army, his MOS was to be a 12B, or a Combat Engineer...a job that had been described to him as an infantry unit that carried enough explosives to level an entire building...he had been sold immediately. It didn't take him long to regret his decision.
Sixteen weeks later
"Private First Class Harry James Potter! Front and Center!" Captain Buntin ordered as Delta 35th stood on Gammon Graduation Field. It was October eighth, and Harry's AIT graduation date. Although he was over two months late to Hogwarts, he really couldn't bring himself to care all that much any more, especially after he had been made Honor Grad and selected to continue in a special training program, although he hadn't been informed exactly what that was yet.
"Private Potter reporting, Sir!" Harry said, proudly saluting his company's CO.
Captain Buntin smiled at the enthusiasm the soldier showed, "Private Potter, due to your dedication and perseverance you have been selected to be promoted to Corporal, E-4." Potter smiled brightly as Drill Sergeant Siebert handed him his Corporal patches for his Class A's. "Congratulations, Corporal Potter." The Commander said, saluting Harry and dismissing him as soon as the salute was returned.
After another hour the company was dismissed, most to spend a week of leave with their family before being shipped to their duty stations...Harry, of course, wasn't that privileged. He shrugged it off, deciding that he didn't care to spend any time with his 'family' anyways, as he went to work adjusting his engineer castle on his collar, making sure it was straight. While he was working on fixing it he failed to notice the Colonel that was quickly approaching him until he was almost right in front of him, however the second he saw him he snapped to attention and saluted him, "Good afternoon, Sir!" He nearly shouted, the instincts pounded into him during his training forcing him to be heard above the noise of the crowd.
The Colonel immediately returned the salute with a smile on his face, "At ease, Soldier. My name is Colonel Brune, I'm here to speak with you about continuing your training."
Harry immediately snapped to at ease before nodding his head, "Yes, Sir, I was told that I was selected for continued training, but I wasn't informed as to what it was."
Brune smiled brightly at Potter before nodding to him, "Follow me, Potter, this conversation isn't one that should be spoken in such a public place."
Potter immediately snapped back to attention before quickly following General Brune, "Yes, Sir, may I ask why I specifically was selected for this program?" He asked.
Brune nodded, "Of course, Potter...you were selected for this program simply because you're Corporal Potter...or more specifically you were selected because you are Harry Potter." The general laughed at the shock that briefly showed on the Corporal's face before it was reigned in, "Did you honestly think that we didn't know who you were, Potter? The entire world knows who you are...even if you are more well known in Britain, we've still heard of you. We have also heard of what is happening in Britain right now."
Harry grimaced, he thought he had escaped his fame, but even here people knew who he was. He knew that he would eventually have to deal with Voldemort, but had hoped to wait out his time in the military before he went to hunt him down, unfortunately it was looking more and more like he was going to have even less of a chance to do that now. "I assume that you are talking about the war with Voldemort that's about to start."
Brune sighed and his face lost it's amused smile, "Potter...the war has already started. It's been going on since the middle of last month."
Harry blanched...he knew that the war would start sooner or later, but he had hoped that his little stunt at the Department of Mysteries had delayed Voldemort's plans enough to put it off for at least a couple more months...apparently he was more organized than even he had known, "So what did you want me to do, Sir?" He asked, even though he had a sinking feeling that he already knew the answer.
The officer began walking again, into a building and towards a room with a table and several people standing around it, "Potter, what we are wanting you to do, is to go through a special training school. It's a little more than a year long, and it's hard as hell to get through, you thought Basic training was bad? Basic was nothing, Potter, and this school will completely destroy you before you're done with it…just so we can build you back up…again, thankfully it shouldn't be quite as hard seeing as how you just experienced that process on a smaller scale. What you should also know, and as you have probably guessed by now, is that we will be training you in a variety of tactics, technology, and magic, and it sure as hell isn't what you learned in Hogwarts. Light, dark, good, bad. They're all the same fucking thing, Potter. Just because a spell can kill somebody in a second and can't be blocked doesn't mean that it's automatically evil...it just means that it's useful as hell, not to mention a whole hell lot more humane than a lot of the methods that we use against our normal enemies."
Potter nodded, he had already came to the same conclusion soon after joining the military, but he was still confused as to why the war was important to them, "Sir, I understand that, what I don't understand is why you are concerned about Voldemort. As far as I know he's only looking to take over Britain, and although that's not good, I should know, it doesn't seem to immediately effect the United States. Even if it does concern us, how are we supposed to do anything about the problem if he hasn't directly attacked us?"
The only other officer at the table shook his head, "Potter, I don't think you understand. This 'Lord Voldemort' as he calls himself, isn't just a threat to England, he's a threat to the entire world. Think about it, how much does this resemble World War Two? Voldemort is just another Hitler, and he has his own alliances. Even if it wasn't too similar to WWII for our tastes, we have evidence that Voldemort has already started attacking us or at least some of his soldiers did, and that gives us an excuse to get involved this war of his. We don't want a huge force going in there right now, all that would do is complicate things, and we don't have enough wizards in our forces to do that in the first place. Instead, we want to train you, ONLY you, and make you into a one man army. We know you can do it, it's just the matter of you deciding to take care of it. If you do decide to do this then you will have complete control over the mission, you'll decide your own SOP's and Rules of Engagement. You might even be released from service when it is over, if you decide you want to. But unless you start training now, then you'll never be ready by the time you need to be."
Harry looked down for a moment before turning to Colonel Brune and nodding, "I'll do it, Sir."
One year and two months later
Harry Potter gasped both for breath and in pain as he pulled himself through a flooded cave, Damn it, Potter, hell of a mess you've gotten yourself into this time, isn't it? He thought to himself, doing his best to keep his head above the water as much as possible. Finally he reached the end of the cave and managed to crawl out of the small opening and into the freezing night, where snow lay on the ground. Of all the bloody times to throw yourself into a flooded cave, it had to be in the middle of fucking December, didn't it?
Potter grimaced from the cold but other than that didn't show his discomfort as he moved as quietly and quickly as he could through the forest surrounding him to his objective. He was wearing a light grey cloak with the hood up that cast a shadow charm over his face, he was also wearing a basilisk hide spec-ops suit with several gadgets secured to it. "Hehe. We sure showed those mud bloods a good time, didn't we, Malfoy?" A drunken voice said loudly before laughing to himself, "Yep, we showed 'em, and then we killed the filthy little sluts."
Harry could almost feel the disgust in Malfoy's voice as he rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Pettigrew, you were barely able to kill two of them, never the less show them a good time. You're lucky that the Dark Lord considers you so important, or I'm pretty sure that you would have been dead a long time ago you little fucking rat." Lucius said, annoyed.
"Hey! That's not true and you-" Pettigrew began, but was interrupted as a beam of green light collided with his back and he slumped forward, dead.
"Pettigrew? Shit! SOUND THE ALARM! WE'RE UNDER-" But Lucius was cut off too as he dodged a killing curse aimed at himself coming out of the trees. Drawing his wand he started returning fire into the tree line, but ceased after a minute of no return spell fire, thinking he must have killed whoever was there. However the second he began advancing a ribbon cutting curse sailed out from behind the trees and cut him in half, leaving him screaming on the ground, clutching the bloody mess where his intestines were spilling out of his body. The bone shattering curse that connected with his head seconds later was as much for mercy as it was to shut him up.
Harry held a finger up to his ears as he walked over the gory mess that used to be Lucius Malfoy, "Command, two DE's out for the count, the alarm has been raised, should I continue with the mission? Over."
Potter waited a few seconds before the magic infused hearing-aid sized radio crackled to life, "Affirmative, Thor, you are to achieve the objectives of this mission at all costs. The package must be procured immediately. Over."
"Affirmative Command, Over and Out." Harry stopped pacing the small clearing where both Pettigrew and Malfoy lay dead for a moment as he thought about what he should do since he was sure that the entire camp was on guard by now. Before he could think too much though he heard several people running towards the clearing. "Shit..." He muttered, going through his now even shorter list of options before suddenly fading out of existence just before four Death Eaters rushed into the clearing and saw the carnage that took all of one minute to create.
"Holy shit! What the bloody hell happened here?" One of the Death Eaters, a female, asked torn between admiration and terror.
Another Death Eater turned to answer her but came face to face with her wand, "Avada Kedavra!"
"WHAT THE HELL! It's Narcissa! Kill her!" Another of the terrorists shouted, but he was silenced by a head cleaving curse that seemed to come out of nowhere while the other male Death Eater was also killed by the woman, before she turned her wand on herself and ended her life in a flash of green as well.
Potter shook his head at the bodies on the ground, feeling slightly sick but ignored the feeling for now, he could deal with his guilt later, right now he had a mission to take care of. He turned and ran back into the shadows and came out on the other side of the forest right behind a small shed that he could hear feminine screaming from inside. Observing the camp on either side of him, he saw that there were no guards in immediate sight and decided the fast and messy option was the best in this situation. Stepping back a few feet he raised his hand before casting a blasting curse at the back wall, sending splinters of wood flying inwards and through a Death Eater standing over a twitching woman who's hair was alternating colors with each twitch, "Tonks!" He shouted, sprinting into the shed and throwing a ribbon cutter at the prone Death Eater for good measure, spilling the contents of his skull on the already filthy floor of the building.
Quickly conjuring a thick robe for the young auror to cover her, he magically dressed Tonks and grabbed her off the floor, heaving her onto his shoulders to carry her. As he looked for a way out of the camp he noticed a shimmering area in front of the tree line and immediately sprinted for it, reaching it just as he heard the popping sounds of apparation all over the camp.
"One hour and five minutes, Thor. You passed with flying colors, but had it been a real mission you might not have gotten out of there alive. You barely made it out of there because of the portal, but at least twenty Death Eaters were apparating in just as you were leaving. What would have happened if you didn't have the portal and the camp was warded against portkeys and apparation for those without the dark mark?" Sergeant-First Class Whitney said, more than asked.
Harry merely nodded, "I understand where I went wrong, Sergeant, there were very few Death Eaters in the immediate vicinity and I had more than enough time to look for a more silent entrance to the shack...however I wasn't thinking straight, I didn't know what they might have been doing to Tonks...err, I mean the target, so I went with the first thing that came to my mind."
Whitney thought about it for a moment before nodding her head, "Alright, since you understand what you done wrong, and since the scenario didn't mention portkey wards I'll let you pass. Congrats, Corporal, you've finished your training." She said, with a smile, "I was told to send you to Colonel Brune when you got out of the simulation."
Harry nodded with a smile and tossed the dummy, which had ceased moving or resembling Tonks, on to its table before leaving the room, "Thank you, Sergeant."
Whitney rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Don't thank me, kid, thank your recruiter." She said, sarcastically.
Colonel Brune smiled as he saw Harry enter the room with his hood down, "Corporal Potter! Congratulations are in order. You managed to complete our training course faster than any other Unspeakable before you, and with flying colors to boot! I'm sure Horace will be quite happy to have you over in Britain."
Harry raised an eyebrow, "Britain, Sir? I wasn't aware that we had any forces in Britain currently."
Brune smirked, "Most never do...of course then again, I suppose that most people never figure out that the Unspeakables are a world-wide force headed by UN, possibly due to the fact that, aside from the US and Britain, the program is under differing names in order to make sure that stays true."
Potter shrugged, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised after everything I've learned since joining, Sir."
The Colonel chuckled, "No, I suppose you shouldn't. At any rate this is unfortunately the last time we'll see each other in all probability, so I just wanted to congratulate you on your accomplishments since you arrived here. As of now, you will be known only as Thor to the Unspeakables. While you will still retain the rank of Corporal and still be a part of the U.S. Army, you will not be expected to go to war as most soldiers will, seeing as how you're more or less going to be in a constant state of war for the rest of your career." He said, as if amused by the fact that Potter was getting out of conventional warfare by dedicating himself to fighting wars on his own.
Harry nodded, "Understood, Sir. When do I leave for Britain and what exactly will my mission be?" He asked.
"You leave at Zero-Five-Hundred Hours tomorrow morning, Corporal. Your mission is simple. You will be expected to give all sorts of hell to the Death Eaters and, ultimately, end that nightmare of a war. You know as well as I do that things are getting out of hand there...battles are starting to erupt in the streets, and we want this thing over with as soon as possible. However, your mission is also to infiltrate your old school. We know as well as you do that the Death Eater's children are there, and may be attempting to recruit members for their master. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from inflicting any permanent damage on any Death Eater students, however as I said, it's your mission and you'll have to make the call on whether or not it's necessary. If they attack you, then only use lethal force if you have to...although I doubt that'll be much of a problem given your training. We would like you to do your best to infiltrate the Order of the Phoenix as well. We have reason to suspect that Dumbledore is up to something he shouldn't be. I know that most of the members of that organization believe that they are solely fighting Voldemort, however we don't think that's completely true. Once again, only attack the members of the Order if absolutely necessary, which I sincerely hope it isn't."
Harry nodded, "Understood, Sir. Who am I to report to upon arriving in Britain, Sir?"
"You will be reporting to Lieutenant General Horace Johnson. After that your mission is your own, as we promised upon your joining. The only restrictions you will have are the ones that we have already established. Other than that...go crazy." Brune said, chuckling at the glint he saw in Potter's eyes.
"Yes, Sir." Harry responded as he raised his hood and turned to walk out of the room.
"Oh, and Thor?"
"Yes, Sir?"
"I would recommend a noticeable return to Hogwarts. Just don't advertise where you've been if you want to keep your advantage."
Harry chuckled a little bit before nodding, "Understood sir."
Right, so that's the first chapter. How do you feel about it? Good? Bad? Indifferent? I'll most likely be continuing this story, so long as I get decent reviews. Not reviews that gush how awesome it is, whether it is or not, but good ones, that tell me where I went wrong and suggestions on how to fix it. Now, if you don't like the idea the story is based off of [Harry running off and getting into the U.S. Army] then feel free to tell me. It'll most likely be ignored, but it is after all your freedom to say whatever you feel is important. In fact you could post a review that has nothing to do with my story, and is rambling on about odd topics such as how one planet would impregnate another planet. If you're actually still reading this, then I am surprised and would be very impressed if you really could explain that topic to me, as it was mentioned to me by one of my battle buddies in passing, and now I'm rather curious as to how the idea came about. If it's anything terrible that would haunt me forever, please show me the mercy that is a little white lie, or silence altogether. If not, I may just have an Eldritch Abomination pop out of nowhere in my story and swallow the entire earth whole, thus ending it permanently.
Thank you for your time and, I hope you enjoyed this first installment of What's Left of the Flag.