Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter one: The idiot returns

It was purely romantic. The sun setting on the sandy beaches as we sat there leaning on one another, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect setting. "This is amazing," my lover whispered in my ear as his hand squeezed mine tighter. "Isn't it Misty?" I smile back at my dream boyfriend, so perfect in every way immaginable. His beautiful raven hair, those lustful brown eyes, that ever-so-amazing tan well toned body of his. "Yes," I tell him. He cups my face in his hand and turns me toward him, staring deeply into my eyes he whispers those strong words every girl wants to hear from their dream boy "I love you, Misty Waterflower." My smile grows warmer as I tell him "I love you too, As-"


Cerulean gym leader Misty Waterflower sat up in her bed in an akward postion. She looked as if she woke from the worst dream ever, her eyes were baggy, her normall beautiful orange hair was ruffled and looked like a screwed up broom, and she was glaring daggers at the wall.

"What a horrible nightmare." She spoke remembering that occurred in her mind.

"Ahh it feels good to be home," Soon to be Pokemon world master Ash Ketchum spoke as he arrived in his home town of Pallet. "I know you're glad to be home buddy." He, of course, was speaking to his lifelong companion Pikachu.

"Pika!" the yellow mouse exclaimed happily jumping on his shoulder.

"Well I guess I should hurry," Ash told Pikachu. "Mom said she'd have lunch ready whenever I got back, of course that was two years ago but even so!" The eager teen ran down the hill towards the house he'd left a long time ago.

"Mom!" Ash called opening the door. "I'm home! Where's lunch?"

"Ash? Oh my baby's back!" his mother, Delia Ketchum, said running to hug her son. Ash gave his mother a hug and sniffed the air, he definitley smelled something cooking. "Sorry about lunch dear," Delia said. "I didn't really know when you were gonna show back up, luckily it'll be ready soon. Until then go unpack upstairs, oh it's been so long since I've seen you and must I say you're looking more like a man." Indeed that was true, Ash used to be a pretty short and wimpy looking kid. But all that changed after nearly 6 years of pokemon training, and growing up helped out. But this was the first time Delia had seen her son look like this, he had gone on journeys plenty of times and came back looking not all that different but this one was longer than than the others and it was showing on her boy's face. Ash smiled at his mother, words could not even describe how much he missed her. Yep, even at age 16 he was still a momma's boy. Ash opened his door and sniffed his room, it smelled of dirty socks and underwear, just like he left it.

"Ahh," he sighed as he and Pikachu flopped on his bed. "Feels so good to get in a bed, isn't that right?"

"Pika pi!"

Ash looked out of the corner of his eye and noticed a picture frame on his dresser, he grabbed the frame and stared at it. It was a picture of him and his friends during his first ever journey, he stood in the middle between his two best friends Brock Slate and Misty Waterflower. Misty, he found himself thinking. I haven't seen her in a good two years or so, I wonder how she's been? He thought back to the day she left, though it was a long time ago he remembered it like it just happened. That day he cried as he said farewell to his friends for what seemed like forever, eventually Brock continued travelling with him later but eventually he had to return to Pewter City leaving Ash to travel alone. The last time he saw Misty, though, was when he and Pikachu visited Cerulean on business related things, they ran into her while they were at the park playing with her pokemon.

"She seemed different," Ash said to himself. "I mean yeah she did mature physically a tad bit, but she didn't seem like the same old Mist. She seemed…..sad."

"Pika?" Pikachu asked cocking his head sideways.

"Mabey I should pay her a visit," Ash told Pikachu. "I know you wanna see her again."

"Chu!" Pikachu cheered. Ash chuckled and he pet his pokemon.

"Ash lunch is ready if you want some!"

Immediately the teen bolted downstairs as he found himself scarfing down pretty much all that was on the table.

"No! Torchic!" a young boy cried as his pokemon was blasted back.

"Torchic is unable to continue! Victory goes to gym leader Misty Waterflower!" the ref announced. The young boy sighed in defeat as he returned his pokemon to its rightful pokeball.

"You put up a good fight," Misty told him patting his shoulder. "But you can't go charging into a water pokemon expert's gym with all fire types."

"Yeah I guess you're right," the boy said as he left the gym. "I'll be back soon, and next time I'll defeat you!" Misty nodded and sighed in relief while she plopped down on the couch letting her head fall back.

"I can't do this anymore," she sighed. "That's like the tenth challenger today, stupid kids can't give me a break." She glanced at her TV and noticed a picture frame on top of it, it was an old picture of her and her friend during their traveling days. The picture was of Ash her herself, Ash had his arms around her waist grinning while Misty was laughing and trying to break free. Man those were good times, Misty thought, I wonder what that idiot's up to now? Her smile then slowly turned into a scowl. Probably with his girlfriend May, she thought bitterly, Or Dawn, I don't really care what those bimbos names are.

"Wait a minute," she said to herself. "Why do I care who he dates? I don't. He can go screw whoever he wants, that jerk can't even call or write his supposedly best friend so why should I care what he's up to?"

She slammed the picture back on the TV as one of her older sisters, Violet, called her name. "Misty!" she called. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" She yelled back.

"Okay, calm down hot head." Violet said back. "I just wanted to tell you someone's on the phone for you." Misty rolled her eyes and headed into the kitchen to get the phone.

"What?" she growled.

"Ouch Misty," came a familiar voice. "What's got you so riled up today?" Immediately she recognized the voice as Brock's.

"Hey," she said sounding a little less cranky. She switched it to video as Brock's face appeared on the screen.

"Whoa, someone's looking pissed." Brock laughed. "Sister's giving you a hard time?"

"Not this time," Misty said. "In fact it's totally unrelated to those three sluts."

"We heard that!" came the voice of her other sister Lily.

"I don't care!" Misty called back. "Anyways yeah it's something else." Brock broke out into a grin.

"It's got to do with Ash huh?" he asked. Misty's face turned red as she turned her head.

"S-So what if it does?" she asked. "It's not like I care if he doesn't wanna speak to me anymore, because I don't really give a shit about the guy." Brock went from grinning to full on laughing.

"What's so funny?" the hothead asked about ready to punch the screen.

"I'm sorry," Brock laughed. "It's just that even after all these years you're still so easy to read."

"What do you mean by that?" Misty asked temper beginning to rise.

"Nothing," Brock replied. "Anyways I don't know why you're so mad, he hasn't talked to me in forever either since our last journey. Of course with you it would be different though." Misty gave him another glare but decided against interrorgatting him and sighed.

"I know, but…." she said. "I mean he's my best friend and I would like to hear how he's doing and all, hell I'm not even sure if he's alive anymore, then again with everything he's done he probably doesn't even remember me."

"Not true," Brock said. "Last time I was with the guy he talked about you all the time, always telling everyone about the adventures you two had, always comparing his friends, which happen to be girls, to your standards. Of course he did tell everyone how scrawny you were and how your chest will never fill out."

"He said WHAT?"

"Chill out Misty," Brock laughed. "Obviously as far as I can see he really hasn't seem you lately has he." Misty gave the pervert a look.

"What? I'm trying to make a point. What I'm trying to say is if I didn't know any better I'd say he might have a little crush on you."

"W-Wha?" Misty asked. "Come on now, this is Ash we're talking about. The guy thinks having a crush on someone is like some kind of pokemon training strategy."

Both trainers had to laugh at the very true statement. "Anyway I'm sure he's just extremely busy, he's probably gonna call you any second now." Brock told her.

"Doubt it, but anyways how've you been?" Misty asked. "Still in Pewter City?"

Brock shook his head. "I decided to stay in Goldenrod for a bit, there's…ahem….someone who wanted me to."

Misty gave him a look. "What? This one actually hit on me…..I think." Brock said. Misty started laughing making Brock's face heat up. "I'm serious!" That only made her laugh harder, until she heard a voice in the backround.

"Brooock…." What appeared to be a woman's voice called/moaned. "Are you done yet? I'm starting to get chilly in here."

Misty gave the pokemon breeder and sly smile. "Seems like you're having fun," she said.

"U-Uh…..bzzzt!" Brock said making nosies. "Bzzz…I can't-Bzzzzz-hear-bzzzz-I think the connections down-bzzzz…." The screen turned off sending Misty into fits of laughter.

"That guy," she sighed.

She was glad that Brock hadn't changed at all, it made her think back to all those years ago and how great they were. "Hmm, I wonder if Ash really did talk about me that much….." she sighed staring blankly out her window. "Not that I care." She added quickly.

"Alrighty time for some good old fashioned training!" Ash cheered as he tossed all the pokeballs out of his bag letting his many pokemon free.

"Umm Ash?" An elderly man said worringly. "I'm all for your enthusiam but I don't think it's wise to let ALL your pokemon out in the open."

"Why not Professor Oak? They get along just fine." Ash said.

"Sure they do, if you call THAT getting along." Prof. Oak said pointing to the scene behind Ash.

Ash turned around to see his Infernape, Quilava and Charizard shooting fire at one another. His Ceptile and Bayleef appeared to be arguing verbally and his Snorlax was sitting on at least ten of his other pokemon as it lay there fast asleep. Ash sweatdropped.

"I guess it's been a while since they've all be out together," he said.

"Pika chu!" Pikachu agreed.

"Charizard!" Ash yelled running to the enormus red dragon. "I thought we talked about this on the way over here! No arguing with Infernape!"

Charizard gave his 'master' a glare before shooting fire at him. Bayleef saw this and attacked Charizard with her vine whips, they smacked Charizard's face completely enraging him and sending him into a blazing rage. Literally.

"Ash! Control your Charizard now!" Prof. Oak cried. "Before he destroys my entire house!"

"R-Right," Ash said. "Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded leaping into the air and landing on the angry beasts back. "Pika!" he screamed at Charizard. Charizard tried shaking the tiny mouse of his back but Pikachu held on tight. "Pika pi!"

"Alright Charizard," Ash sighed. "I wanted to refrain from doing this. Pikachu use thunderbolt!"

"Pikaaaaaaaa chuuuuuuuuuuu!" the mouse yelled as he shocked the crazy dragon into submission.

"That's better," Prof. Oak said. "I thought you sent him away to control all of this."

"Sorry, he only acts out when he's cranky." Ash said. "Also he doesn't like Infernape all that much, I don't quite know why though."

The fiery monkey pokemon shrugged as it picked up Charizard on its shoulder and took him somewhere where he could rest up. "My God Ash," Prof. Oak said. "I almost forgot how lively it gets around here when you return, I think I'm getting too old for this." Ash just smiled sheepishly. "Anyway, I need you to do something for me." Prof. Oak told him.


"Well there's this pokemon someone found washed up on the beach, reports said it kind of looked like a pikachu. Only instead of yellow it's black and it doesn't have the same tail, Gary was supposed to go pick it up but you know him."

"Do I," Ash said rolling his eyes. "So where am I supposed to pick up this Pokemon?"

"Huh? Oh that," Prof. Oak said. "It's in Cerulean."

Ash flinched. "C-Cerulean?" he asked mouth dry.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Prof. Oak asked.

"No….no not at all," Ash said. "Well….better get going, tell my mom I'll be back in a few hours."

"Hours? How're going to get there?" Prof. Oak asked.

"Oh that, well I have my sources." Ash said smiling broadly.

Misty sighed deeply as she walked down the streets of her home city. She'd decided that staying in the house for longer than 2 hours with the 'Sensational Sisters' would probably get her a murder charge. She'd been just strolling around for what seemed like hours, but after checking her cellphone it turned out to be only 10 minutes, finally she got tired and decided it was time to get back home. Once she got there she called out for her sisters and they didn't answer meaning they were probably off doing God knows what with God knows who. She sighed for what was probably the 50th time today and plopped on her bed in her room.

"Why am I so depressed?" she asked herself. "I've got everything I want, well mostly. I mean who cares if some dorky brat that can't grow up and always has some STUPID comments about how scrawny I am and how I don't have big boobs like some of the dumb sluts he wants, besides he hasn't seen me in two years he doesn't know how much I've matured!"

She scowled at her stuffed animal, which she named Ash by the way, and then looked over at a mirror. She couldn't help but stare at her chest, in truth she always did get picked on by Ash and even Brock for not having boobs like every other girl they've met on before. But sometime around age 16 she grew up, and a lot at that. She went from a 32B to 34D. For some unknown reason Misty found herself poking her…puppies softly, she removed her top and bra and stared cupped them as if she were trying to analyze them.

"They're not small…." She said to herself. "I don't know what Ash was talking about. Ugh! There I go again, I swear I can't get that jerk off my mind. If I didn't know any better I'd say I actually l-" BLAM! Something, or rather someone, crashed right through her window and landed hard against the walls.

"Holy shit!" she screamed quickly throwing her shirt back on and turning to whatever slammed into her house. It appeared to be three people, or rather two pokemon and one extremely attractive male. Well hello there, Misty thought. Can you blame her? She's almost 18 and her last relationship was a good two years ago, she was starting to get rather lonely. Besides like she said, he was amazingly cute.

"Ow? Sorry about that," the male said. "My Salamence isn't all that smart, I told him to land not dive in." He then looked up at the person's house he intruded, the first thing he noticed was that he had barged into a girl's room so he probably wouldn't be walking away without some time of injury. The second thing he noticed was the hair. Not too many people he knew had orange hair, in fact he only knew one and she lived all the way in…Cerulean.

"M-Mi…." Was all the boy could said. "M-Mis…." Misty arched an eyebrow at the boy.

"You alright?" she asked the increasingly attractive male. "You need me to get you anything? I can lend a hand." Or a mouth, or whatever he needs heh heh.

The boy was then snapped out of his trance. "What the? Since when did Misty Waterflower offer to help me?" he asked.

"Eh? You know me?" Misty asked.

The boy gave her a fake hurt look. "Why Misty, how could you?" he asked dramactically. "You don't even remember? After everything we've been through?"

"Sorry but I would remember someone as cute as you," Misty blurted out knowing the boy was just kidding, but in all truth she didn't recognize him in the least, that is until a certain yellow pokemon appeared from behind him.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu cheered jumping into Misty's arms.

"W-Wait a second," Misty said looking at the Pikachu then back at his owner, then back at the Pikachu. "Oh. God no."

"Hey Mist," Ash said grinning broadly at the gym leader. "Long time no see."


A/N: That's the first chapter of my very first Pokemon fanfic, hopefully you like it but the only way I'll know for sure is if you review. So go and do that willya?