Hey everybody! So, this is my first Glee fanfiction…I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee…

Chapter 1.

Finn let out a sigh as the credits to "Cool Running's" began to roll across the tiny airplane TV screen in front of him. He had never been good at sitting for long periods of time and could feel himself starting to grow restless. They were only seven hours into the fourteen hour flight from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles. From there they would catch a connecting flight back to Lima, Ohio. As Finn listened to the closing music to the movie he couldn't help but relate to the Jamaican Bobsledders. Their story was inspiring! One of amazing success and defeat.

It had been an amazing year for Glee. Winning sectionals had been a breeze and from there they went on to the Nationals in New York. It had definitely been more of a challenge but once again they came out on top. After that Mr. Shue had somehow managed to get them into an International Glee competition which took place in Sydney, Australia. Finn would be the first to admit that they weren't quite ready to compete at such a level. Rachel had taken the loss harder than any of them, but she still had hopes of coming back to compete next year.

Finn rubbed circles on her shoulder gently as he looked down at her sleeping form. Most girls chose to rest on their boyfriends' shoulders but their height difference made it next to impossible unless he slouched. About two hours ago Rachel had lifted the seat divider in between them and lay across his lap to sleep. He didn't mind at all but his legs were starting to hurt from the lack of movement. Subconsciously he held his breath as he shifted his body – as little as possible to prevent him from waking her.

"Are we there yet?" A sleepy voice said. Finn sighed.

"No. Sorry for waking you."

"It's okay." Rachel replied sitting up and placing a quick peck on his cheek. "How much longer?"

"About seven hours still." Rachel let out a groan of irritation. She had never been a very good flier and was hoping to sleep through more of it. Finn looked guiltily at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry about it – besides it looks like its lunch time so your timing couldn't have been more perfect."

At the thought of food Finn perked up in excitement. He turned to see a young flight attendant with brown hair pushing a food cart full of the orders they had made earlier that day. The flight attendant, Cindy, stopped at their row and passed them their food. Finn eagerly dug into his burger and fries, barely stopping to chew. Rachel chuckled, at first she had found his eating habits unbearable to watch but it had become something she found amusing.

"Slow down!" She began, "How can you even taste it if you eat it that quickly?"

"It's airplane food…its better if you don't taste it." Finn told her through a mouthful of fries. She grinned at him as she began to poke a piece of lettuce from her salad. Being a vegan had proven to be quite difficult while they were in Sydney, and eating while flying was even worse. She just hoped that this would fill her up until they got home. The two started to eat in silence, occasionally looking over at one another. Rachel loved that they could be completely comfortable with each other when neither of them said anything. She smiled at him between mouthfuls and reached over to squeeze his knee affectionately.

"You know…if it hadn't been for glee we would have never really met." Rachel told him somewhat sombrely as she reached to pick up her glass of water. Finn was about to reply when the plane through a sudden jolt of turbulence and sent Rachel's water flying all over her. Finn immediately handed her a napkin which she took gratefully.

"I think I'm going to go to the bathroom and clean up properly." She wrinkled her nose at him after checking to make sure the "Seatbelts On" signal hadn't appeared.

"Alright. Hurry back!" He said as she squeezed passed him. Rachel made a face at the rest of the glee kids as she walked past them, showing them her soaked sweater. Hurriedly she made her way into the tiny airplane bathroom. As she reached for a wad of paper towel to dry her shirt with she couldn't help but wonder how people any larger than her fit into these things. Even she felt cramped in here. After drying her shirt off she turned her attention to her hair, which had become quite rumpled from sleeping on Finn's lap. As she reached to smooth out a kink in her hair the plane gave another jolt, this one more severe than the last. She had expected it to stop as quickly as it started, but it didn't. A sudden rush of panic flushed over her as she tried to get back to her seat and Finn as quickly as possible. The sudden decline of the plane made it nearly impossible for her to move.

Finn looked back towards the direction of the bathroom nervously as the plane shook violently. Desperate for any sign of Rachel, he didn't even notice when the yellow oxygen masks dropped in front of him.

"Finn!" Mr. Shuster yelled, noticing that his student hadn't made any effort to protect himself from the lack of oxygen in the air. Finn shook his head at his teacher.

"I have to get Rachel." To Finn it was as simple as that, so he undid his seatbelt and started to move towards the back. The plane started to shake even more violently and a loud crack rippled though the air as the back end of the plane disappeared from his line of sight. Finn felt his body being pulled towards the open air, and the last thing he remembered was Mr. Shuster and Puck reaching out simultaneously to hold on to him. Then everything went black.

A/N: So, back in the day I was a huge LOST fan, and I am considering using some of the characters from the show but they will in no way become a focus or main characters. Nor will you need to have watched the show in order to understand this – but you may recognize some characters.