JPOV (Jasper)

I was sitting with Bella in her hospital room. It has been two days since she had her hair shaved off. We were playing cards as she recovered from her chemo treatment. She was so sick. Her eyes almost sunk into her head. The only good thing was that her scent was so weak that it didn't even bother me.

I felt bad for her, I wanted nothing more then to make all of her misery go away. It killed me to see her in pain like this.

"Tell me about your family?" she asked, her voice was weak and frail.

I laughed.

"Well, my adoptive father Carlisle is a doctor here. He is the best man I have ever met. He is the most patient person in the world. I would be no where without him," I explained, trying to keep myself from mentioning things like his control and his age.

"My adoptive mother Esme is the sweetest woman in the world. She is so kind and caring and full of compassion. She is also the strongest woman I know. She moved past a tragedy and was still able to give us a home and love and care. She is like wonder woman. She never let's us leave the house hungry," I said, watching as Bella listened to every word I said.

She smiled and sighed.

"What about your brothers and sisters?" she asked, her voice was rough but I could tell she was actually interested in what I had to say. But, suddnely her face turned a bit green and I brought her bed pan under her chin just in time. I rubbed her back and held the pan until she was finished. I handed her some water and dumped the pan.

When I got back to her bed, she was sitting up, looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Thank you," she said, her voice full of sincerity. I smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Well, tell me about your siblings. You were going to before I threw up," she said, her cheerful voice was catching.

I laughed, she was being so brave about this. She never failed to impress me with her constant upbeat mood, despite the fact she was so sick.

And, when she did get upset, it was just a little crying and I was able to help her get over her pain just by being there and helping her through this.

"Well, my brother Edward is a piano player and he's very creative, he is with my adopted sister Alice. Alice is... well, if Alice had the choice of moving into a mall, she would move in without a second thought. My sister Rosalie is nice, once you get to know her. She is vien but she is a great person. She is together with my adopted brother, Emmett," I exlained. "Emmett, is the nicest person you will ever meet. He is macho looking, but he's a teddy bear at heart".

Her expression didn't change from his cheerful appearance. Usually when people hear about our inner family relations (even though they know we aren't related) they freak out and get disturbed.

"That sound like a nice family. It must be nice having so many loving people in your life," she sighed and I agreed. I was so happy to have them in my life. They changed my life.

She fell asleep after a couple seconds. The hospital staff sent me home. But not before she began lightly sobbing in her sleep. She sobbed lightly, muttering about her hair. Then, she would rub her head. My dead heart broke into a million pieces.

My Bella upset.

I went home, my sister Rosalie was sitting on the sofa and she was by herself.

"Where's Emmett, Alice and Edward?" I asked, noting that Esme was in the basement.

"Hunting," she said simply, looking up. But when she noticed my expression, she put her magazine down.

"What's wrong, Jaz? Is it Bella?" she asked, her voice was sympathetic.

"Yes, she was crying in her sleep. She misses her hair. I wish there was something I could do," I said, looking down at the floor.

Rosalie looked up and grabbed my wrist.

"I have an idea; follow me," she shouted, pulling me upstairs, into her room and to the back of her large walk in closet.

I couldn't figure out where she was taking me until I noticed, a counter full of wigs.

"Rosalie, you are a genius!" I said hugging her and getting ready for tomorrow. Bella was going to be so happy.


I woke up the next day and I was still depressed. I missed Jasper.

It was like he was reading my mind, becuase as soon as I thought that, there he was. He had a massive box in his arms. I didn't know what was in the box.

He opened it for me to see. I screamed and threw my arms around Jasper. He was now my hero.

"Thank you!" I screamed and kissed his cheek. Sparks flew through my lips and made me feel perfect.

But then, something happened that I couldn't believe. He kissed me, full on the lips. And then fireworks went off.