No Infringement intended

NCIS ~ Just playing with a nasty virus

Coffee VS. Caf-Pow

It was two a.m. Gibbs and Abby were the only two remaining healthy individuals left standing at NCIS.

Backing up a bit. Three days earlier, McGee was complaining of a stomach ache, of course DiNozzo blamed his eating habits and wouldn't stop calling him McNutter Butter. Unfortunately for Tim, the stomach ache turned into body aches and by the next day he was a slave to the 'porcelain thrown.' DiNozzo bit the dust the very same day but … well … let's just say his flu like symptoms were not as pleasant as Tim's.

Ziva was the next to fall. She swore she never ever got sick, however, she and Tony had been breaking Gibbs' rule number twelve for sometime now and it was inevitable. Seeing how she never ever got sick, it hit her twice as hard as it hit the men. She said she felt like wet dishes. Tony corrected her and told her she felt like a wet dishrag, This promptly started a fight between them as Ziva stated that she has never ever and will never be a rag of any sort. He said, that ship had sailed … rule number twelve was no longer in jeopardy.

The nasty ole flu bug made it's way down to Autopsy. Both Ducky and Palmer started with the upset stomach at the same time. They shared a pizza for lunch and plop, plop, fizz, fizz for dessert. They both left work early and didn't return the following day.

Bringing us back to two a.m. Abby was working over time on some DNA evidence while Gibbs was doing everything else. He chuckled to himself thinking … I'm Glad Duck finished that autopsy … I don't think I could have pulled that off. He was working on his computer going over phone records, when Vance called in. Vance had been on the West Coast at an old friend's third wedding, avoiding the virus ridden bullpen.

"What the hell is going on there, Gibbs?"

"The flu hit my team … Abby and I have it covered."

"You and Sciuto? How is it that the two of you escaped getting the flu?"

"Abby has a theory … she thinks it's all the caffeine intake."

"Really? I wonder which one of you falls first? Regardless … we do have other Special Agents that you can call in to help out. You know … wrap this case up!"

"I have it covered."

Abby came into the bullpen to tell Gibbs that she was wrapping things up in her lab for the night when she heard the conversation with Vance.

"Caf-Pow will prevail!"

Gibbs glanced over his shoulder with a smirk and held up his Starbuck's cup.

"Columbian blend is were it's at Abbs."

Day four: McGee, DiNozzo, Ziva, Ducky and Palmer were all back in fine form. All ready to dive back into work.

Gibbs and Abby were both in the hospital on IV meds for severe dehydration from complications from the flu and too much caffeine intake.

On a side note, Tony and Ziva patched things up after Tony bought her a berry mango immune boost, free radical, anti-oxidant fruit smoothie and told her that she could never ever be a rag of any sort and that she was the most beautiful sick person that he has ever seen … the breaking of Gibbs' rule number twelve was back on.

I hear it all day long ... "If you need a flu shot ... yada yada yada" That is where this came from ... hope it made you LOL! Thanks for reading ~ Judy