Title: William, Bloody William

Author: RedDwarfette

Email: [email protected]

Rating: R - This is for the people who were blissfully clueless as to what was happening during 'Smashed' and chose to remain that way.

Summary: Buffy gets a taste of Bloody William's famous poetry the night after 'Smashed'. If this sucks, at least I know there's enough Vampire in it :)

Disclaimer: The characters within this Fan Fiction are completely the property of Joss Whedon and UPN. But I do claim the seriously bad poetry!

William, Bloody William – RedDwarfette



Still shaking from last night revelations, Buffy ran into her room and slammed the door shut. Whoa, this is big. Really big. God, he had been... No, don't go there. She moved away from the door towards her bed and flopped down on the cover. This had all the hallmarks of a defining moment - teenage angst, rebellion against her place in life, sex with a Vampire older than her great-great grandfather. Argh. Buffy turned over, glancing towards her bedside table where a small piece of paper rested against her lamp. Frowning she picked it up and read.

Ode to Buffy -

B is for the Booty I'll never forget,

U is for the Ugly demons that you stake, pet,

F is for the Fornicating we did last night,

F is for the French kisses we share when we fight and,

Y is for the Yes you sigh when I shag you silly,

So, what do you say Slayer, are you hot for some Billy?

Love Spike

Buffy was torn between the conflicting emotions of laughing her arse off or beating the crap out of a certain undead poet. Well, I've finally met the man behind the myth. Yes, she thought with a giggle lying back against the bed. William, Bloody William was definitely back.