Hey ya'all! Here is the third book for my Pjo series! Enjoy and review...please =)

Holly: *tears in eyes* I can't believe your ditching me Kelsey!

Kelsey: NO NO! I'm not ditching you Holly! Remember you WILL be in this book...I'm just starting out with someone new! You will always be my number one Holly!

Holly- *looking relieved* Alright! Because I know you Don't own PJO but I still am a demigod!

Kelsey- *Sad* Yes... I know I don't but that's okay! Keep reading guys! and review please!

chapter 1- The truth about my pathetic life

Two more friggin minutes...just two. Then I'll be out of this place for yet another summer. I was currently sitting in a boring classroom with boring children and the only thing keeping me alive was the head phones blaring music into my pale ears. Aside from everyone else I was extremely different...and I mean DIFFERENT! Instead of a tan complexion I was pale, practically white. No to mention the fact I wore dark cloths and avoided people unlike everyone else...who were always happy. But in my defense I had a different life than others, I had grown up in a foster home my whole life for my father and mother had simply placed me on the steps of an orphanage and left. So for Thirteen years I had gone from foster home to foster home. There is only one reason I kept moving but I'll get to that later...

Carefully I looked up from my math book and glanced at the sun, it was to bright for me...again. So I quickly raised my hand in attempt to get out of here.

"Yes...er, what's your name again?" Mr. Bradley never got my name simply because it was hard and long, not to mention the fact I never answered anything.

"Surrenderin. For the fifteen hundreth time SURRENDERIN!" I all but screamed at the old man. He was crunched over and wrinkly all over with a bat's sight and was practically deaf. . To be honest I was surprised he wasn't dead but that's just me.

"Ah yes, what excuse would you like to feed me this time girl? Another head ache? Or are you using the stomach one this time?" He said with that old glare again, I could hear giggles surrounding me so I decided to make HIM suffer this time.

"Um no actually, I need to go to the nurse and find some tampons" I was right, that shut him up. He automatically dropped his gaze and turned red all the way to his shriveled up toes.

"Fine." He muttered without meeting my gaze. I could feel the stares boring into my back but yet again I didn't care, After today I would most likely be sent off to another foster home in a different city and no one here would remember me. I then grabbed my black back pack and made my way out of the room as fast as I could and into the dark hallway where barely any sunlight showed. After finding a comfy spot I threw my bag next to me and slid against the wall and onto the floor then closed my eyes. Suddenly I felt a large hand on my shoulder, slowly I opened my eyes to a teenaged boys large brown ones.

"Êtes-vous descendre?" I looked at him with confusion.

"Are you that foreign kid? If so I could really use someone to talk to…" He seemed to hesitate as if he didn't understand what I was saying so I continued on with a big sigh.

"Well just to get this out of the way….ya I'm a freak, I have been since I've been born. To people I'm the girl who talks to people who aren't there but in truth those people just won't leave me alone! I practically see them every other minute….them popping up and calling me their queen and begging for help, I'm at the point I'm sure their ghosts but I might just be going crazy. I mean there is enough things wrong with me, the dyslexia and ADHD so we might as well add crazy to the list. I know you can't understand me but this is helping so much." I noticed the boy was now sitting next to me as if he were actually listening which I knew couldn't be the case. He then noticed I had stopped and motioned for me to go on so I took another big breath.

"Where else to start? I haven't been able to keep a home my whole life because I keep putting them in danger….from what though? I never know what they actually are but I guess you could call them monsters. I hate the sun, and if I am in it for too long it starts messing with me. Sometimes it even hurts. I don't have any friends, and my fifteenth birthday is tomorrow. Every year on my birthday something seems to happen." I stopped and looked at the ground, feeling fresh tears forming in my eyes. Slowly I nodded to the boy, grabbed my black bag and started jogging down the hall and out the exit. All I had to do was get to my foster home and I would be semi alone for the rest of the summer, I hoped.

I lived in the large town of New York City with my foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. They were in their early forties and were honestly the best "parents" I had had my entire life. Which was the main reason I hoped to keep this home for good, but of course I knew it probably wouldn't happen. They weren't rich or poor but just in the middle, we lived in a three room apartment where I had my own room to do whatever I wanted.

As soon as I arrived to our building I hastily climbed the steps up to our room and unlocked the white wood door. The apartment (not to my liking) was very bright and sunny which was yet another reason why I stayed in my room (which was darkened by curtains and blinds combined). From the front door you walked into the living room which led off into the kitchen and a hall that led to the three rooms. Mine was the third room down the hall. I quickly walked into my home and raced down the hall before Mrs. Ray could realize I was already home but of course she did, she always had.

"Surrenderin dear, are you already home?" She called from the kitchen or as I liked to call it, her second bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the stone bar.

"Yes ma'am, the sun was hurting my eyes and giving me a nasty headache so I left." She faced me with a worried smile. Mrs. Ray was a tall woman with cropped blonde hair and soft blue eyes, she always wore skirts and her favorite color was pink.

"Maybe we should get your eyes checked, that seems to happen a lot." She said with deep concern in her voice, I shook my head and hopped up planning to head to my room.

"No, I'm fine, really. I'll be in my room." I said then headed down the hall and into my small room which consisted of white walls, a twin bed with a purple comforter, a dresser, and a small side table. I also had my own bathroom which I quickly went into and pulled out my colored contacts box. As gently as I could I took out my blue contacts and looked up into the mirror. I was a short girl with pale skin and jet black hair that had several purple streaks through it. My clothes were always dark and my eyes….well my natural eyes were purple. Ever since I had gone through my first five foster homes I had discovered that my purple eyes had creeped out them all so I quickly begged my caretaker to get me bright blue contacts. Ever since then things had been much simpler. I then left the bathroom and flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes…. I was already tired so sleep came easily, and hopefully my birthday would pass quickly. Gosh I was wrong…wayyyyyy wrong!

Review and tell me what ya think! They are welcomed with hugs and smiles! Love all ya'll!