A/N: This is another story that its origin at the Camping-Con. There was a guy with a super tiny one man tent...and with 5 Teslenites I'm sure you can see where this was leading to. I had another idea before, some of you already know about it others don't. However, we decided that this idea's coming as a sequel to this story. Thanks to my Camping-Con girls, I love you, you're awesome! A huge thanks also to everyone who's reading my fics- you're great! Have fun reading.

Summary: It's cold in the mountains and Helen only has a one man tent with her. Nikola wasn't even supposed to be there. Will they find a solution that pleases everyone? Rated T for safety.

Disclaimer: Still nothing's mine.


It was late when Helen decided to look for a place where she could stay over the night. She was in the middle of a mountain chain tracking down a rare abnormal. Searching for it during the night would have been useless. When Helen finally found a good place she opened her bag and grabbed the tent she had packed in.

Automatically pulling out her gun Helen turned around when she heard a cracking noise behind her.

"Nikola? What the bloody hell are you doing here?" She almost yelled.

"It's good to see you too, Helen. I heard about this creature deep within the mountains so I came here to check it."

"Why?" Helen asked carefully.

He was never up to something that didn't have something in for him as well.

"I heard those rumours about it. Probably the same that got you out here."

Nikola stepped closer while Helen finally put down her gun. It was getting dark so Helen turned on her flashlight.

"Where is your equipment? Don't tell me you came without anything?"

"Of course not! What do you think I am? An amateur? One of these creatures got my bag and ate it. I had to choose: The bag or me." Nikola explained sighing.

Admitting this to Helen wasn't easy. She chuckled and smiled softly at him.

"When?" She asked now more serious.

"2 days ago."

Helen stood up and walked up to him.

"Did you even sleep? You look terrible."

Nikola shook his head. He certainly wouldn't sleep on bare ground. He was Nikola Tesla after all.

"So, do you have space for an old friend?"

"I'm afraid not. I only have a one man tent. I didn't expect someone out here who would need a place to sleep."

"I don't mind sharing." Nikola threw in smiling like hell.

She slightly slapped him on the arm.

"If you really want to you can have the tent, I don't need to sleep anyway." Helen pointed out.

That wasn't was Nikola had been hoping for.

"What if it's getting colder or it starts to rain?"

"Then I'd take another blanket and improvise."

Nikola mumbled something Helen couldn't understand. They decided to stop their discussion at this point to build the small tent. Soon after they were done and Nikola was looking at it sceptical. It was tiny and didn't even have enough space for one to sit in it.

"You were going to sleep in that?"

Helen simply nodded. It was all she needed and didn't take too much space in her bag.

"If you don't want to use it then don't."

"Let's talk about this later. I'm not tired yet anyway."

"You said you heard rumours, what exactly did you hear?" Helen asked curiously while she sat down on the blanket she had just put out.

Nikola sat down as well and started to tell Helen what she wanted to know. When Nikola finished Helen grabbed a book from her bag and opened it.

"It's exactly what I have heard...I still don't get why you would want to have it, Nikola. What is in there for you?"

She checked her book. They were drawings of creatures and small notes besides those. Helen wrote down parts of what Nikola had just told her and then she closed named book again.

"It's getting late. You should try to sleep." Helen said looking at Nikola.

She didn't even wait for a reply to her statement before.

"How long have you been up, Helen?"

She hesitated a while before answering. What did it matter anyway?

"3 days."

3 days since Helen was walking through the mountains. She had taken breaks during the days and over the nights but she hadn't slept.

"Then, my dear, I think you should try to sleep. I know you barely need sleep but you look tired and exhausted. I'll be fine waiting here."

Helen looked at him in surprise.

"What a generous offer, Nikola... What do you want?"

She simply couldn't believe there was nothing in for Nikola.

"Nothing, I swear. Can't a good friend just care for another one?"

She didn't believe Nikola but she was indeed very exhausted and some sleep couldn't be bad so she gave in.

"Not you... but fine. I'll try to get some sleep but promise me that you will go too, ok? I'll let you have the tent."

She didn't bother to change much to Nikolas disappointment. He went inside the tent and tried to make himself as comfortable as possible. Not easy within something as tiny as this one man tent. Helen stayed outside resting on the blanket and covered in her sleeping bag.

"Good night, Nikola."

"Good night, my love."

They both fell asleep minutes later.

Nikola woke up in the middle of the night. It was raining. He opened the tent and looked for Helen. She was still sleeping outside.

"You must have been really out, huh?" Nikola asked silently and crawled out of the tent smiling slightly.

"Helen, Helen, wake up." Nikola shook her gently.

Helen didn't move so Nikola decided to act. He managed to get her out of her sleeping bag and took her in his arms. How long had he dreamt about this?

"What the-? Nikola, what the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

"Saving you from catching a cold or worse, my dear. It's raining. And you're already soaked wet..not that I mind."

"Let me down. Where did you want to bring me anyway?"

Nikola let her down and stayed right in front of her. Then he smirked.

"That's a one man tent, Nikola." Helen said when she saw his smirk.

That man was simply incorrigible.

"We could share." He whispered in her ear.

It sent a shiver down her spine. He was way too close for her own sake.

"You'd have to sleep outside."

"Oh...I'm hurt. You would let me stay alone in the cold rain?"

"Yes." Helen answered instantly.

Neither of them moved. They just stood there their eyes locked with each other and the rain pounding down at them. Nikola stood with his back to the tent and decided to finally make another move. He took her hand in his still not letting go of her eyes and took some steps backwards- towards the tent. Helen didn't look away either. She followed him without saying anything. What am I doing?

Somehow Nikola managed to get inside the tent without letting go of Helen or turning around to see where he was going.

And somehow Helen couldn't stop himself from following him inside...