A/N: Yup…the last chapter to WMAAL. Wow, I've been working on this series for soooo long. . The next sequel in this trilogy is all about Sayu and Mello's family life and kids. Plus, an old friend will return to visit them. ;) I'm putting the summary for the sequel at the end of this chapter, and I don't know what to call it yet.

…Jason Derulo totally sucks without his auto tuning. BUT I STILL LOVVIES HIM!

I'm going skiing in Aspen for winter break, so I'm posting this before I LEAVE THE CITY! :D YEAH!

Final Chapter to We Meet Again At Last:

What the **** Just Happened?

Hotel Room in Japan, 2:30 A.M., 3 months later

Sayu rubbed her tummy as she slipped into a light pink frilly nightgown. She was about 8 months into pregnancy, and would be expecting "Them", as Mello liked to say, very soon. She was going to be have fraternal twins, a boy and a girl.

She thought it over. Did she really want them? Well, it was a bit too late to have an abortion now…

The door opened, startling Sayu and making her forget what she was thinking about before.

"Bang." The door shut. Crack. Mello entered the hotel room, in his usual leather outfit, eating a chocolate bar. His scars were almost undetectable now, unless you stood really close to his face. Sayu liked those scars though, they made him look manly and tough.

Sayu smiled. "Hey!"

"Hey." Mello flopped onto the bed, face buried in the pillows. Then he looked back up. "So…" he trailed off, a smirk on his face.


He took a bite of chocolate while leaning himself up on the many pillows. "So when are you going to tell?"

"Tell what?" She put on a perfectly innocent puppy face.

Mello rolled his eyes. "Stop avoiding the question. Answer it."

"I honestly just want them to think that I really died."

"Really?" His smirk grew bigger. "But then what will they say when they see…" Mello took a newspaper and showed it to her. "This?"

Sayu's eyes grew wide at the picture, internally cursing herself. "How…what?"

"Matt. No duh."

Sayu groaned. She knew something would happen if she didn't buy him Black Ops.

"So, what now?"

"I don't know, your problem." He flipped open the television. Sakura TV was currently airing the exact same article they had seen in the newspaper.

"Great, now it's everywhere, thanks to Matt."

The newswoman was saying: "SHOCKING NEWS! One of the kidnappers who stole Kiyomi Takada has appeared in public, in an leather assemble. In this picture, it shows him making out with a pregnant woman, who we have identified as Sayu Yagami, currently age 18. We have contacted her family and they say that they had no idea and will find her and bring her home."

"Aww, fuck. Now we have to run away."

"I think I'm starting to have an effect on you." Mello laughed and took another bite of his chocolate bar.

Then, there was a sudden pain in Sayu's belly. It felt like kicking.

Mello looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! They just kicked!" Sayu was excited now. "Place your hand on my stomach."

Mello looked at her as if she were crazy.

Sayu just rolled her eyes. "I'm not made out of glass, you know. You can do it, can't you?" Sayu was smirking now.

"Of course I can!" He placed an unsure hand on her stomach, waiting. "…?"

Then, suddenly, there was a kick.

"Oh!" Mello's face looked shocked and happy at the same time.

A Few Weeks Later, Hotel

"Hey, Mello?"

"Hmmmm?" He bit into a chocolate bar.

"Where'd you put the-OHH!" Sayu was interrupted by a sudden hard kick in her stomach. She fell to the floor, clutching her belly.

Mello immediately ran over to her. "Are you okay?" Then he realized what was happening; her water had broke. "Damn."

They (Mello) ran out of the room and into the elevator. As the door opened, he led her to the lobby, and then picked her up as he ran outside.

After picking her up, he jumped onto his motorcycle and told Sayu to hang on tight, because it was going to be one bumpy ride.

Sayu's Hospital Room

"Owww…" Sayu's face contorted in pain and clutched Mello's hand tighter. He winced at her strong grip. His hand was blue going on purple, and his arm wasn't looking so good either.

"Come on, almost there." The nurse cooed, handling the baby. One of their heads were already showing, thank god it came out right.

"Push, PUsh PUSh PUSH!" The nurse chanted rhythmically so that someone would be able to dance to it if they liked, and a baby boy came out smoothly, the girl following short after. She handed them to Sayu, letting her hold them. Then, she left the room, saying that they had a visitor. A visitor? Since when did Mello and Sayu get visitors?

"Do you want to hold one?"

Mello looked unsure for a moment, feeling awkward. "Okay…"

He took the boy and cradled him, watching him sleep peacefully. "What are their names?"

"Hmm, good question." Sayu smiled weakly, too tired to do anything. It wasn't everyday you pushed two stuffed-animal sized things out of your genitals.

"And I know the answer."

Sayu and Mello both looked up, startled. There was a man in their room, and they hadn't even heard him come in.

He had unruly dark brown hair, messy and wild. His eyes were crimson red, but too deep to be bloodshot. Contacts, possibly? There were dark eye circles under them, making him look like he never got any sleep. Contrasting with his alabaster skin, it made him look like a zombie. He was wearing plain clothes, a white long-sleeved shirt, slightly baggy jeans, and no shoes.

"You!" Mello looked shocked.

"…Who is he?" Sayu looked scared, this was unexpected.

The man looked at her, sending chills down her spine. Then he looked above her head as if there were something there. "Sayu Yagami...you do know that they're looking for you, right?"

"How do you know my name?" Sayu wasn't scared anymore. This was probably a prank.

He threw his head back and laughed, a dry and hollow laugh. "Mihael, you an interesting choice in women."

Mello growled and glared.

"Since I know your name, I'll tell you mine. I'm Beyond Birthday." His unusually large zombiefied (sp?) ruby orbs looked at her.

"Beyond Birthday? I think I've heard of that somewhere…oh." Sayu remembered, when she was an age around 6 or 7, (not sure if that's right) there had been a murderer in Los Angeles leaving countless detectives baffled. So this was the famed guy…

"Beyond." Mello looked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just visiting my prodigy and his…children." Beyond smiled innocently, like he wasn't a threat to them all.

"I told you before, I'm not your prodigy. I'm L's successor."

That line made him laugh again, but this time it sounded like a guttural choking sound. "You're second, Mello. You're not going to be his successor. Nate River is, and you know that well. That's why I chose you."

"Shut. Up."

Sayu listened to the verbal battle going on between them, she was too tired to say anything. She just hugged the girl tighter, and fell asleep without knowing.

"Fine, I'll leave you guys alone, on one condition." Beyond smirked. He was enjoying this thoroughly.

"What is it?"

"I have to be their godfather."

"Nope, spot taken by Matt." Mello snapped, horrified that he would actually say something like that, forcing them to make him their children's godfather.

"Ha, got you! Just kidding. I want to name them."

"No. They were already named Myle and Miyu."

"Middle names?"

"…fine. As long as it isn't stupid." Then realization hit Mello in the face. "It's a Wammy name, isn't it?"

Beyond cocked his head to the side. "You know they're going to end up there whether you guys like it or not, right? It's called fate."

"...Yes. I think I know that a little too well."

"Then, let's get down to business. The boy's middle name shall be Ballistic, and the girl's middle name shall be Beginning. And when you put it together, it's Ballistic Beginning. Perfect for what the first few years of their life will be like…considering what I will give to them." He smiled sadistically.

"Wait, give what?"

Beyond Birthday walked up to the twins, and closed his eyes. "…I forfeit, and give to the next generation." And then he crumpled, hitting the sterile floor. But not before laughing one last time, his laugh that frightened many and the laugh that he had perfected for years, sitting in his jail cell. At least his jail cell was dark. The hospital was white. Too white, too blindingly white for his taste.

"What the fuck did he do?" Mello was confused. "What the fuck just happened?"

Both Myle Ballistic and Miyu Beginning screamed and cried, eyes flickering open. The eyes that were forever changed. They were both bestowed with a pair of bright crimson orbs.

And in their eyes, their parents had numbers floating above their heads.

A/N: Wow. Wow. Wow. I am really surprised at how this story turned out. I was just writing…and this came up. So, there will be another sequel coming up! And if I feel like it, I might even add another sequel after that. 8D



Myle Ballistic is supposed to sound like "Mildly Ballistic" (Ballistic-is referring to a free moving object)

Miyu Beginning means "Beautiful Moon Beginning" (Miyu=Beautiful Moon)

Anata wa watashi o aishite iru,

vous savez que vous m'aimez,

You know you love me,


