Vocaloid High… There was a new kid coming to the school and for the students that meant, fresh meat. The school was private and only the richest people can go there. As a certain blond haired girl walked in the class quiet as a mouse all eyes fell on her. Her name was Rin, Rin Kagamine. She was new to her new school because her family had just moved to Tokyo for… business reasons. She was thin, had blond short hair, a white ribbon in her hair, and was wearing her school uniform; a blue skirt and white button down.

"Ah! Rin come in!" said her teacher, who goes by the name Gackupo. He walked up to her and led her in the room.

"This is our new student, Rin Kagamine," Gackupo said, "Treat her well, we all know the consequences yes?" the teacher smiled warmly.

The entire class nodded. What surprised Rin the most was that all the kids had crazy colors of hair! Pink, green, blue, red, gray, it's like a rainbow had painted these kids! Rin bowed and took a seat next to a girl who looked like she had drills for hair that was a reddish pink color. When Rin sat down the dilled girl looked at her and gave her a warm smiled.

"Kasane Teto," she reached out her hand which Rin took and shook her hand lightly. In Rin's opinion she sounding like a robot, "Nice to meet you Rin," they let go of each other's hands only for Rin's hand to be connected with a blued haired man.

"Kaito Shion!" he smiled.

"N-nice to meet you," Rin felt as if she had lost her heart.

She slid her hand out of his slowly. Then the door burst open to a blond haired boy with a ponytail. The look on his face told Rin everything about him, 'HEY LOOK I HAVE ARRIVED YOUR LIVES JUST GOT BETTER!' type of guy is what he was. The teacher wasn't very pleased with this.

"Sorry I'm Late, got attacked by my wonderful fans!" he sang and flopped on a seat in the middle on the room.

Whispers filled the room. Teto patted Rin on the shoulder, she turned to her.

"That's Len Namiame, he has a younger sister and brother, you don't want to mess with him, he's the play boy of the school," Teto whispered, "He's also not afraid to hit a girl."

Rin nodded knowingly. She turned her attention back on the teacher.

After class Rin walked out the class with her new friends Teto and Kaito. As they walked out, the playboy gave him a wink and made a clicking sound with his tongue. Rin just rolled her eyes and walked on ignoring the boy. Then hanging from the ceiling was a girl. She was holding onto a bar from the ceiling, her hair flying down, and her eyes staring directly into Rin's. She had black hair, green and amethyst eye, her black hair was combed back into a ponytail, her skirt blue flowed down but she wore leggings underneath, she had a black button down shirt, slip on black shoes, and she was smiling.

"Hi there! You're the new kid right? Well then," she hopped down landing gracefully on her feet, "I'm Kairi Namiame!" she extended one hand, "I don't bite!" she giggled.

"Kairi this is RIn," Teto said, she whispered to Rin, "Kairi is the one of the Namiame's you should hang out with. She's cool, nice, and not mean!"

Rin nodded and shook the girl's hand. They walked down the hall together then a boy who looked like Kairi dashed right passed them. Rin blinked, Teto froze, Kaito stared down the hall where the boy had passed. Kairi giggled, "That was my brother Kairu. He is in student council so he's busy all day."

As they passed by different groups of people, there was something about them, there was the cool groups, nice groups, nerds, jocks, play boys/girls, snotty rich kids, and you name it! Different social classes, it was like a kingdom here where they had knights, kings, queens, peasants, and all the fairy tale things!

"So, the Kings and Queens of the school are the popular couples," Kairi and Teto said.

"So the rulers are Len and Lily," Kaito sighed, "When they both pass by, you need to bow."

"GET DOWN THEY'RE COMING!" someone yelled from across the hall.

Everyone went down on one knee. Rin didn't know what was going on, only to be pulled down by Kaito and in the same position as everyone else. Everyone in the band room came out and blew the trumpet. What's going on? Rin thought to herself. Then confetti fell from the ceiling.

"Bow down to our King and Queen! Len and Lily!" yelled the trumpeter.

As Len walked down the hall along with this pretty girl every one bowed their head. Lily had long locks of blond hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a yellow button down and jean skirt. She had a white ribbon tied around her neck and had a warm smile.

"This couple won't last long, there's always a new ruler every week, Len always ends up as King," Kaito whispered.

"I was one of them," Teto whispered sadly.

"Psh…" Rin huffed, "What's up with this? I'm not bowing to a bunch of popular kids, I'm out of here," she stood up.

"Rin there are consequences!" Teto warned.

"Don't care, I'm going outside," Rin said.

"How brave," Teto and Kaito said while Kairi raced after her.

Out in the court yard Rin sat on a bench and stared into space. Kairi sat down next to her with a plate of food.

"Want some?" Kairi asked nicely handing her a plate piled with snacks.

"Sure," Rin said and took a bite out of a cupcake that was on the plate, "When's lunch?"

"Around 12:15," Kairi said and took a piece of chocolate and bit some of it, "Why'd you ask?"

"Just wondering because I'm hungry," Rin sighed and finished her cupcake.

"Well it's about to start so let's go get good seats," Kairi said and led her to the tables outside.

When they came the room was filled with kids of different ages, tables made of glass that shined like the sun, chairs soft as silk, trees green as emeralds, flowers brighter than day, grass soft as feathers, roses red as blood, and much more. Rin saw Kaito and Teto and sat next to them along with Kairi. Then a girl with long brown hair ran right passed them in a rush.

"Hi Kai!" Kairi called out to her.

"No time to chat being chased by teachers again!" she said.

"Huh?" Rin said.

"That's Kai; she's the prankster of the school," Kaito said, "Little sister of Lily."

"I see," Rin smiled.

"She's also popular," Teto said.

"She has weird friends you know," Kairi said.

"Very," Kaito laughed.

Then the door burst open reveling two girls, one with long pink hair and one with brown short hair. The girl with pink hair look mature, she wore a pink skirt, white button down, black knee socks, white slip on shoes, and a head band. The girl with brown hair wore a white long sleeve and red sweater vest, red skirt, white knee socks, and black slip on shoes.

"That right there is Luka Megurine and Meiko Sakine," Teto said, "Meiko is Kaito's cousin, Luka is her friend."

"I hear that Luka's bra size it a size bigger than Meiko's!" Kairi said.

"Okay, weird thing to talk about when a guy is here," Kaito said.

They all laughed then a girl with blond hair walked in the room.

"Yo Teto!" called the girl with a side ponytail.

"Hi Neru, this is Rin the new kid," Teto said to the girl.

"Neru, Neru Akita," she said and shook Rin's hand, "Nice to meet you Rin."

"You too," Rin smiled.

"AH!" someone screamed, "WHY!"

"Looks like the King and Queen broke up!" Teto laughed evilly.

"Finally that Lily is a total jerk!" Neru huffed.

"Really? She looks so nice though!" Rin said in surprise.

"That's what everyone says," they all sighed.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Rin asked.

"Well let's put it like this," Kaito said.

"She dates guys to steal their money," Kairi started.

"She sleeps with every guy in school," Teto said.

"She's not a virgin," Neru added.

"And last of all…" they all said this, "She had a baby and put her up for adoption."

"Wow… intense…" Rin said.

Then Kai ran by, "Don't forget that she wears REALLY short skirts!" Kai said and hid under the table.

Then the teachers walked by, "We lost her!" said one. Then they left.

"Phew!" Kai came out from the table, "That was close… Hi there!" she smiled at Rin, "New kid right"

Why does everyone say that? Wondered Rin

"Yes I am," Rin said and shook Kai's hand.

"Cool!" Kai smiled then stood up, "Now I'm off to put a whoopee cushion to the microphone of the school see you guys later!" Kai laughed and cartwheeled off.

"She's an interesting one…" Rin said.

"Agreed," everyone said.

"Why hello there new girl…" said a seductive voice.

Rin turned about to punch the next person who called her new kid… it was the play boy Len. She slapped him across the face.

"No need to get feisty," Len purred.

"Go away sicko," Rin scowled.

"Are you going to let this girl talk this way to your brother Kairi?" Len asked.

"Yup," Kairu said plainly without hesitating"

"Ouch sissy, that hurts," Len said

Kairi scowled in a way that would make a horrifying dog look like a cute puppy. Kairi stood up and pinched Len by the ear causing Len to grimace. Kairi then raised her other hand and slammed her hand against the tabled causing it the shake like a volcano. She made an evil grin.

"Len, brother, can you go get me a snack?" Len rolled his eyes as Kairi said this, "Now…" Kairi said deeply causing Len to nod quickly and run off fast as a cheetah. Then at the corner of Rin's eye, she saw a girl.

A pretty one too, she had long brownish black hair, purple eyes, had a red ribbon in her hair, she wore a red skirt, white button down, red and black stripe knee socks, and a pretty gold necklace. She was holding a stack of about 10 books and seemed to be stumbling. Rin got up from her chair and dashed over to the girl who was about to drop the books, and did. Rin swiftly caught 5 while the rest stayed on the girls.

"Whoa thanks!" she smiled.

"No problem, I'm Rin," Rin said while carrying the books in one hand and extending her hand in the other, "Rin Kagamine."

"Rin? That's a pretty name! I'm Rikkio Tsukara," she replied shaking Rin's hand happily.

"Tsukara? Isn't that the last name of the owner of the school?" Rin asked.

Rikkio blushed and nodded, "Yeah, I don't really, talk to anyone in school because my dad tells me everything about them."

"Really?" Rin said, "Well I hope we can be friends then though!"

"Me too, but I have to go right now and take these books to my dad! Talk to you later Rin?" she said and gathered all the books and dashed off.

"She seems nice," I smiled.

"That's because she is," Kairi had appeared out of nowhere right beside Rin, "Nicest person in school, she also plays the keyboard."

"She seems interesting," Rin smiled and went back to eating lunch.