Power Rangers: Beasts of Myth


There was a young man named Steven, who was a great man and undefeatable. However, Steven didn't just want to be remembered. He wanted to live forever. So, one night, Steven sneaked into a witch's house. There the man found a spell book with a brew recipe for longevity. He brewed all the ingredients: wart of a toad, slime of a slug, cobwebs of a black widow, and a live cockroach.

Then, Steven heard a noise. The young man flung around so fast, he accidentally knocked in a flask of vampire blood into the cauldron. Realizing it was just a rat, he took a ladle and dipped it into the cauldron, pouring the blood red liquid into a cup.

The hero toasted himself and drank. To his dismay, the brew tasted awful. Steven's cup clattered to the floor as the room began to swirl around the man. His eyeteeth elongated. His skin turned midnight black. His eyes turned a blood red. His arms became wings and his feet became talons. He was no longer Steven, but Bloodwing, lord of the vampires.

Suddenly, Bloodwing's thirst for blood kicked in. He sniffed around the house and found the witch's sleeping chamber. Bloodwing opened his mouth and the witch woke up and shrieked.

Rally the Beasts, Part 1

Tobias Smithers, an olive skinned male with blonde hair and brown eyes, was staring at the clock, hoping that it would go faster. As he watched the clock, the teacher rambled on about summer school. How he wished she would shut up. Only a complete loser would sign up for that. Suddenly, the bell rang. Teenagers rushed into the great blue and gold hall of the enormous school as if the classroom was about to explode. Needless to say, Tobias was out first.

"DUDE!" a voice yelled.

Tobias turned around and saw Skyler Bornfly, his olive skinned, gray haired buddy, waving.

"Dude, what's up!" Tobias replied.

The teen zoomed over and the two did a complex handshake that involved a fist pound, a high five and a brief thumb wrestling match.

"So, I want you to meet someone," the Portuguese guy told his bud, his gray eyes flashing.

"Dude, I told you, no hook-ups," the Spaniard replied, holding up his hands in objection.

"Just meet her, dude. She's a hot Asian." The last sentence was said in a singsong voice.

Tobias raised his eyebrows, interested. "Asian? Well, okay."

Skyler smirked. "Hey, Xue! Over here!"

An Asian girl with brown eyes walked over and flicked her black hair.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Xue Yu."

"Tobias Smithers, at your service."

Tobias was about to ask her out, but a blonde haired girl with black highlights yanked her away.

"C'mon, Clarice!" Skyler yelled after the two girls. "You have to ruin everything!"

"Yeah, c'mon, Hoodraze," Tobias echoed.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Clarice spoke to her.

"Xue, what were you doing?"

"I was trying to make friends," the Chinese girl replied with a shy shrug.

Clarice sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose. "Nothing against that, but those two are Neanderthals."

"They don't look like it…" Xue blushed as she thought about Tobias.

Suddenly, an Irish boy with auburn hair and green eyes grabbed Clarice from behind. Clarice then gasped and turned around.

"I got you, Clarice!" the kid yelled.

"Sean! Don't do that!"

"Sorry, but you are so easy to scare." Sean let out a chuckle.

"Sean!" Xue exclaimed, trying to get his attention.


"Who are those two over there?" She nodded her head in the direction of Tobias and Skyler.

"The Spanish-looking guy is Tobias Smithers. The guy beside him is Skyler Bornfly."

"And complete morons," Clarice added, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, we heard that!" the duo yelled, offended. Obviously, the two hadn't gotten far enough away.

"Well, me da's takin' me ma to dinner tonight, so I'm going to explore the Bermuda Triangle. Wanna come with?" Sean said, suddenly donning an Irish accent.

"I'm in," Clarice replied with a smile.

"Me, too," Xue chimed in.

"Hey, Sean, can Skyler and I come?" Tobias inquired, eyes hopefully. Skyler mirrored his buddy's facial expression.

"Sure," Sean replied with a smile and a shrug.

Later, that night, the four showed up at Sean's parents' mansion. As they made their way to the dock, a stranger in a black frock coat walked up in front of them. Nothing else could be determined.

"Who are you?" Tobias asked, a little uncomfortable by this stranger's presence.

"My name is Steven," the stranger replied in a slippery tone.

"Wait, like the Steven that was turned into a vampire to forever walk the earth?" Xue asked, making zombie-like motions.

"Yes, and the only ones who can stop him are the four of you and your Irish friend. And that Steven is me!"

Immediately, the stranger became a midnight black, his arms became wings, and his feet became talons. His fangs shined in the moonlight.

"I am Bloodwing!" the creature shrieked spreading his wings.

"Guys! Over here!" Sean yelled, waving them over.

The Irish boy waved them over to the pier. Tobias, Skyler, Clarice and Xue ran onto the ship and jumped in. Sean then kicked the boat into gear and they sailed off to the Bermuda Triangle. Bloodwing took flight and chased them with persistence, growling maliciously.

"Can't this jalopy go any faster?" Clarice yelled, looking behind the boat.

"Yeah, but we're entering the Bermuda Triangle and that's what's slowing us down," Sean said, keeping his eyes on the water.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Bloodwing smashed into an invisible wall that seemed to be the border into the Triangle.

"Well, that was convenient," Tobias said, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yeah, but the faster we get to Bermuda Bay, the better," Xue said.

Then, out of nowhere, the engine died and the lights went out.

"Great, now what?" Clarice asked, throwing her hands up, then letting them fall again, producing a sharp smack.

"I don't know," Skyler said with a shrug.

"Wait, look! An island!" Sean exclaimed, pointing of to the right. "Grab the oars and start rowing!"

The teens did as he said and they arrived at shore. There was a weird creature in a flowing robe waiting for them.

"Welcome to Bermuda Triangle Island! I'm Sasquatch, the owner and only living resident," the hooded figure said.

"You mean as in Bigfoot?" Sean asked, confused.

"Yes," replied the hooded figure with a slow nod.

The figure pulled back the hood from its face, revealing an ape-like face with two big, sad eyes.

"Follow me, please," Sasquatch told them.

The five looked amongst themselves, then, one by one, followed the strange creature into a cave.


Trivia: Xue's name means "snow" in Chinese.