Power Rangers Atomic Force

Relations and Revelations


Tyndall woke up to being looked in the face by nine people. He felt a little claustrophobic, but he could see that they were backing off so he could get air. There was a pause, the employees of Fisher Labs looking among themselves, wondering who would speak first.

"So, he's the Time Walker?" Gwen finally asked after a moment, a bit confused.

"Evidently so," Andrew replied, looking at Tyndall, then at Haleigh.

Haleigh smiled for a brief moment, but then returned her eyes to Tyndall, who was now propping himself up. Rebel rushed over to him, helping him up. The platinum blond looked to Dr. Fisher, who avoiding meeting his gaze and stood facing the wall.

Rob wheeled up to Marcus, and whispered, "I've never seen the doc like this. I mean, there was that one time when his uncle died and he got kinda quiet. But this is nothing like that."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Who knew he had a son? And much less that he worked here?"

Tyndall kept his eyes on his dad. "Father."

Fisher ignored him, keeping his eye towards the wall. Seymour and Jack exchanged a glance.

"Have you ever seen a father-son relationship like this?" Jack asked the red ranger.

Seymour shook his head. "No. Then again, I don't know how their relationship is."

Fisher finally turned around, his face absolutely furious. "How dare you disobey me!"

Tyndall cringed a bit and replied, "Well, I am twenty-five. I can make decisions by myself."

Fisher ground his teeth and roared, "Yes, but it was decided that your powers would be neutralized ten years ago!"

"Then let's all take a little trip," Tyndall said as he snapped his fingers.

And with a flash, the group vanished from the room.


The group looked around and saw the same room with a fifteen-year-old Tyndall and a younger Fisher. Tyndall was sitting in a chair-like device.

"Father, why can't I keep my powers?" the young Tyndall asked.

Rebel looked at the current Tyndall, then the young Tyndall while Rob looked in astonishment at the scene that was going on in front of him.

"Where are we?" Seymour asked, looking around.

Andrew and Haleigh embraced, as if they might be separated again. Gwen, seeing this, suddenly latched onto Jack, who looked at her strangely and pulled away to no avail. Tyndall propped himself up on his father's shoulder, much to the latter's frustration. The doctor shrugged his son's arm off, leaving Tyndall to stand on his own.

"Ten years back," Tyndall finally said, ignoring his father. "Just so I don't overexert myself time traveling so much, I tell you the premise."

The scene in front of them paused.

"I was born with powers because of an experimental drug that my mother was taking for migraines," continued Tyndall. "Father has never let me view the drug, so I don't know how that exactly worked. Anyway, I realized this power when I was five years old. Now, when I was younger, I loved dinosaurs. So, I brought a Tyrannosaurus hatchling to the present. Naturally, being a little kid and all, I wanted to show my parents."

Tyndall suddenly stopped, his head suddenly drooping. Fisher wiped something out of his eye, which Marcus realized was a tear. Tyndall took a quivering breath. As the pause continued, Seymour looked Jack, who was still in Gwen's bear hug. Jack was staring at him, eyes wide, and mouthed the words "Help me." Seymour glanced over to Gwen, whose face was one of pure joy. Seymour motioned for Rob to wheel over, then pointed at Gwen. Upon looking at the green ranger, the wheelchair-bound man and the red ranger exchanged a smile. Rob wheeled away laughing his butt off as Seymour mouthed to Jack, "I feel sorry for you, bro."

"Anyway," Tyndall said, seeming to struggle with his words, "When Mother and Father came in, the hatchling... attacked my mother."

He fell silent again, his fist clenched. A tear formed in his eye and dropped on the floor. Fisher sobbed a little, trying to keep control of his emotions. Father and son stood there, both crying. Andrew and Haleigh exchanged a look, then Haleigh walked over to the side, beckoning Andrew to follow her by tugging his arms. Andrew, of course, followed.

"Listen, Andrew, I need to tell you something," she said once they were out of earshot, crossing her arms.

Andrew looked at her, confused. He knew that when she called him Andrew she was serious.

"What is it?" he asked, a bit concerned.

Haleigh uncrossed her arms, but left her right hand on her left arm and sucked air through her teeth.

"I..." she began.

Andrew grabbed Haleigh gently by the shoulders and held her. She felt a little like slime, but Andrew ignored it.

"It's okay," Andrew said softly, "Whatever it is, we'll get over it together."

Haleigh smiled a sad smile. "I don't think I can fully change back to a human."

"What?" Andrew exclaimed softly as he could.

Haleigh opened her mouth to explain, but then, Tyndall continued with his story.

"After that, Father made me send it back. But, in actuality, I went back in time frequently to train the hatchling, making it my loyal companion. I even made him his own little Time Bubble, so I would never have to worry about him. But after a while, the Time Energy made him entirely robotic. I'm still looking into that. Anyway, my Time Walker powers kept growing and growing until this moment, when Father decided to neutralize them. That should bring you guys up to date."

The Time Walker snapped his fingers and the scene started playing again.

"Your powers are dangerous," the younger Fisher replied to his son's question, "Besides, don't you want to be normal?"

"No!" the young Tyndall exclaimed, "Don't you realize that I can be really resourceful? Seriously, Dad, I can feel the presence of another time traveller."

Fisher scoffed and said, "Do you really expect me to believe such a ludicrous lie?"

The doctor then flipped the switch and the machine that the young boy was in hummed to life. After a few moments, a charge of electricity ran through the device and began to turn the minute hand of a big clock that was attached to the back of the chair. Then, the machine stopped totally.

"There," the young Dr. Fisher said, "Your powers have been neutralized."

The scene paused again.

"What Dad didn't know is that I had yanked out a few wires prior," Tyndall said, looking around at everyone he brought with him. "And I didn't lose my powers."

With that, Tyndall snapped and the group disappeared.


The group reappeared exactly as they were before they left. Tyndall let himself down onto the couch and sighed.

"So, you're a timetraveller that helps people?" Seymour asked, verifying what he just saw while trying to pry Gwen off of Jack.

Tyndall pointed to the red ranger. "Exactly."

The group stopped what they were doing and looked at him, each with their own questions.

"Um, Rebel, Marcus, Rob, could you leave for a moment?" Tyndall asked with an awkward chuckle.

Rebel looked at her brother and colleague for a moment, both who shrugged. The three left, Marcus taking Rob's chair and wheeling it out. Rebel shut the door.

"I didn't want to get them too excited when I announce this," Tyndall explained. "Father, I've been working on the Abandoned Project."

Fisher's jaw dropped and protested, "It's too dangerous!"

Tyndall shot his father a determined look. "I can handle it."

"Tyndall, the thing blew up in my face, not once, but twice!" Fisher countered, making spasmodic motions with his hands.

Suddenly, Seymour made a "T" with his hands. "Time out. What's the Abandoned Project?"

Fisher exhaled sharply and Tyndall looked at his father. "You didn't tell them?"

Now, the rangers were all interested.

"Tell us what?" Gwen chirped up.

Jack looked over at Andrew, who was cuddled up with Haleigh, but both were listening.

"The Abandoned Project is the precursor of the Atomic Morphers and the Vortex Gauntlet," Tyndall explained.

The four rangers exchanged looks and exclaimed, "What?"


Gelato looked around as his new generals gathered a force of Gel Troopers into a squadron. Generex looked over to Blulk and Feralequin, both who nodded. Feralequin then walked over to the computer where Biomecha had been stationed while Blulk gathered four Gel Assassins.

"Oh, those four will cause quite the trouble for those pests," Feralequin noted with an evil chuckle.

Generex nodded and turned to face Gelato. "And with the Time Walker unable to aid them, their defeat is eminent."

Gelato looked over the forces and looked to Generex. "The Gel Shockers?"

As if on cue, two Gel Shockers walked up. The first one was a sickly green-gray with no face and a few tendrils sticking out of his shoulders, each one squirming a little. His feet were blocky and clumsy looking, each of his steps being heavy. The second was a female Shocker, midnight blue in color with a mouth that was stitched up. Her eyes were a disturbing whitish-gray and she walked with a lurch that looked similar to a zombie.

The two kneeled at Gelato's feet. "These are Leecor and Feer."

Leecor and Feer stopped in front of Gelato's throne and faced the general, Leecor kneeling as Feer simply stood there.

Gelato nodded in approval. "Very well, attack immediately."

Leecor rose to his feet as Feer turned and gave the command to move out. The Gel Assassins nodded amongst each other and disappeared in black blurs, the Gel Troopers marching out of the room after them, followed by Leecor and Feer.

"This will be interesting," Feralequin noted to himself as he watching them file out, giggling madly.


"So, basically what you're saying is that the Abandoned Project, with your work, could help us greatly?" Andrew asked, the blue ranger a little confused, yet intrigued.

Tyndall nodded. "It still has a few kinks, but, once it's finished, you know those dangerous Gel Assassins?"

Gwen and Andrew automatically looked over to Seymour, whose eyes grew very large. Jack looked at the other three, confused.

"What's a Gel Assassin?" the Vortex Ranger asked his colleagues.

Seymour facepalmed and replied, "Ah, I forgot to tell you about those. They're elite footsoldiers that we've been lucky enough not to have encountered outside of The Pit."

Suddenly, the alarm went off, Tyndall practically jumping away from the alarm. Dr. Fisher ran to the computer and pulled up images of Gel Troopers attacking civilians, lead by Leecor and Feer, the two Gel Shockers being protected by Gel Assassins.

"Oh no," Seymour said aloud as everyone but Jack gaped at the screen.

"I take it those black things are Gel Assassins," the Vortex Ranger told the others.

Everyone else nodded slowly in unison.

"So, does that mean we're toast?" Jack asked with a sheepishly.

"Not unless Tyndall finishes his work on the Abandoned Project," Andrew said, looking at the platinum blond man.

Tyndall nodded quickly. "I'll work fast. However, to work on it, I'll need to concentrate all of my Time Walker powers on the device. You're going to have to hold them off as much as you can while I finish."

Seymour looked over to Jack with enthusiam. "You think you can handle it?"

The Vortex Ranger exhaled. "I'll see what I can do."

The red ranger looked over to Andrew, then to Gwen. "You guys ready?"

Gwen nodded quickly, but Andrew looked down and began to scratch his chin.

"I-I don't know," the blue ranger replied, his voice uncertain.

Haleigh walked over and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. "Don't worry. I'll help Dr. Fisher monitor the screens. Now, go and give all of those Gel Troopers a kiss from me."

Andrew looked over Haleigh, kissed her on the cheek and replied, "Thanks."

Haleigh giggled nervously and placed her hand on the place he kissed her, blushing a little. The four got in a line, the core three pulling out their Atomic Morphers and Jack pressing the appropriate button on the Vortex Gauntlet. Quickly, Seymour, Andrew and Gwen punched 2-8-1-3-* into their Morphers.

"Atomic Scramble, Engage!"

"Vortex, Initiate!"

Seymour is in a nuclear reactor. The atomic structure of the uranium is displayed until it explodes. The neutrons and electrons vanish, leaving protons. The protons collide with Seymour's body causing a suit to form. The helmet is made from the remaining protons. The visor forms a plus sign.

Andrew is in a nuclear reactor. The atomic structure of the uranium is displayed until it explodes. The protons and electrons vanish, leaving neutrons. The neutrons collide with Andrew's body causing a suit to form. The helmet is made from the remaining neutrons. The visor forms a null sign.

Gwen is in a nuclear reactor. The atomic structure of the uranium is displayed until it explodes. The protons and neutrons vanish, leaving electrons. The electrons collide with Gwen's body causing a suit to form. The helmet is made from the remaining electrons. The visor forms a minus sign.

Jack is in the middle of space, surrounded by bright suns. Suddenly, a black hole opens underneath him, sucking in silver and gold light. The darkness of space forms his black suit and the silver and gold light creates silver and gold accents along with silver gloves and golden boots. Jack then dives into the black hole and comes out of the other side with his helmet on, the visor looking like a five-pointed star. He "lands" and strikes a pose.

Then, Seymour, Andrew and Gwen entered 5-6-0-0-*-#-#, and shouted out, "Gamma Mode, Armor Up!"

The three's armor flashed on and they quickly led Jack to the garage, turning on the lights.

"Ever since we got the up-grade, the Fission Cycles became obsolete," Andrew began, addressing the Vortex Ranger.

"So, to keep up with us, we took 'em apart and made you this!" Seymour said, motioning over to a bulky-looking, black ATV with silver and gold trim.

The Vortex Ranger laughed in pleasant surprise. "Vortex ATV! Suh-weet!"

Jack whooped as he climbed up and fired the clutch one time, producing a revving sound.

"Now, let's go take out this Gel Squadron," Seymour said, smirking underneath his helmet.

Gwen swung her Gyroblade slowly and propped the blade against her shoulder. "Yeah, this city will be gluten free!"

The other three rangers looked at her oddly and there was a silence.

"...What?" Gwen replied to her teammates.

Andrew tried to massage where his nose was, but just got a handful of helmet. "Gwen, gluten is something found in things like marshmallows and wheat products. We might not have marshmallows, but we still have loaves of bread. There's no way this city, nor any city, could be gluten free, unless it was a ghost town."

Gwen rolled her eyes and replied, "I just used the word 'gluten' because it sounds like it would be a gel."

"Well, it's not," Andrew shot back, his voice stern.

"Are we really doing this right now?" Jack asked Seymour, who held up a hand to the two.

"Enough bickering," the red ranger said sternly, "Let's go."

The core three ran out in blurs of their respective colors, followed by Jack's vehicle.


The civilians ran as the Gel Squadron spread out, the Gel Troopers working on kidnapping people and teleporting them back to the ship while the Gel Assassins zipped throughout the area to create a perimeter and Leecor and Feer oversaw everything.

"I believe that's enough," the heavier Gel Shocker said to his partner in a deep Russian accent.

"I'll say," a voice came.

Suddenly, black lasers with white electricity around them hit the nearest two Gel Assassins, stunning them long enough for the rangers to enter the perimeter.

"Hello, there," Jack said smuggly, "Did you miss us?"

Leecor laughed and replied, "I actually thought you four would be smart enough to stay away from us with Gel Assassins loose."

Andrew looked over to the teleportation device and knew immediately what was happening. In a blue blur, the blue ranger ran over to the device and activated it, sending him to Gelato's ship. The other rangers looked in confusion over at the machine. Seymour, thinkinng quickly, pulled out his Atomic Morphers, pressed two and shut the phone.

Then, pressing a side button, Seymour asked into the phone-like device, "Andrew, what are you doing?"

There was a bit of static, then Andrew replied, "They took some civilians onto Gelato's ship. I'm going to retrieve them."

Leecor's eyes widen. Quickly, the Gel Shocker seized one of his tendrils and threw it at the device, making it lose power. The tendril pulsed blue for a few seconds and then exploded, taking the machine with it. The other three rangers gaped in horror underneath their helmets and there was a pause.

Leecor let out a victorious laugh. "That takes care of one ranger."

With a frantic look, Gwen and Jack looked to Seymour.

"What's the plan?" the green asked, a bit confused.

"Uh, Gwen, you and I will take the, uh, Gel Troopers and Gel Shockers. Jack, you, erm, try to keep the Gel Assassins at bay," Seymour managed, now nervous.

Jack gave thumbs up as he took off, chasing after the Gel Assassins and firing his lasers to stun them. Seymour and Gwen nodded to the Vortex Ranger as he gave a thumbs up and the two charged.


Andrew dove out of the way as the teleportation responder exploded in a shower of sparks. Panting, the blue ranger looked at his Atomic Morpher. Other than having no signal, it was fully functional. Andrew turned off his Gamma Mode because he knew they might hear the humming of the Gyroblade. Pulling out a silencer he had developed, the blue ranger snapped it onto his Atomic Laser and crept around the corner.

"Be on your guard!" Generex rapped out to the Gel Troopers. "The Blue Ranger has infiltrated the ship. According to Master Gelato, he has intensive knowledge on the prints of this ship. Keep your eyes peeled."

Andrew gritted his teeth as the Gel Troopers screeched in reply, his muscles tensing up as he heard their footsteps. The blue ranger looked to his left and right, noticed a vent and crawled in, careful to replace the grate. As the footsoldiers drew nearer, Andrew waited, Atomic Laser at the ready.


Gwen jumped onto the hood of a nearby car and swung her Gyroblade at some Gel Troopers, who collapsed into a puddle of smoldering goop. The green ranger flipped into another patch of Gel Troopers and sliced at Gel Trooper after Gel Trooper, working her way through the horde of Gel Troopers. Gwen threw her Gyroblade into the air and drew her Atomic Laser.

"I hope Andrew finished those calculations for that combo weapon I saw the prints to," Gwen said as she caught her Gyroblade, connected the Atomic Laser to the tube that acted as the grip for the bladed weapon and folded the blades themselves up. This last action opened a barrel at the other end of tube acting as a grip.

"Complete, Atomic Rifle!" the green ranger shouted as she pulled the trigger.

There was a click, confusing the Gel Troopers as to why there was no projectile. Gwen pulled the trigger again, this time producing a cough of smoke. The green ranger let out a huff as the Gel Troopers let out an amused gurgle.

"Now I realize why we test everything," Gwen said as she dissembled the rifle, knocking a few Gel Troopers around with her elbows and fists.

Flipping out the Gyroblade, the green ranger slashed a few Gel Troopers as she holstered her Atomic Laser and ran over to Seymour. The red ranger slashed and hacked his way through the Gel Troopers, reducing them to sludge. He met Gwen in the middle of the horde and the two exchanged a nod.

"Gyroblade, Activate Buzzsaw Mode!" the two yelled, throwing their weapons, destroying the surrounding Gel Troopers.

Leecor let out a chuckle as Feer surged forward, her arms becoming weighted chain weapons. Seymour and Gwen let out a yell of determination and charged.


Andrew looked down at the puddles of smoking liquid on the floor from his silent attack. The blue ranger pulled out a test tube-looking device and put it to the floor. As the device began to suck up the Gel Trooper remains, Andrew quickly swept the area within his field of vision. The device finished its job and Andrew returned it to his belt.

"Okay," Andrew said softly to himself. "Gelato's brig is left and then right, downstairs."

The blue ranger ran over to the opening of the left hallway and put his back to the wall and peeked around the corner, spying two Gel Troopers, one pacing up and down the hall and one standing directly in front of where he needed to go. The Gel Trooper that was pacing passed his fellow grunt guarding the stairs, and Andrew quickly fired a blast at the stationary footsoldier, who dissolved into a pile of slime. The other turned and saw the puddle, knew what it meant and ran off.

"Probably going to raise the alarm," Andrew thought aloud, holstering his Atomic Laser and drawing his Neutron Blaster. "Better do this quickly."

Andrew ran down the stairs, the puddle squishing as he passed through it. Descending the stairs, the blue ranger heard the alarms and a call to arms in a gurgled language. At the bottom of the stairs were two Gel Troopers waiting. Andrew kicked one in the chest while simultaneously shooting its comrade in the chest point-blank. The Gel Trooper skidded back and said something in its garbled tongue.

"Sorry, I don't speak your language," the blue ranger replied, pistol-whipping the Gel Trooper, who fell to the ground in a strange half-splat, half-thud sound.

Andrew put away his weapon and propped the minion up, looking over to the cell-release pad. The Cherokee knew that only a Gel Trooper or Gel Shocker could open the door, so he put the knocked-out Gel Shocker's hand to the device, dissolving the cell door into a smoldering goop.

"C'mon," the blue ranger beckoned, motioning for the prisoners to follow him as he ran back up the stairs.

Without hesitation, the crowd of about thirty poured out of their cells and followed the blue ranger, only for the group to meet Generex and a group of Gel Troopers in the middle of the corridor.

"Well, well," the general said amusingly, "If it isn't the Atomic Force Blue Ranger."

Andrew narrowed his eyes and replied, "Generex, right? Leader of thirteen raiding parties, lieutenant governor of the planet Varem. I heard the dense gases of its atmosphere and the heat from the binary suns really created some wounds."

"Ah, so you know about my greatest triumph?" Generex said in a condescending tone, pulling out a staff.

"You mean your single-handed murder of the indigenous people's chieftain?" Andrew replied coldly.

Everything got quiet for a while, then Andrew got an idea. Spotting a man in a military uniform, Andrew pulled out his Atomic Laser.

"There's a ship straight down this corridor," the blue ranger told him, putting the blaster in his hand. "Use this on any Gel Troopers or Gel Scouts that stand in the way."

With a nod, the soldier checked the weapon, then herded the crowd to follow him down the hall.

"So, a prison break, eh?" Generex said, looking after the fleeing humans.

Quickly, Andrew put his Neutron Blaster in Rapid Fire Mode and shot a line on the ship's floor.

"I dare you to cross this line," the blue ranger challenged, Atomic Morpher at the ready.

Generex smirked at the Cherokee's bluff and roared, "Troopers, attack!"

The battalion of Gel Troopers rumbled down the ship hallway as Andrew punched in his code and pressed enter, going into Gamma Mode. Gyroblade poised the blue ranger surged forward, ready to strike.

And that's where I'll leave it for now. I really hate to do this, but I wanted to update before October.

Trivia: In writing this chapter, many ideas were thought about, but never actually established. A few of which were Andrew finding out that Biomecha wasn't actually Haleigh or that Biomecha was still on Gelato's side, a short Gwen and Jack heart-to-heart, and a more explosive battle on the ground.