Power Rangers Atomic Force


Five years ago, an alien called Gelato started his conquest for Earth. He sent battalions of his Gel Troopers to destroy city after city, all who defended themselves to no avail. This continued until, in a place called Five Hills, Dr. Adrian Fisher created the Proton Stinger, a laser charged with protons. The weapon was effective and could easily take out a full battalion. Dr. Fisher was pleased with his work, but a traitor stole the Proton Stinger and its prints before it could be duplicated. The doctor fell into a state of distress until he tripped upon the Morphing Grid. With his knowledge of nuclear mechanics, he infused its power with the three parts of the atom, creating the Red, Blue, and Green Atomic Morphers. He now looks for three worthy enough to operate them.

Project A.T.O.M. Part 1


"Hit the deck!" yelled Andrew Davis to the fugitives, eyes wide. The people flattened themselves to the floor as an explosion passed over them.

"This way!" Andrew yelled waving the people onto a bus. Quickly, the refugee hopped into the bus and jump-started it.

"Next stop, Five Hills," Andrew said to himself. He put the bus in gear and floored the accelerator. The trip lasted five long, cruel months. At their arrival, a man Andrew had never met before asked him to come with him.

AUSTIN, TX 1:59 P.M.

Gwen Montgomery hid behind a car waiting for the troops to pass. The slash scar across her cheek had been for running away the first time. She was so sure she could escape without being caught. This time, Gwen took the Proton Stinger, that she had stolen before, and set it to overload to destroy all Gel Troopers in the area. She threw it and the Gel Troopers dissolved. Now that there were no guards, she could run to Five Hills, which she did. As Gwen arrived, the same man that had asked for Andrew motioned for her to come with him.


Seymour Russell ran for his life as the Gel Troopers advanced. Five Hills was finally in his sights. A little farther and he was home free. Then, on instinct, the Gel Troopers stopped. The General had given them no orders to go to Five Hills. Who knows what that cursed Dr. Fisher could've invented to replace the Proton Stinger? Seymour, not seeing this, kept running. At the gates, the same man from before told Seymour to follow him.


Three very confused young adults waited in a command center of sorts. Seymour, a twenty-year-old Caucasian male with brown hair and brown eyes, was pacing. Gwen, a twenty-year-old Caucasian female with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, was sitting and twiddling her thumbs. Andrew, a twenty-one Cherokee tribe American Indian male with blonde hair and aqua eyes, was standing with his right foot against the wall.

"What could this guy possibly want from us?" Seymour asked.

"Maybe he's a Gel Trooper. I've seen them shapeshift before," Gwen replied.

"No, this guy's an actual person and not a Gel Trooper. I shook the guy's hand and it didn't feel like slime," Andrew commented as he stared distantly.

Seymour walked to this stranger.

"How can we not know he's a traitor?" Seymour asked.

"I've hacked into Gelato's ship's computer. He keeps files on all of his enemies, past and present," Andrew replied as distantly as the first time.

"So?" Seymour demanded.

Andrew looked at him. "He's number one on the list. His name is Adrian Fisher. He's the first to discover the Gel Trooper's weakness and put it into a weapon called the Proton Stinger."

"So, you know me, hmm?" a voice asked. Dr. Fisher was standing in the doorway. The three automatically faced him. Dr. Fisher looked like he was in his early thirties, Caucasian, brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing goggles.

"Why did you bring us here?" Andrew asked.

"Ah, my dear Andrew. So headstrong and resourceful," Dr. Fisher said calmly.

"Get to the point," Seymour said sternly.

"Seymour, so hot tempered and to-the-point and yet you call yourself easy-going," Dr. Fisher said just as calmly as before.

"Please tell us why we are here," Gwen pleaded.

"Gwen, so patient and understanding. Anyway, as you know, I found the Gel Troopers weakness," the doctor replied.

"By adding a proton, neutron, or electron to the molecular structure of a Gel Trooper, you can turn them into an acid that dissolves them inside out," Andrew inputted with a nod.

"Exactly," Fisher replied with a snap of his fingers, "Are any of you familiar with the Morphing Grid?"

"Morphing Grid? No," Andrew responded. The other two wore confused looks.

"I have combined my research with the morphing grid to create these," Fisher said his face full of pride. Fisher pulled out his briefcase and opened it, revealing three devices that looked like cell phones.

"These are the Atomic Morphers," Fisher boasted, "They allow you to become Power Rangers."

"Um, doc, are you insane?" Seymour asked, a questioning look on his face.

"No," Fisher replied.

"If this is the only way to resist Gelato, I'm in," Gwen declared, looking at the other two.

"I'm with her," Andrew commented.

The two looked at Andrew and there was an awkward pause.

"Alright, I'll do it," Seymour said.

"Now to give you your Morphers," Fisher said, grabbing the green Morpher first, "Gwen Montgomery, because of your sunny disposition, I give you the Green Atomic Morpher."

"Sweet," Gwen said, taking the device.

Dr. Fisher drew the blue one. "Andrew Davis, because of your brilliance, I give you the Blue Atomic Morpher."

"Okay," Andrew said, handling his Morpher.

Dr. Fisher retrieved the final Morpher. "And finally, Seymour Russell, because of your leadership skills, I give you the Red Atomic Morpher."

Seymour grabbed his Morpher and examined it.

"So, how does it work?" he questioned, not looking up.

"The morph call is 'Atomic Scramble, Engage'," Fisher replied, "Best of luck to you, rangers!"

The three looked at the doctor and placed their Morphers in their pockets.


"Master, I am ready to go to Five Hills and destroy Doctor Fisher once and for all," a blue, slimy, humanoid being said as he kneeled before a throne.

This being was a warrior of Gelato's. He was as tall as a normal person, had armor on his shoulders and around his waist. The purple spots on his arms were pores to shoot toxin.

"Very well, Hydrotox," a second blue slimy being said, "Attack at once."


Trivia: This fic is actually leftovers from another idea: Power Rangers: Prisoners of War