AN: This fanfic is written by Saja Natalia and Imalkikal. This second chapter is by Imalkikal and written from the perspective of Prussia.
There are some things in this world that you just want to forget. There are some things so terrible, so fucked up, that you never want to think about them again. But those are the things that plague your thoughts and drive you insane.
Two dissolutions and forty-three years with Soviet Russia later, I understand that more than anyone else. I'd been betrayed by anyone and everyone I thought I could trust. Fuck 'em. That's what I say. Who needs 'em?
…I need some fucking weed.
Or heroin.
Or Mein Gott, something, anything, to make this go away.
Was that Russia?
No…of course not…just the wind…
…Fuck…It was cold. Really fucking cold. It was a little over two years since the wall came down. Since I hadn't been able to hang around there for a while, I'd gone to West Germany. Not to see West, of course. I could care less about that fucker. Who needs him?
So, anyway, I was in West Germany. That whole day was a little hazy. I'd already smoked, like, six joints and shot up some heroin. I had just scored some cocaine out of some back alleyway in I think it was Strasbourg. Then I became aware of my surroundings.
I was really fucking far West. Like…in fuckin' France far West. But not really that far…and let's not talk about him. Or think about him. Or anyone. Did I still have that coke? Yeah. It's there. When did it start snowing? Oh…It's been snowing…
I lost track of my thoughts a lot back then…all I knew was that if I didn't get this fix, and fast, I was gonna go fucking crazy.
Ha. I know what you're thinking. Too late for that, huh? Ja. It was. But it was all I could do to keep from killing myself or something. Drugs mellowed me out. They made me forget what I wanted to…needed to…forget. And so, I moved with purpose. Down the street and down such a pretty looking hill. Yeah…that looked like a good place for cocaine.
I began to descend the hill when I heard faint footsteps behind me. What the fuck? Eh. Probably nothing. But then I heard it. "Prussia!" That's a name I haven't heard for a while…but I kept walking. Hell, I was probably imagining it…but that voice sounded like…yeah, I must've imagined it.
But then I felt a weight on my shoulder. A hand. "Prussia!" the voice said. Deep. A man. A Frenchman. "It's been a long time!"
I turned. And sure enough, there he stood. France. One of the fucking nations that dissolved me. I couldn't tell how I felt when I saw him. Happy…Angry…that…Maybe all of them.
But he was right. It had been a long time.