Two months after Evolution

Selene and Michael had finally escaped the Coven, Packs, and the bloody war in Selene's home country. She had suggested they move into Selene's private home in L.A.

At first glance, it wasn't much to look at. The brickwork was slightly worn, but overall, the outside appearance of Selene's townhouse was charming. Most would assume the place belonged to a happy couple, just starting out. But inside was a whole other story.

It was a house specifically designed for Vampyres.

Over each one of the large windows there were lightproof shutters that automatically went down with the dawn. In the mid sized kitchen there was a huge industrial-grade fridge. She always kept it stocked with a variety of Ziodex products. A high powered microwave - able to heat foods to a certain preset temperature - sat above the outdated and, in fact, nonfunctioning , stove.

The basement of the house contained Selene's armory, which held every possible weapon. A computer was also down there, but Selene preferred her laptop.

The only problem with this refuge was that their supply of blood was running out, and that they had no way of replenishing it.

Selene laid on the bed she shared with Michael, contemplating why the hybrid in question even stayed with her. She knew she was a cold hearted bitch most of the time.

After what she called "the Markus incident" she had been making an effort to show him exactly how deep her feelings for him were. In her own way, she loved him. Selene doubted she was able to feel love, other than the brotherly love she had felt for her fellow Death Dealers.

The fact that her rapidly increasing appetite had exhausted their supply of cloned blood only seved as another reason for Michael to leave her alone to starve.

"Selene?" Michael asked. He was standing in the doorway, a mug in each hand."Are you hungry? I've made us breakfast..."

"Michael, you didn't need to..." Selene began, but then she smelled the delicious smell coming from the cups. it almost smelled like... blood.

Selene frowned. They had gone through the supply of cloned blood a week ago, instead they now drank the plasma.

"I managed to sneak out while you were sleeping yesterday, and I went to the blood bank." Michael crossed the floor, sitting at the foot of their bed. "I had forgotten for a while that doctors can buy blood. So I did."

She smiled, gratefully accepting the mug. "So, we are set.. For a while at least?"

"I bought us a few weeks, but I didn't have enough cash for more. I might have to get a job."

"There's no need. I can put you on my account. I have a few million to spare."

"…Million? As in, dollars?"

"Of course. I received two hundred thousand dollars a year since 1690, and back in the eighties I invested in Apple and IBM. Today I have four bank accounts containing $13 billion each."

Selene took a second sip of the blood then suddenly felt nauseous. She ran to the bathroom, with the overwhelming urge to vomit

Her mate held her hair back with one hand, rubbing her back with the other as she lost the small amount of blood she had in her stomach.

"I think I need a healer."