ok, so I decided I was going to try something. This might be relatively short lived, at least I know the entire first part will be updated quickly seeing as it's nothing but letters. The entire second half is the aftermath, but I won't tell you much. I don't want to spoil anything. But this will be eventual RoyEd

Disclaimer: NOT MINE!

Colonel Bastard,

I suppose I can't really call you that anymore. Let alone General. I wanted to tell you congrats, by the way, about your promotion. Wish I'd been there to give you a few words of encouragement. You know the usual. So I guess I'll just say them now.

This is the perfect job for you! It gives you an actual reason to be in everyone else's business! A great excuse to not have to get a life!

Too bad you can't get a real date even with this new title.

I give it a week before they realize just how useless you are and send you back to your boring life as a Colonel. At least there they can ignore the lack of paperwork getting done.

You're getting old there, Mustang. Sure you'll be able to handle this job?

Look at it this way, if your eysite goes before your mind, you're still as useful to them as a paper weight!

But, what I wanted to tell you the most, was that I'd be there, to help push you to the top. Just like Hughes was...

So much has changed, Roy. They'd be getting ready for the Winter Solstice celebration back in Resembool right about now. In Central they're working your asses off. You still have that mountain of paper work? How much of it was from me? Hope it gave you one hell of a migraine. I needed to leave my mark for you somehow! Enjoy it! Feel honored. Edward Elric, THE Fullmetal Alchemist deemed you important enough to annoy even from the other side of the Gate.

...Is it wrong for me to say I wish I was back home? That I could just find a way back, leave Al with his wife, and come back home? I don't belong here, Roy. Everything's different. They speak the same language and yet I haven't a clue what they're saying. They do everything backwards here... It's like listening to a parent scold a stupid and ignorant child! "Right is left! Left is right!" "Don't touch that!" "You need that to do this!" "Don't say this!" "Don't do that!" It's driving me nuts!

I just want to go home!

But then again, home doesn't exist anymore. I know I told Al this place was our new home... but it doesn't feel like home. And it never has... And back there? I spent most of my time on a train, living from station to station. Mission to mission. Central was the place I always reported to. We burned out mother's house to the ground... and the Rockbells? Friends or not, it's not home. There's too many memories there. Too many nightmare I want to forget. I think the closest I ever got to home was around you and the other officers.

The fuck am I even bothering to write this anyway? Not like you'll ever get it... Still... it's nice to talk to some one familiar... or at least pretend to.

- Edward Elric

All the first half will be kinda short. Again, it's letters before we get to the second half so please, bear with me. These letters are important.