AN: Slight lemon in this chapter. It's my first time writing anything like this so please be gentle. Also as I am not having Bella and Jacob jump full throttle into a relationship it may be a bit before a full lemon. I go with what the muses bring me as well as where I want the story to go. Work has been eating my life so if I don't update for a while don't worry. I haven't abandoned the story. I just haven't been given the time to work on it. Last thing: I lost my beta so any mistakes are my own. Message me if you're interested in taking up that spot. NOW ENOUGH OF ME! ON WITH THE STORY!
Morning Comfort
BPOV: I woke slowly the next morning to an incredible feeling of warmth. I was snuggled back into Jacob's chest and one of his hands was rubbing my stomach very lightly. The other was under my pillow cradling my head. I was comfy, very comfy in fact, and didn't want to get up. I snuggled back into Jake and let out a contented sigh. Jake nuzzled his face into my neck and breathed deeply. I lifted my arm and wound it through his before tracing patterns on his arm.
I heard and felt the deep rumble come from his chest and couldn't help but gasp and stiffen ever so slightly. Jake nuzzling my neck again before kissing me lightly. I couldn't help but move myself further back into his warmth. I continued to trace patterns on his arm and the deep rumble I originally heard turned into a continious rumble. I wasn't sure what it was at first but then it hit me and I couldn't help but giggle. Jake playfully bit at my shoulder before covering it with a kiss. I turned in his arms and slowly opened my eyes.
The first thing I noticed was how bright it was and I blinked several times before I could focus. The second was how content and happy Jake looked. I was sure I looked content myself. I'd just had one of the most relaxing deep sleeps of my life. I woke up warm and comfortable with my boyfriend curled around me. And to top it off he was content enough that the rumbling sound was still present. I couldn't help but notice the similarity between the sound Jake was making and another sound I'd heard. I just had to ask.
"Jake are you... purring?"
"Well it sounds like purring to me. Only a lot deeper." Jake had a very serious look on his face
"Wolves do not purr... we... rumble."
"You are totally purring."
"No I'm not."
"You are..." My reply was cut off as Jake put his mouth over mine in a soft kiss.
I sighed and kissed back while shifting slightly closer. One of my hands went around Jake's neck and the other went to his hair. I pulled slightly and Jake shifted closer to me. The kiss became more intense when I felt Jake's tounge touch my lips. I opened my mouth and moaned when I felt Jake's tounge touch mine. It was a hesitant slide of his tounge against my own but at my moan Jake became bolder. Instead of tentitively touching my tounge he made it his goal to map out my mouth. I was doing my own exploring of Jake's mouth as well and our tounges were doing a tango. I couldn't help but moan again and suddenly Jake had rolled onto his back taking me with him.
I was lying on top of him half straddling him as he pulled back a bit. Where I forgot that I did need to breath Jake didn't, and he pulled back from the kiss. Both of us were breathing heavily and for a minute our breathing and my rapid heart beat were the only things I could hear. I pulled back a bit to look at Jake and noticed that his eyes almost black. I shifted so that I was more fully straddling Jake before lowering my head to kiss him again.
The second my lips met Jake's one hand came up and wound through my hair holding him to me. The other cupped my face for a moment before trailing down my neck and to my back. He fingers followed my spine to my hip and then back up. One of my hands had gone to his shoulder when I leaned in for the kiss the other had gone to the nape of his neck and started playing with his hair. I allowed myself to sink into Jake a bit and began learning his body as well.
I started by trailing my fingers down his neck before taking both hands and following his broad shoulders. I then ran down his arms before coming back up and feeling my way across the part of his chest I wasn't occupying. Then down his sides and over part of his abs feeling his muscles contract underneath my hands. One of my hands stayed at his hip while the other went back to his hair. By this time breathing was becoming a necessity so I pulled back. The second my lips left Jake's I started gasping for air. His lips found the side of my neck and he began raining small kisses down the side of my neck before stopping at the spot behind my ear.
He kissed me and then nuzzled at my ear before taking the lobe in his mouth and gently biting down. The feeling was so exquisite I couldn't help the moan that escaped me or the bucking of my hips down onto Jake. The second I did so I tensed as all the memories of the times Edward pulled away claiming that we couldn't continue because it wasn't safe crashed into me. I knew Jake was different but after being rejected so many times it was hard not to expect it. Jake easily rolled to the side and pulled back a bit. I bit my lip and held back the tears I could feel pricking the back of my eyes.
What I wasn't expecting was for him to roll over and place both arms on either side of me to hold his weight. I also didn't expect him to go back to nuzzling at my ear or start kissing the hollow where my neck and shoulder met. I tried so hard not to, but I could feel a few tears make there way down my face. Jake must have felt or smelled them because he immediately stopped and pulled back.
"Bella are you ok?" He asked concern heavy in his voice and reflected in his eyes.
"I'm fine Jake, I'm a little overwhelmed but these are happy tears." I responded reaching up to put my hand on his cheek.
He leaned into my touch, a smile began to form and then I heard the same low rumbling sound I had heard earlier.'
"You're purring again."
Jake rolled his eyes before looking at me "Are you sure you're ok? With the situation and everything going on? I mean I don't want you to feel pressured or anything."
Instead of answering him with words I grabbed the back of his neck with my other hand and pulled him down to me for a deep kiss. The passion he responded with was amazing and I got lost in the kiss. My hands again began to wander this time across his shoulders and down his back before skimming up his sides. I repeated the same path going a little lower than before and then returned to his neck. He pulled back from the kiss and immediately began kissing and nuzzling at the hollow of my neck. It felt amazing and for the second time I bucked my hips. Unlike before I wasn't as high up as I had been and when I bucked I came in contact with Jake's hardened member.
I stilled for a minute not sure of what reaction I was going to get and then moaned loudly when Jake rocked his hips into mine. I felt heat begin to pool in my stomach and everything in my body started to tingle. I pulled Jake back up to me for another kiss and let one of my hands skim down his back. I could feel his muscles tense and release under his skin as I did so. I put my arm around his waist and pulled down ever so slightly before running my fingers under the waistband of his shorts. I brought my hands back up and put my legs around his waist, bucking up yet again when he kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear.
He rolled his hips back down into mine and this time his dick came into direct contact with my heated core. I meweled and felt the heat in my belly grow. I started raining kisses down the side of Jake's neck as well and was rewarded with a moan. Feeling a bit bolder I started kissing and nuzzling the hollow of his shoulder like he had done to me earlier. A low rumble and another bucking of his hips was the response. He moved to the other side of my neck and began giving it the same treatment as the other side. As he hit the area behind my ear it felt like a coil was tightening inside me ready to snap loose. I couldn't help but continuously buck up into Jake.
I was running my hands through his hair and down his back using my nails as I did so. Jake let out a low growl as I did so and hell be damned if it wasn't the sexiest thing I'd ever heard. Jake rocked into me harder when I did it so I continued using more pressure each time. I was moaning and cursing and almost crying at the sensations. His dick hitting my heated core, the feeling of his lips on my neck, and his hands running down my sides were almost more than I could bear. The heat was coiled so tight in my belly I was afraid I would explode. I was balance on a thin blade close to something wonderful but not there yet.
"Jake I'm so close but I need you to come with me." He pulled back slighly and locked pitch black eyes with my own for a brief moment before he crashed his lips into mine.
The kiss was any thing but gentle and the pace he was thrusting at quickened. I tightened my legs around him and met him thrust for thrust, going higher and higher each time. Jake pulled back from the kiss and burried his nose in the hollow of my shoulder. His thrusting and mine had become erratic and I knew I was close.
"Jake I'm almost there... please.. I need... " and then I lost all cohearant thought when I felt him bit down at the base of my throat. There was a brief pain and then the world around me exploded. I yelled Jake's name and found myself falling through clouds and colors and the only thing I could feel was unadultured, pure bliss. I could still feel him thrusting faster and more erratic than before. Then I heard him chanting my name and felt him nuzzle my neck before nipping at my earlobe. The feeling sent me over the edge again and this time Jake stiffened and after three more hard thrusts his whole body went relaxed.
He quickly rolled to his side and pulled me with him. I cuddled into his side completely content and very very tired. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him.
"I'm so glad I didn't have to go to school today."
He laughed before replying "I'm glad you're dad is gone until tonight. Being shot isn't really my idea of a good day."
I laughed as well before cuddling back into his side. He burried his head in my hair and breathed deeply. I burrowed even deeper into his warmth and gave into the plesant feeling of numb exhaustion. The last thing I heard before I feel asleep Jake's whispered " I love you Bella, thank you so much." He buried his face in my hair and I was lulled to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat and the deep growly purr of his wolf.
AN: So how'd I do? Did you like it? Please review and I promise I won't make you wait near as long for the next chapter!