Chapter 1:

It was November 1, Monday. Precisely two weeks since Edward Elric was put in the hospital. The days just drag on without my short, hot-tempered older brother. Without him, the only thing I do is read alchemy books and working at a job I got at a café. And any other time I have on my hands, I'm at the hospital with Ed.

Right now I was standing outside of the hospital. My boots slowly being buried under the light snow falling. My hands were in gloves, shoved in my pockets to stay warm. A while I thought having a body would be better than not being able to feel anything. I was wrong. Feeling cold in winter and hot in summer sucks ass!

I looked up at the sky and stared at the gray clouds above. They always seemed to gray. Damn… My gloominess is fucking contagious.

Since Ed's been in the 'coma', I've become a bit of a jerk. Yeah, Alphonse Elric, the sweet innocent one of the family, a jerk! Impossible! But it's true. Maybe this is why Ed changed when Mom died…

"Alphonse!" I heard a yell from in front of me. I haven't notice that my eyes slid shut. I jerked them open and raised an eyebrow at the person. It was Winry, who was trudging through the snow while cursing. A day after Ed went into the coma, she had rented an apartment a few blocks away from our house. She said she wanted to help me in any way possible. But I didn't want help. I wanted Ed awake and responsive.

When she finally got up to me, she shoved her hand into her pockets and said. "Hey!"

"Hey." I said in the fake happy-go-lucky voice I use around people.

"What are you doing tonight? I was thinking we can go to that new sky resort outside of the city.

I knew what she was trying to do. Since last week, she's been trying to pull me away from Ed. She said it's unhealthy to stare at a barely living body every day and night. She wants me t move on and be happy. But I can't be happy without Ed.

I looked up at the sky. "Sorry. Can't. I have plans."

"What plans?"

"I have to stay with Ed. He might wake up soon."

From the corner of my eyes, I saw her clench her teeth. "Fine, Alphonse. If you want to be exactly like a bitter old man, fine. But don't come to me when you want to come out of your depression."

She stormed off.

"I'm not depressed!" I yelled at her as she crossed the street. I crossed my arms and walked angerly into the hospital.

"Welcome back, Alphonse." The woman at the front desk smiled. Her name was Jane…. I think. Maybe it was Mary. Usually I would remember, but I have been so uncoordinated lately.

"Can I see Ed?" I asked sweetly.

Her smile grew. "Sure, Al. Tell Ed I said hi."

I smiled and waved bye as I walked into the elevator. I hate it when she says that. It was to make me feel better, I knew that. She wanted me to believe with all my heart that Ed would be okay. Of course, I did believe that. But many people believed no one can survive a bomb blast that big…

The elevator dinged and I rushed out, practically running to Ed's room. Maybe he changed. Maybe he's awake! Maybe he will finally be able to talk to me again!

But once I reached his room and practically threw the door open, I realized he was in the same condition as before. I do this everyday. I get myself worked up with false words of enthusiasm, then get major disappointment when I see him. Maybe that's why I'm so bitter…

Anyway, I walked up to Ed's bed and stared down at him. Yep. Exactly the same as before. He was laying face up on the white hospital bed. His face was neutral, not showing discomfort or comfort. Just… emotionless. It was eerie.

They had him hooked up to so many machines, I knew when he woke up, he was throw himself at a doctor. The IV in his arm is enough to anger him, but he has about eight other machines beside him. The scratches and bruises on his skin were covered in think bandages, making it impossible for me to see the true damage behind it.

I sat in the usually seat and pushed the hair out of his face.

"Hey, Ed." I said in my old, regular voice. "It's me, Alphonse. I really miss you, big brother. Everybody does. I wish you would let me see those beautiful golden eyes of yours."

No response, as expected. I always talk to him. About problems, feeling, annoyances, and happy things that I come across.

"Work sucked today. I had so many customers that I thought I was going to die. Well, actually, the new intern slipped on spilt coffee and fell. I guess that made it worth getting out of bed. It totally made my day." I chuckled lightly.

I moved my fingers down his cheek, feeling his smooth skin. For someone who works in the military as much as Edward does, I thought his skin would be rough and scratchy. But his was smooth. Even smoother than mine, and I put lotion on and he doesn't.

"When will you wake up, Ed?" I whispered, mainly to myself. Well, actually all to myself, because he can't hear me. "I love you, you know. I want you to be back at home, eating stew and complaining about Mustang."

As always, he didn't even stir. I felt like crying. This made me sad, yet I come here everyday to comfort him. I don't want him to be alone, even if he's trapped in unconsciousness. No one deserves to be alone, even if they are like my brother.

"Hey, Alphonse." I heard a voice behind me.

I jumped and pulled my hand from Ed's cheek. I turned to find Ed's doctor, Dr. Itami, standing in the doorway. He was holding a clipboard, no doubt Ed's.

"Oh. Hi, Dr. Itami." I said, while blinking back the tears that found their way into my eyes.

He pushed his glasses farther up his nose and smirked. "Al, I told you before about talking to Ed. You're not helping yourself by hurting your confidence in his recovery."


He walked up next to me and ruffled my hair. "if it makes you feel batter fine, but don't get into a habit. You'll scare people." He winked at me before scanning over Ed.

"Any changes?" he asked.

I sighed and shook my head. "No."

He smiled sadly at me. "Don't look so depressed, Al. Judging by this kids ability and hospital statues, he's been through a lot. Hell, he's only 17 and I saw him 5 times in a row."

I smiled back at him. "Thanks, but.. Do you really think he'll wake up."

He frowned and looked over the clipboard. "Actually, yes I do. He's not into a full coma yet. He's kind of just resting. Mr. Mustang told me the bomb that hit his base was pretty big. The body's natural reaction in to shut down and heal itself."

I nodded. "I understand."

"Good. Now, why don't you go get some rest? You have work, correct?"

I nodded slowly.

"Exactly! Run along, I'll call if there are any changes."

I sighed. I realize that Dr. Itami is trying to get me to leave so he can run tests on brother. But, I hate it when I have to leave. A part of me just dies. But I stood up anyway.

I squeezed Ed's hand lightly. "Bye, Ed."

Then, I turned and walked out the door, leaving my brother alone. And once again, just like when were little, I can't do anything to help him.