TheRoseWeasleyStories: A different Weasley.

Chapter One: Muggle School.

Ron and Hormone wanted to put Rose in a muggle preschool. But which one? They decided they were going to put her in one called "Get Smart". Starting in September 1, Rose was attending there, she had a couple friends one of them was a blond-haired with grey eyes and pale white skin. She did not knew his name or he hers, but they still played together every recess. They played together because the other kids didn't talked to them because they were weird. They weren't actually weird, they were just a witch and a wizard! For Merlin's sake! One day (December 18th, the last day of the first semester) it was really rainy and the kids were singing "rain, rain, go away" the blond-silver haired kid with grey eyes said to Rose:

"Do you think they'll realize it's us that it's making it rain?"

In answer she said:

"I hope not, if they do, they'll figure out we're a witch and a wizard. Hey, I forgot you're name. Could you tell me?"

"Scorpius Malfoy, what was yours?"

"Rose... Rose Weasley. Don't talk to me anymore. It's forbidden, or at least for me." She said in a cold voice.

"So, just because your daddy said you wouldn't talk with Malfoy's you won't be my friend? That's racist." Said Scorpius looking straight into her deep blue eyes.

"You're right, and we've been friends since the first day without knowing our names. Why should it affect our friendship just because we know our names." She said completing Scorpius' point.

"I like the way you think, Rose Weasley" said Scorpius smiling. Rose could only smiled back.

The end of the day came pretty soon and since they had talked they it was all a lie. They liked each other (as friends) but they knew that if they told their fathers (because they knew that their mothers would think it was OK) they would never see each other at school.

Rose arrived home and her mother and father asked her how was her day. She said:

"Well, remember that boy wizard I told you about? We made it rain and the other kids where wondering why was it raining if it had been sunny before, we'll Scorpius and I made it rain. Oh yes, and I also that boy wizard name's Scorpius Malfoy." Said Rose.

"Wait a minute princess, did you just said 'Malfoy'?" Asked Ron in doubtful way.

"Osie is in uoble" Tried to say Hugo but he couldn't talk clear.

"Yes daddy..." She murmured loud enough for only Ron to hear.

"I'm going to write to Draco about his son influencing my daughter. I will not accept this. I won't!" Said Ron pretty mad and Rose said calmly at him:

"But daddy, he is not influkenxing me."

"Influencing my dear." Ron said with a smile.

Draco received the letter and told Scorpius not to mess with the Weasley's again, and he also decided to change him to another preschool.

Four years had passed and Rose was starting 3rd grade in London International Primary School. It was one of the best muggle schools in London. Scorpius was also starting 2nd grade in that same school and they were also in the same classroom. What a coincidence (-.-")!

It was the first day of school. Rose was getting ready for school. She put on her uniform with black shoes and combed her short hair and putted on a green silvery headband. She took her books and waited for her father and mother to take her and Hugo to school. They arrived 15 minutes earlier and Ron insisted to take Rose to her classroom but Rose told him she could go with her mother to the third floor of building A. So Ron went with Hugo.

After Hermione left, Rose saw all around the classroom and a blond tall boy with grey eyes caught her attention and then she found herself saying:

"Scorpius? Scorpius Malfoy!" With a big wide smile on her face.

"Rose Weasley is that seriously you? Wow I haven't seen you since we were babies! This is certainly unbelievable!" Scorpius said with a smile too and then he whispered in her ear of she wanted to meet other wizards that we're in that classroom too. She accepted the request.

Scorpius took him to where he and the witches and wizards were talking.

"Guys, this is Rose Weasley. Yes daughter of Ronald Weasley, friend of the only Harry Potter." Said Scorpius as she blushed.

"Hi, I'm Daniel Castlewood and this is my twin sister, Danielle Castlewood" said a boy with a messy brown hair and blue eyed but no so deep as hers. The twins were both thin . Danielle had long brown hair and brown eyes instead of blue ones.

"Z'up Rose, I'm Jake Thomas and this jerk here is Zaccharias Goyle." Said Jake who was ginger - haired and white skin. Goyle was a little fat and with brown hair.

"And me, Emma Carpetwand" she said. Emma was blond with curls she was a bit tall but she had purple eyes. "By the way, I'm metamorphmagic"

"Awesome" said Rose "I think I'll just unpack now."

"With... Magic?" Whispered Jake watching Rose's wand hidden in her backpack.

"Are you crazy? It would expose us! By the way, I just have my wand in case of emergency if that's what you mean." Said Rose whispering. As she sat on the floor looking at him while unpacking.

"No, I'm talking seriously. Let's play with muggles." Said Jake again almost taking her wand but she stopped him.

"Didn't your father taught you it was illegal to do magic before 17?" She said hiding her wand again.

"Is Miss nephew of Harry Potter scared of magic?" Said Jake gazing in amazement.

"No, but I've already broken many Weasley rules by befriend Malfoy."

"Ok, ok..." Said Jake.

"Rosie, may I ask you at least one question?" Asked Scorpius.

"Of course you may Scorpius" Rose pretty fast.

"Why in the world did you cut your hair?" Asked Scorpius

"Well, I wanted to try short." She said with pride.

During the year, Rose figured out to hate more and more Jake Thomas even if he flirted with her. At the end of the year, they had became really tight friends and then set off to summer vacation.