A/N: Hey! My 1st fanfiction with a Greek god in it! Hope you enjoy it! This 1st paragraph is a prologue sort of thing.

Aphrodite POV

If there is one thing I love to do, it's mess with people's love lives. And, no it's not like I'm a matchmaker or just some pesky woman who likes to mess with people. I am Aphrodite the Greek goddess of Beauty and Love. Seeing as I am the goddess of Beauty naturally I am beautiful. It's not like I am really vain it's just that, well everybody tells me I am. And seeing as I am the goddess of Love I love all things romance and love. But, the sad thing is I have never really been in love myself. Sure, plenty of men (and I'm sad to say women) have been in love with me. But, enough of that. On to my looks. I have long blond hair and bright blue eyes. And I have been told many times that my figure is that of a super model. I control who people fall in love with, when they fall in love, how many times they fall in love, etc. And I live up in Olympus. Our current Olympian location is in New York City(to be more specific the Empire State Building). This is a diary sort of thing, but I won't say "Dear Diary" or "Yours Truly" or anything like that.

The real start of the story.

I was taking a walk in Central Park just enjoying the summer day. I decided I had to get away from Olympus for the day. Poseidon was being mopey just because this was the day 16 years ago that Sally Jackson declined his offer to live with him underwater. Ugh! It was so annoying! Every one of the gods and goddesses (except Artemis) had fallen in love before. Like real, legit, genuine love. Even Zeus. Except for me. You know I am the goddess of Love for crying out loud! All of them mortals, so of course they died. You know when I meet my true love I am going to beg and plead for the other gods to let him have immortality. I know it's a selfish thing to do, but I don't think I would be able to live without my soul-mate. So... yeah. Suddenly, I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I should have been watching myself. I'm such a klutz!" I heard a voice say. It was beautiful. It was almost as beautiful as Apollo's voice and that's saying something.

"Oh no. That's okay. It was my fault!" I said back to him. When I looked up into his eyes I saw them go from worry to shock. He was surprised at how beautiful I was. Shocker! I thought sarcastically to myself. And it was my turn to be shocked when he stood up and held out a hand. No guy had ever done that for me. They had always been to intimidated by me to do or say anything. He had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes that you could just stare into and get lost in forever. And he was kinda tan.

"Uh... thanks." I said with caution.

"Uh... sure. I'm Jason Chambers. And you are?" Wow, no cheesy pick up line yet.

"My name is Aphrodite Ambrosia."It's a Greek last name.

"Aphrodite? As in the goddess of love?" He asked with a weird look on his face.

"And beauty. My parents were really into Greek mythology. And so hence the name Aphrodite." No sense in lying to the guy. Right?

"Cool. And Ambrosia? That's not a last name you hear very often." He stated incredulously. And, no it isn't a last name you hear very often.

"My dad is Greek."Again no sense in lying to him.

"Cool. My dad is British. But, my mom is American, so that's why I don't have an accent." He stated very matter-of-factly.

"Cool. But, to bad I love British accents." I said in just the same way he did. And just at that moment my stomach growled. And he appeared to have heard it.

"Hey. Um... I really hope this doesn't sound to forward, but do you wanna go get something to eat. It sounds like your starving." He said sounding concerned.

"Uh... sure. I could eat."

"Come on. I know this really good Greek restaurant if you would like to go." He said sounding nervous.

"Of course." And he just smiled and held out his hand. I took it and he started leading me towards Times-Square. I think I like this guy! I thought very exuberantly. Maybe this will be a good thing.

A/N: Hey! I hope you like it. And that's really just about it. Reading+ Reviewing=Me Happy! :-) PEACE!