A/N: Final chapter! And I'm SO proud of how this turned out, haha, I really hope you like it as much as I loved writing it!
I still can't believe all the reviews and alerts and favorites I received—I feel so honored, haha. I would pretty pretty please love to know what you think of this final installment! :))))))
Without further ado…
Disclaimer: Not mine! Still!
Chapter 13
Annie ran into the alleyway, stopping short when she didn't see Liam.
Oh, no. She cursed. This could not be happening. Auggie couldn't live like this for much longer. She couldn't live like this for much longer.
Then she noticed him, just rounding the corner out of the alley. She charged forward, chasing him into a maze of dilapidated factory buildings under construction. So many hazards, she managed to think as she followed him into a loading area. Sheets of plastic hung from the ceiling to the cement floor, and she had no clue where he went.
A crisp footfall. To her right, up ahead.
She followed the sound.
He began to run. Found a flight of stairs.
She pushed open the door that led to the stairs. She surveyed the area, even as she took the stairs two at a time, ducking his bullets.
When she reached the third floor, the floor she knew Liam had gotten off on, she silently cursed when she saw sheets of plastic here, too. How was she supposed to find him?
She heard a shout from the other end of the floor, now cleared out from walls, furniture, everything but the plastic and the three people that were now on the floor. She could hear shouts below them, as men were pouring cement outside the building. "Sir! What are you doing? You can't be up h—"
Three rounds split the air, and Annie had no doubt that the man was dead.
She felt sick to her stomach.
Pushing the feeling aside, she quickly made her way through the plastic, staying as quiet as she could. After she emerged from the third flap of plastic, she found she was face-to-face with Liam Henry, cold-blooded serial terrorist.
Time seemed to stop. They stared each other down coldly. Annie gripped the gun Jai had given her tighter. He was right in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, and he had nowhere else to go.
He lifted his weapon, but before he had a chance to fire, he was tripping over a box behind him, falling back into the window as three rapid-fire rounds followed in quick succession into his chest. With a torturous yelp, he fell through the window and toppled over the back end of the cement truck, twisting and contorting on his way down, breaking his neck on the trough. The momentum from his journey down was just enough to impale him on the rebar as he hit the ground. But he was already dead.
Annie bit back a sob and the sickness, forcing herself to run. She needed to get back to Auggie before the police arrived.
By the time Annie arrived back at the burger joint, she was sobbing as she ran. She had wanted justice for Liam, wanted to see him caught—even wanted the creep dead, but not that way. It had been so horrific, so gruesome. She didn't think she'd ever get the image of impaled, lifeless Liam out of her head.
She ran into the restaurant, frantically searching for any indication of her friends and fellow agents—particularly Auggie.
The restaurant was empty. EMTs, police, and firemen were swarming the area in front of the restaurant. Joan had arrived, and Jai was filling her in on what had happened. Zane was being rushed to the hospital for the shot that grazed his arm, and Avery was mumbling off conspiracy theories, like he was in a trance.
Then she spotted Auggie. Sitting on the gurney, his legs dangling over the side. He was staring off into space, and his cane was setting next to him.
Choking back a sob, she ran to him, calling his name. He only had the strangled sound of his name being called and a waft of grapefruit as a warning before soft lips met his, before soft hands framed his face. Annie?
Oh, yes, it was definitely Annie. The passion, the hesitancy, the fear, the unabashed love… who else could it be? As her lips moved hungrily over his, he responded in kind, every desire over the past few weeks resurrected. Annie, in his arms. Could there be anything more perfect?
She pulled away, slipping into his embrace, burying her face in the hollow between his neck and shoulder. She choked on a sob, and his heart lurched into his throat. What had she seen when she had gone to chase Liam?
"Liam's dead," she whispered, and he hugged her tighter. Kissed the top of her head. Rubbed her back as she continued. "I—I was chasing him. I guess I was the first to see him leave. I chased him to this construction site, up to the third floor of this building… he was a-about to sh-shoot me, so I shot first. He f-fell through the window, onto the cement truck… and then he was impaled by the rebar. I—I wanted him put away, but I didn't want to see him die like th-that…"
He held her close as she cried, rubbing her back. Annie didn't deserve to see that—she was too good for that. And yet, the idea of truly being free again felt so liberating. Thank you, Annie, he wanted to say. The words were right on his lips.
Then Joan's words interrupted. "Annie?"
Quickly, Annie sprang away from him, drying her eyes, and he immediately missed the feeling of her in his arms. Instead, he tried to focus on what Joan was saying to them. "Annie, I'm going to need to take you back to Langley, to debrief. Auggie, you're staying here. I need you checked out. I can't have my best guy falling apart on the job."
Auggie wanted to protest. "But—nothing happened to m—"
She sent him a pointed look, knowing, somehow, it got through. "Auggie. Not this time. We can't afford to lose you."
With that, Joan led Annie off, and he was sitting alone again.
Lily and Charlie were waiting on the front porch when Annie drove Avery and all his stuff up to the guesthouse. When he stepped out of her little red car, Lily stood to her feet and ran to greet her husband, Charlie babbling the whole way.
Annie watched as they kissed, and Lily cried. She watched as Avery comforted Lily, and then as he lifted Charlie into the air, kissing his cheek on the way down.
She turned away when tears filled her eyes. Would she ever have that? Could she have that with Auggie?
She dried her eyes. True, she and Auggie had shared that kiss two days ago, but in between debriefings, visits to Zane and Avery, not to mention Dani's overbearing presence, and the girls' nosiness, she and Auggie hadn't had a chance to talk about it. What was worse was the fact that it seemed like Auggie didn't want to talk about it.
She loved him—she was sure of it, now. Did he feel the same? After Ben's death and finding out everything between her and Jai had seemingly been a ruse to get closer to her—to Ben—she wasn't ready to risk her heart on someone who couldn't—wouldn't—treasure it. It's true—she was strong. But she was also a girl. Didn't Auggie, and the rest of the world, see that?
They were knocking on her window, and she cleared her throat self-consciously. Pushed open the door slightly. "Yeah?"
"Annie, when can we go home?" Lily asked. "We miss the church. We've already told you everything we know. Liam's gone."
Annie managed a smile for her. Between the last week or so, they had become good friends. Handed her the tickets. "You have a plane waiting to take you home. Three-twenty this afternoon. That soon enough for you?"
Lily and Avery shared a grin, and he kissed his wife's cheek. "Told you, babe," he whispered, and she leaned against him, one of the happiest smiles Annie had seen yet covering her face. Charlie babbled happily, and all traces of worry and conspiracies were gone from Avery's face. He had faced certain death, but he had bounced back quickly.
It astonished Annie that he could live with both so much fear and so much happiness, almost back-to-back. She had always been one for living life to the fullest, but something about Avery's life-to-the-fullest intrigued her. He was different, somehow.
She stepped out of her car. "Since it's almost 12:30 now, do you want to grab your stuff and put it in the car? We can grab lunch before I drop you off."
Lily reached out and hugged Annie. "Thank you, Annie," she said quietly.
Annie smiled. "You're welcome."
"No… I mean, thank you for it all. For keeping Avery safe, for giving me my husband back—not just some conspiracy theorist, always looking over his shoulder. For being our friend in the middle of it all."
Annie squeezed her hand. "I know. You're welcome."
Avery tugged her toward the guesthouse, to get everything they had packed up. Annie watched them as she went. And oh, how she wished that someday, she could have what Lily and Avery had.
Zane found Auggie in the cafeteria at Langley, eating a sandwich. Auggie usually didn't like eating there—the food had gotten old very quickly, and it was so noisy. It was hard to hear specific noises that helped guide him. This time, however, he was hoping that the noise would help him drown out the thoughts in his head. Annie had kissed him.
Not that he minded. He'd loved it, actually. Wanted her back in his arms. He just didn't know how to talk to her, how to tell her that he loved her. He didn't want to disappoint her or break her heart. She'd faced so much already. With Annie, he felt things he hadn't felt in a long time, and the worry of messing it up was killing him. It was all he had been thinking of, and he needed a distraction. The noise of the cafeteria helped.
Barely, but it helped.
Zane smirked at the completely lost, completely frustrated look on his friend's face as he sat down across from Auggie. "Wow. You look like you're trying to solve one of Avery's conspiracy theories," he quipped.
Auggie jumped. Usually he could hear when someone approached. Now, however, he was lost in thoughts of Annie and the noise of the cafeteria. "Oh, Zane." He hadn't heard him approach. He sighed and relaxed.
"What's the matter with you?"
Auggie reached for one of his potato chips. "Girl trouble," he finally admitted.
Zane flashed him an amused, curious look. "August Anderson? With girl trouble? Has the world come to an end?"
Auggie scowled at him. "Harr-harr."
Zane stared at Auggie seriously, knowing that his friend couldn't see, but somehow, he knew the message got across to Auggie. "Who's this girl?" he asked, all seriousness now.
He sighed, pushing away from the tray. "Annie."
He said her name softly, almost like a frustrated, reverent prayer. Suddenly, it all made sense to Zane. "What's the trouble?" he asked, already knowing that Auggie loved her.
"She kissed me," he finally said.
"And that's a problem?" Zane asked, nearly incredulous. "You're crazy about her, Aug. We all know it. And I haven't seen you for about three years. I barely met Annie, and I know it."
Auggie took a swig from his bottle of water. "You don't know her like I do, though."
"What's to know? You're crazy about her, and she's crazy about you. Love doesn't have to be complicated, dude."
"You don't know her," Auggie insisted again. "She's been hurt so many times. I—I just don't want to hurt her, too."
Zane held back a laugh. If Auggie wasn't so pathetically lost right now, he would have. The idea of Auggie Anderson with girl problems was preposterous as it was, but he seemed to be blowing this way out of the water. Did love really make him this blind? "Aug, you're not going to hurt Annie. You may be a scoundrel, but you're not an idiot. Annie's way too much of a jewel—we all know it—and if you care about her that much, you're not going to mess it up."
"But… what if it doesn't work out?"
Zane actually laughed this time. "Are you serious? How could it not work out? You guys are practically like an old married couple already."
Auggie rolled his eyes.
"Aug, listen to me," Zane said. "I don't know why you're having so many doubts about this. But talk to her. All this worrying is only going to make her more confused. She wouldn't have kissed you if she doesn't like you."
Auggie seemed to be considering what he was saying, so Zane reached for his tray. "C'mon," he said. "I'll drive you to her."
Auggie reached for his cane and stood to his feet. "Okay." The idea of being away from Annie any longer seemed like torture, anyway.
They found Annie, nearly two hours later, sitting by herself at a picnic table in a local playground, wearing a floral skirt, coral blouse, and a cardigan sweater to match. She looked forlorn and confused, chin resting against a fist, as she stared out into space.
Zane guided Auggie to the table, then asked if he wanted him to stay. Auggie shook his head no, and Zane nodded, taking his leave.
"Annie?" Auggie asked, sitting across from her at the table. At least, he hoped he was sitting across from her. He reached his hand out, inadvertently brushing the back of his fingers against her elbow.
"Yeah, Aug?" she asked after a long pause. She didn't take his hand, and he slowly retracted it. Was it just him, or did it sound like she had been crying? He groaned on the inside. Smooth, Anderson.
"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you," he began. "I—I just don't know what to say."
"How 'bout just being honest, Aug?" she asked, her voice sounding tortured. "'I don't love you that way, Annie,' would have been fine. Don't worry. I'm a big girl. I can take it."
Horror filled him. Is that what she really thought? Had he waited too long? "No… Annie, that's not what I—I don't… Annie…"
"What, Aug? Just say it."
"I love you, Annie," he whispered, and it was so soft she didn't think she heard him correctly.
"What?" she asked, fresh tears forming in her eyes.
"I love you," he whispered again, this time a little louder. "Not just as a friend or a pal. I've fallen head-over-heals, crazy in love with you. I just haven't known how to tell you. I was so sure that's not how you felt."
He once again reached out to her, and she intertwined their fingers. He caressed her hand, and she couldn't believe how much she'd missed that. Auggie… She decided to voice her thoughts. "Auggie, I—I love you, too," she whispered. "I'm crazy in love with you."
He awkwardly scrambled out of his seat, never letting go of her hand, and as he came around to her side of the picnic table, he tugged her to her feet. "C'mere," he whispered, tugging her close. The only thing separating them was the picnic table bench. He captured her lips in a sweet kiss, this one free from all the fear and desperation. Just Annie and Auggie and their sweet love.
Her hands came up to frame his face, and he smiled into the kiss, barely believing his luck. Annie loved him. Could there be anything more perfect in the whole world?
Annie pulled away regretfully, leaning her forehead against his. "I love you," she whispered, staring into the depths of his chocolate eyes. She could see a whole new beautiful world there.
"I love you," he echoed. He couldn't believe how liberating it felt to say it.
"Say it again," she pled, memorizing his face. She'd seen it a million times before, but now, with the declarations of love and being in Auggie's arms… it was like she was seeing him for the first time.
"I love you," he whispered again, his lips curling into a tender smile meant just for her, as he captured her lips in another kiss.