Welcome to my attempt at an Erik/Meg Fanfic-

I warn you; as big a fan of Erik/Christine as I am; this this particular story is not kind to Miss Daae at all. Strangely for me, there's no Raoul bashing involved because the fop only appears in one chapter.

Modern day and AU.

It was over.

Finally after nine months and five days of being banned from just about everything she considered fun; finally she was aloud a drink, and more importantly- she could light up a cigarette without having her fiancé swat the damn thing from her hand.

"It's bad for the baby, Christine" Erik would admonish each time he saw her with her lighter in hand. "Please darling, just wait until it's born"

Finally; in the small hours of the morning her nicotine fast had come to an end- the baby had been born at a quarter to three; a baby girl- with pink wrinkly skin, bald as an egg with squinty, supposedly-blue, eyes. This child wasn't the perfect little child she'd been expecting- having always been beautiful herself- it took after its father. She couldn't deal with this- not living two freaks; the only reason she'd accepted Erik's proposal was the fact that

a) she couldn't raise a child alone, and b) Erik had assured her that his deformity wasn't hereditary (she'd had to look up what that last word meant)

Still, she had planned for this eventuality- Daaes were nothing if not prepared. If her child had ended up not being perfect she made arrangements with her long time on-off ex Raoul; they'd run away together. He was just waiting for her call.

"Would it be alright if I go for a quick smoke?" she asked the Midwife who came to check on her and the baby. "I haven't had one since I got pregnant and I'm desperate"

The midwife looked sceptical. "You really shouldn't Miss Daae- we need to keep you in for observation"

"I'm not going anywhere, just outside for a fag." Christine argued. "I'll be right back, I promise"

The midwife sighed, relenting. "As long as you're fast"

Christine smiled and pulled her dressing gown around her shoulders and walked from the maternity ward.

Raoul entered the hospital- he wanted to see his lovely Christine; surely she'd had the kid by now. He really hoped that the kid was like its dad; that way he'd be able to take Christine away. The lift door opened with a swish and out stepped Christine; looking incredible despite the recent childbirth- hair and makeup perfect; wearing a loose fitting dress and flats. She beamed when she saw him and flew into his arms.

"Oh Raoul" she smiled up at him. "I was just going for a cigarette; will you come with me?"

Raoul grinned. "You've had the baby then?"

"A girl" she nodded

Raoul offered her an arm- having had good, old fashioned, manners beaten into him by his grandmother Estelle- together they left the waiting room.

"So, your daughter?" Raoul asked

"We'll have to launch plan B" she informed the blonde man sweetly. "The sooner the better"

Raoul pulled her close and kissed her. "The car's waiting, baby"

Christine Daae did not return to her child, it was only when an old schoolmate of the young mother; and childhood friend of the father, Meg Giry heard the baby crying, an hour later, and found the baby alone that the disappearance was discovered.

That's Chapter One; please let me know what you think

No flames please

Until next time, I remain,

Your Authoress