Jumpers (Sherlock BBC Fanfic)

November 5th, 17:09

Current Mood: amused

Current Music: Nightbook


It's surprising how much he misses them, Sherlock muses as they walk briskly along the footpath. He's supposed to be looking for yet another graffiti symbol - yet another gang using the walls to communicate - but his mind was caught by the absence of John's jumper and now Sherlock finds that he really misses them.

He misses the shapeless one that John wears when its really cold and he's not going anywhere. He misses the one that fits quite nicely and all but screams 'sexy man in wool'. He misses the one with the twee little pockets on the front that he slips his hand into when they're alone (or not so alone - taxis and various restaurants do have other people in them) He even misses the one with shoulder and elbow patches that make John look so very military and correct.

It's too hot to wear a jumper today - England has apparently decided to have a real summer for once, so the temperature is topping out at thirty centigrade and his John is obsessing over the levels of hydration of those in 221 Baker Street. Mrs Hudson even pulled Sherlock aside and asked if he could find a way to distract John before she 'took her broom to him'. Sherlock's never been in that situation before - usually Martha Hudson is threatening John over his flatmate, not the other way around - and now he's waiting on a text from Lestrade with advice on what to do.

John's arms are pale above the wrist. His lover - spouse - flat mate is wearing a t-shirt with a collar and his usual trousers and the flash of pale forearms is distracting. It's a change and Sherlock doesn't like change. When John had been sick these last few months, he'd been bundled up against the possibility of a chill making things worse; and when they'd first met it was the end of autumn, tailing into winter, so the Jumpers were practically mandatory. But John is better now, and Sherlock is very happy about that, but he's seeing more of his spouse-flat mate - partner - colleagues forearms than he is used to outside of them shagging.

"Sherlock, what about that?" his John's voice broke into his musing and Sherlock focused on the small green symbol that John was gesturing to. It only took him a moment to identify it as a newbies tag and dismiss it from his mind.

"No," he replied and they kept walking. John was shooting him little looks now, and Sherlock sighed and made a note to ensure that he obtain some sort of climate control for the flat, which he would promptly sabotage so John was forced to wear the Jumpers again. It was the only way that Sherlock would be able to concentrate.


Disclaimer - characters and setting as depicted in BBC sereis are not mine. No money being made. Plot is mine.