Summary: Lumiere meets the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Little does he know that she is an enchantress who takes great delight in 'fixing' broken spells. When Lumiere suddenly turns back into a candle his friends are determined to find out why and change him back into a human. Meanwhile Alvery is planning to change them all back into their enchanted forms.

Authors Note: My first Beauty and the Beast fanfiction. It centers around Lumiere my favorite character, and is set after the enchantment was broken. The chapters are going to be short, but that way I'll update quicker. And to those who are waiting for the next chapter of MacGyver the Tokra, I'll have it up soon. I promise. I'm not abandoning it.

Disclaimer: Beauty and the Beast and all its characters belong to Disney. The only thing I do own is the plot and Alvery.

Ah. It was so good to be human again. To be able to stroll about town. Stroll, mind you, not hop. To be able to look at all the sights and hear all the sounds of people bustling about. Yes, it was good to be able to finally get out of the castle.

Lumiere's attention and the attention of most of the townsfolk was caught by the sight of an approaching carriage. It was drawn briskly by four grey horses. The wood of the carriage was of a reddish hue and everything was well polished. It was not quite fine enough to belong to royalty but obviously the person inside must be of some high rank.

The carriage pulled to a stop right in front of Lumiere, which wasn't very surprising as he was standing in front of the inn. Curiously he peered in the carriage to see its occupant and let out a small gasp. For sitting there was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Her hair was black, her eyes a soft brown, her face elfin. He stood in shock for a moment and by the time he had broken out of it, the lady had already opened the door and was about to climb out. Quickly he moved forward to assist her. "This is yet another benefit to being human," he thought. "Mademoiselle, allow me to assist you."

Alvery barely restrained herself from scornfully refusing the skinny French man's help. As it was, she couldn't help but draw back a little. It was then that she sensed it. Enchantment. It was faint, oh so very faint, but it was there, and it was coming from the man. She was certain of it. She smiled warmly and took his offered hand. "Merci, monsieur. I did not expect to find a gentleman in such a place."

"I am always willing to help a lady as beautiful as yourself," Lumiere replied, helping her down.

Alvery's smile widened. As soon as her hand met his the feeling of enchantment grew. It wasn't just any enchantment either. It was a broken enchantment; her favorite kind. She must get to know this man better. "Monsieur, it is rare to meet such kindness. I have no one to dine with. It would greatly please me if you would join me."

"I would be honored, Madam." Lumiere offered her his arm and together they walked into the inn.

"I am afraid I must now depart from the wonderful joys that come from being in your presence." Lumiere stood reluctantly and bowed low to Alvery. What a marvelous dinner that had been. The food was not as excellent as that at the castle. It was, after all, merely an inn, but the company… Such company one did not find every day.

"So soon?" Alvery asked, her face becoming a mask of disappointment.

"I am afraid so, mon cheri, I must be back to the castle before dark." Most of the wolves were gone but not all and there were other creatures that came out after dark. He was, after all, human again and not an unappetizing metal candlestick.

"But perhaps you are right." Alvery stood up before Lumiere had a chance to help her. "I am tired after such a long day of traveling. It would be good to get some rest as I must continue my journey early in the morning."

"You are leaving so soon?" Lumiere said disappointedly. "That is a great sorrow to me."

Alvery smiled, inwardly cringing at the flattery. At least it was mild, unlike most of what had come out of his mouth today. "Yes. It is a shame, but I have pressing business I must attend to." She paused for a second. "Perhaps after it is finished I may pay a visit to the castle?" she asked. She knew what his reply would be.

"Ah, mademoiselle, I would be honored if you would." His face lighted up. As if on second thought he added, "and my master would be pleased as well."

They then said their goodbyes, Lumiere insisting on kissing her hand. Alvery let him. It would not do to be cold now. She watched him go, and after he was gone allowed herself a malicious smirk. "The fool," she thought. Did he honestly believe she would like a bumbling flattering servant? She laughed softly. It had been so easy to slip the potion into his drink. He hadn't even suspected her. Then again, most people didn't suspect her. That was why she was so good at what she did. She smiled again. Yes, she would be paying a visit to the castle soon. She wanted to see just what sort of enchantment this Lumiere had been under. She was, after all, Alvery, repairer of broken spells.