This is a new one shot that I wrote while home sick. Please review and tell me what you think of the song that is featured in this story.
Disclaimer: Own nothing, except for the song, that I own.
Tonight is the very last concert for Miley for a long time. It already is the last of the tour, but tonight she is going to announce that she will be gone from the public for awhile. She wants some time to relax and enjoy life with her friends and her boyfriend. She can't stand all the people who just hate her and make fun of her constantly. The only person who seems to notice that she is faking being happy seems to be her boyfriend Mitchel.
Miley is on the stage singing her heart out. She keeps her eyes closed and just concentrates on the music. She doesn't want to see the I love you signs, it would make going away all that much harder.
"Okay guys the concerts about to end. I have a very important announcement to make. As you all know this is the last concert of the tour."
This is followed by a bunch of boos, but some people have a hopeful look on their faces, maybe thinking that Miley will be extending the tour.
"I have some bad news for you guys. You all know that I love my fans so much! But I will be going away for a little while. I need a break from the spotlight. I know a lot of rumours will surround this hiatus and people will bad mouth me about this, but I need to do this. Now the last song I will sing is a song I just recently wrote. I'm hoping it will clear some things up for you guys about my decision. This song is called Flash A Smile."
Everyday I have to fake a smile
give a weak laugh
just to get through the day
I'm breaking inside
but no one sees
we're talking and I flash a smile and look away.
I laugh to hide the pain.
All I want to do is cry.
I pray no one notices,
notices the fake smiles, weak laughs and eyes filled with pain
I don't know how to get through the day when I'm dying inside
I could be an actress with how good I've gotten at pretending
We're talking I flash a smile and look away.
I laugh to hide the pain
All I want to do is cry.
I pray no one notices,
notices the fake smiles, weak laughs and eyes filled with pain
Flash a smile,
Look away,
No one notices how much I pretend.
As Miley sings she stares to a spot to the side of the stage. When she's done her audience goes wild. Some are crying and wishing it didn't have to be like that for her. Some thought she was just looking for publicity. All were surprised at the lyrics, not used to such heart-breaking depressing songs from her.
Miley said goodnight and goodbye to all her fans and ran off the stage. She ran right into Mitchel's arms, the one person who has always noticed and always will. Without him she would have broken down a long time ago. With him she never has to pretend.
Okay. Hope you guys like this story and this song. Please review and tell me what you thought, especially about the song!