This is a fluffy Huntress/Question one-shot that I came up with today.

It was a cold Gotham night, and right now Huntress was scolding herself for not wearing her winter costume to keep her warm. Now she had to freeze her butt off out here in the cold for the rest of her patrol.

She sighed heavily. There was nothing left to do but bear it and keep her eye out for any suspicious behavior in the darkness of the night. Though it was a rather quiet night. Maybe the evildoers of Gotham liked to take Christmas vacations, or they were not stupid enough to go out in this horrible weather.

It had started to snow and the chilly wind picked up. She decided that since there seemed to be nothing going on that she would distract herself from the cold by thinking of her happy place.

While she started to daydream about being curled up with Vic in her soft, warm bed she didn't hear the noise of someone sneaking up on her from behind. By the time she realized there was someone behind her it was too late. Their arms where already wrapped around her and she could feel their warm breath as they whispered in her ear.

"Hello beautiful."

She relaxed as she recognized Vic's voice and his arms lessened their hold on her so that she could turn around and face him. As she looked up to his face, or lack there of since he was wearing his mask, she smiled.

"You know you shouldn't sneak up on me. I could have killed you if I had shot you with an arrow."

They were joking but they both knew that she would. She was the type of person that shot first and asked questions later, that is if the person were still alive. She had remarkable aim.

"Yes, well the look you had on your face told me that your mind wasn't exactly focused on your patrol. You should be more vigilant, you usually are." The Question replied with a smirk.

Huntress knew that he was thinking of the time he had come home late and she had shot him in the arm with the extra crossbow she kept under the bed thinking he was a burglar or a villain who had found out her secret identity. He was lucky for his fast reflexes and that she had been tired and hit his arm instead of his heart that she had been aiming for.

She grimaced slightly at the memory. It had taking her a while to forgive herself for almost killing Vic. He on the other hand had just chuckled and told her there was nothing to be sorry about when she had apologized profusely.

The Question saw the small sad look flash across her beautiful face and decided to change the subject before she tried to apologize again for the accident.

"You're freezing! Here."

He took off his blue overcoat and wrapped it around her shoulders then brought her back into his arms. Huntress rested her head on his chest and smiled. She felt much warmer now.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Well I couldn't let you freeze."

They shared a moment of content silence before Huntress interrupted it.

"I should get back to my patrol."

"Hmm, well according to my watch, your patrol ended. So I thought I would take you home with me."

"Really, hmm, that sounds wonderful. You know, when you sneaked up on me I was thinking about what I would do with you once I get home." Huntress said with a slightly seductive voice.

"Really, and what exactly do you have planned for me?"

"Why don't we go home and you can find out."

She gave him a light kiss where his mouth was supposed to be.

"I love you, Q."

"I love you too, Huntress"

She was happy that she could spend the rest of the night in her happy place instead of the cold, snowy night.

So, did you like it? Please review!