Magical Mangaka Kago
Summary: Since five years old, Kagome has known what she's wanted to be; the greatest Mangaka of her time! She always drew, wrote, and studied with great determination, until her first series was placed on shelves at nine. During the summer just before her eleventh birthday, when her world was turned upside down; Magic and Mystery, Danger and Deceit, Love and Laughter...soon she will discover a world with a greater range of imagination for her Mangaka career...but what mysteries will she discover while there, and what of the father she never knew, the background of her family she never questioned?
Anime/Manga/Book: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Couple: Kagome/Draco and Kagome/Blaise (Slight)
Genre: Romance/Fantasy/Angst
Rated: M for Mature (Later chapters)
Wake Up Sleepy Bug:
Kagome felt warmth radiating from the pillow her head rested on. She heard a female laugh a little and a male whisper, 'let her sleep for a while Pansy, there's no harm.' Then a sigh sounded and a cold hand began running over her cheek softly before playing with the random ringlets of hair that had escaped her braid.
She let her dreams that she'd been taken from moments ago return to her with a recognizable force that always promised her a deep rest.
Dreamscape Flashback
August 29th
Kagome was laughing as her mother wiped off the remnants of her Mocha Raspberry Ice Cream that rested on her nose. Sitting across from her mother at a table in front of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor; the two played tag with their Ice Cream while keeping napkins handy. For...appearance purposes...of course, they kept their Ice Cream Menu's up so none could see who was playing the childish and messy game.
Kagome had been picky when she decided on her flavor of Ice Cream. Not choosing something normal like her mother had suggested, she went with 'Cactus Ice Cream' which proved to be a refreshing Ice Cream that would sooth her dwindling thirst on any sweltering hot day. She did however decide that unless she was dying of water deprivation or heat exhaustion, she would just stick with normal flavored Ice Cream. No, Fried Eggplant, Eel, Raw Horseflesh, Cod, Wasabi, and Sausageā¦.quite frankly, she hadn't thought ANY of those sounded remotely good as Ice Cream Flavors, but apparently somewhere there was someone who would disagree with her.
"Hey Mama, why do I need those." Her foot kicked a bag with books in it.
"Because, you forgot them when you went with Draco, though, I guess you just trusted him. You said you didn't look at your book list, right?"
"That's right," Kagome got her napkin wet with water and wiped her face. "He just started stacking them all in my arms."
"He did very well. A good memory, like his mother had in school."
"She was in your classes?"
"Sweetie, she was in my house." Rai said, causing her daughters eyes to widen before Rai realized that she hadn't told her of the houses at Hogwarts yet. "Sorry dear, my house at Hogwarts."
"They really do provide everything, huh..." Her voice was far away at the thought of getting her own house.
"No, no, at least...not like you're thinking." Rai laughed, "At Hogwarts, there are four houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each first year student is sorted by their abilities and inner strengths. What their aspirations are, their traits, their...curiosities. I was in Slytherin with Narcissa, her husband Lucius and her sister Bellatrix." Her eyes darkened a hue at the name before she shook her emotions clear and continued. "Cunning, persistent and astute in our craftiness...we fit in perfectly among our fellow snakes. Mind you, we were also known for our viper like tongues. When you got on our bad side, we sank our teeth into you. It was a bad idea to make enemies with the Slytherin house, since underhanded tricks were very common and almost always expected, but that's outside the common room...once in the common room, we are family, and we are friends. Like all houses, we find our place among those closest to us, and they are the ones we find ourselves bound to. Even...past Slytherin's...found their way to us. But that's what I meant when I said she was in my house."
Kagome gave a nod of understanding. "But why those books?" Once more drawing her attention to the original topic, Kagome kicked the bag again.
"Because, they're on the school list, and you only have one Professor for D.A.D.A."
"I bet it's a girl."
"Hm?" Rai stood and picked up the bag, making sure her face was clean with a quick pat of the back of her hand, she walked with her daughter back to the Leaky Cauldron.
"Yeah, it's either one of two choices, I'm sure. A rabid Lockhart fan girl...or Lockhart and his too-big-ego himself."
Rai laughed, "That may very well be, but seeing as it's two right now, go ahead and start reading one of them, so that you can get a start. You finished four of your other books already, one twice."
"Ah! That Potions book! Magical Draughts and Potions! It's so cool! They have this one potion, Inflammatory Confusion Potion, it's density is similar to an oil, it's texture is the same as an oil too, and it causes enemies and opponents to duke it out with each other instead of with you, or, with the potion's maker."
"I can't say I remember making that one."
Kagome smiled, "I hope we do!"
"Maybe, now, no changing the subject; go change and get to reading, whatever book you want, as long as it's..." She held the bag out to her, " of theses." She gave her daughter a pointed look before depositing the bag into her daughters' hands.
Kagome frowned, "He is such a poof..."
Rai smiled, "Stop it, he's a you. Doesn't that mean something?"
"All that means is he's good with words, he's still a fruitcake!" Kagome glared distastefully at the bag of books. "I guess I'll start with his Autobiography, if I don't, knowing my luck we'll have a pop quiz about the gels and potions used in his hair and I won't have the slightest inkling as to even the brand name. But seriously lame, I hope the class that we use these books in, are as short as humanly possible."
Rai shook her head, "You will get used to it, Kagome, and you will also grow to enjoy it. Now, read...then bed!"
Kagome watched her mother leave before she felt a slight shake to her body...another shake and the world around her swirled into a mess of colors.
End Dreamscape Flashback
August 30th
Kagome frowned as someone woke her from the dream she'd been so enjoying moment ago. She had always loved the moments she shared with her mother, even if they were sometimes dreams or memories. Sitting up, she looked around the compartment and smiled sweetly at the two. One, a boy with slightly darker skin than hers and black hair with deep amber eyes; then there was a girl too, with black hair in a short bob cut just past her ears and really pretty green eyes. Both wore black robes with a tie in green and silver stripes that ran vertically across.
"Hey," The girl spoke, "You can go back to sleep, but first, why don't you go change into your robes."
Kagome glanced out the window, unsure as to why she would need to change.
"We'll be arriving within the hour, I just thought that you would like to change now so that you could get a few more minutes of sleep before we arrive." The girl explained.
Kagome smiled, 'Mom explained to me the four different houses...I wonder which one she's in...She's really nice.' She stood up and reached for her trunk, frowning at the obvious height difference between herself and the shelf housing her trunk. A little fact about Kagome, she was naturally short, and she hated that fact. Where most normal eleven year olds were between 5' 1" and 5' 3", she stood at an annoying 4' 7"...that was FOUR whole inches shorter than every other eleven year old, and even shorter than the older students, she was TINY! "Um...could one of you help me?" Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment; she closed her eyes tightly as the two laughed humorously at her. "Haa...Watashi wa nani..." (Sigh...Woe is me...) Kagome could feel those invisible tears waterfalling down her cheeks. A slight nudge and the boy that had been sitting across from her and the other girl now stood towering her by about six inches.
"Sit back, I'll get it for you."
She smiled, listening to the English accent that was more prominent than when she spoke it.
She pouted though when he pushed her back into her seat.
"Stop sulking!" He snapped in annoyance, catching her completely off guard. "You keep up that pathetic manner and you'll never make it in Hogwarts as anything but a Hufflepuff."
"What!?" She frowned, "No way!" She cried out, "They have such a fruity name!"
He paused with her trunk, the girl began laughing again. "Keep thinking like that and you'll be in Slytherin house." He placed the trunk in front of her.
Kagome smiled, saying a quick 'thank you' before opening her trunk and grabbing one of her robes, her uniform and a pair of shoes. "I'll be back, thank are your names?" She asked, looking at the two sheepishly from the compartment's slid door.
"Blaise Zabini, and she's Pansy Parkinson. Your name is...?" He sat back down across from Pansy who smiled to Kagome.
"I am Higurashi, Kagome Higurashi! It's a pleasure to meet you both." She said mid bow before straightening up and smiling, "I'll return soon," She left through the door and paused at the familiar face standing only four compartments away from her. She closed the door and made her way towards him but stopped short when she remembered the clothes in her arms. He glanced up, and although she caught his eyes...she turned away and made her way towards the girls changing room in the back.
Pansy smiled, "She's a sweet girl,"
"Humph, I'm putting my money on Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff getting her." Blaise placed his feet on the seat across from him, glancing to his left; he looked at the papers stacked beside him.
Pansy sighed, "No, with our luck, she'd be placed in Gryffindor."
"I would like to think that we have more luck then that."
"Heh, not normally!" Pansy laughed out. "Oh, hey...where is Draco?"
"Hm, probably offending the golden trio in some way, shape or form. No doubt Crabbe and Goyal are with him as well."
Pansy grinned, "I rather enjoy the moments that those two aren't around."
"Don't let them hear you saying that, or Draco; they are his followers, if you will."
"Hm," She smiled, "True, but even he ushers them off when annoyed."
Kagome was walking towards the direction of the changing room when a compartment door slammed opened and she suddenly hit the floor with the rush of someone running into her. They two were pushed back onto the floor. Kagome was quick to get up and apologize, holding her hand out for the girl on the floor.
"No, no, I should be the one apologizing; I was in too much of a hurry to change and get back to my compartment, are you okay?" The girl took Kagome's hand, she had fiery red hair and green eyes with freckles that she was sure had she been standing a little further away would have appeared unnoticeable to her.
"Yes, I'm fine." Kagome smiled, "Oh, my name is Higurashi Kagome, um, call me Kagome."
"Ginny, Ginny Weasley! Is this your first year at Hogwarts too?"
"That's right! I'm excited to see what the school looks like! I can't wait! I wasn't even aware that Magic existed until my letter came,"
"Oh, so are you a Muggle-Born then?" Ginny asked.
"Hm? Muggle...?"
"Oh, a Non-Magical person. A Muggle-Born is a witch born from Muggle, or...Non-Magical...parents."
"Oh, mom was a witch...and I think my dad was. I know my step-father isn't...but since I never knew my biological father, and mother doesn't speak of him, I wouldn't know if he was a wizard or a...Muggle."
"Oh, but then how did you not know you were a witch if your mother was?"
Kagome frowned, "It wasn't exactly a dinner topic; come home after school while living a normal child-like life, then asking my mom if she was a witch never really crossed my mind. Though, when my letter arrived, I had plenty of questions, all of which were answered with no arguments. My mom was happy to answer, so, I guess I never knew because...I never asked."
The two conversed a while longer when Ginny took note of the clothes in her hands. "Were you on your way to the changing room too?"
Kagome nodded.
"Then come with me!"
The two left to the changing room and once done changing, loitered about in the train walkway talking a while longer.
Draco irritably made his way through the abnormally crowded walkway as he cursed in the back of his mind. He detested being ignored, and that's exactly what she'd done! He knew she'd seen him! Their eyes had met and she had stared for a moment before she turned and just walked off!
Walking forward, forcing people out of his way, he towered over the two first year girls, "Do the two of you realize that you're blocking the way?" He scoffed, "Impeccably rude if you ask me,"
Kagome looked up at him before diverting her eyes from his, she took Ginny's hand in hers and smiled, "I'm glad that I met you, I hope I'll see you again once school has started."
"I'm sure we will," Ginny smiled, turning to Draco, Ginny gave a cold glare before leaving the two of them.
"Excuse me," Kagome bowed before leaving him behind her, she made her way back to the compartment she'd come from earlier.
"Wait one second, why do you keep ignoring me!?"
" said were only helping me to waste timeā¦assumed that meant I was an annoyance in any other predicament." She opened the compartment and he followed her inside, she grabbed her papers and neatly placed them inside her trunk.
"Draco! About time you joined us, were you off spending time with your boyfriend?" Blaise laughed at the angry glare he received from his platinum blonde haired friend.
"You're into guys?" Kagome asked as she looked at him curiously.
Pansy and Blaise stifled their laughter as Draco's cheeks flushed red.
"I don't have a problem with it, I think its admirable that you are so comfortable with your sexual preference, that you would reveal your preference to everyone at such a young age..."
"Oh...was I wrong?"
"Haha, that's great!" Pansy chuckled, placing a hand on Kagome's shoulder, "You are so cute,"
Kagome smiled a little, "Ah...I think I made a mistake somewhere..."
Blaise nodded, "Only a big one, your mistake was taking what I said seriously, he is such a player, twelve years old and he's got a list of girls ready to ensnare."
"Oi! Will you all just quiet down!" Draco snapped, "I'm not into guys, and there is no list of girls!" He slumped into the chair and silence filled the compartment as everyone stopped speaking, his irritation filling the room.
"We are almost to the school," Kagome smiled, looking out the window with wide eyes, "Oh wow..."
"I hope you are in Slytherin, so adorable..." Pansy smiled.
Me: Chapter two! Tell me what you think please!