A/N: Just a short, silly little story I've been sitting on for a while and finally got the motivation to finish. Hopefully you don't think it's too goofy lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me and I am making no profit from their use.

"Woody!" The shrill voice of Marion Moseby carried across the Sky Deck. "How many times have I told you: no bare feet within ten yards of where people eat!"

Just another day at the smoothie bar. Zack grinned from behind the smoothie counter as Woody groaned, taking his foot off the stool where he'd been showing off his new bunion to him, Cody, and a very disgusted Maya. "But Mr. Moseby, it's hot out! Everyone else is allowed to have bare feet!"

Mr. Moseby folded his arms sternly. "Everyone else has five toes on each foot." he reminded crisply. "Your feet are putting the passengers off their food."

"But the passengers are paying a flat rate for meals for their cruise, no matter how much they eat or don't eat." Cody rationally pointed out from his seat on Woody's left. "So really, if they eat less, you save money."

Mr. Moseby scoffed, then paused thoughtfully. "Actually, that's true... hmm..."

Maya elbowed Cody in the stomach. "Not that we think Woody's nightmarish feet should be allowed to be exposed with impunity. The passengers are already seasick, they don't need another reason to vomit!"

"And they scare the kids." Zack spoke up, backing her up.

"Also an excellent point." Moseby acknowledged. "Sorry, Woody. Socks back on, please."

Woody grumbled, but acquiesced, as Moseby strode away, off to terrorize some other unfortunate students, no doubt. Zack tossed his dishrag aside and leaned on the counter. Moseby would pop back in to make sure his orders had been followed, but it wouldn't be for a little while. "No worries, Woody, he's gone."

"No, it's alright." Woody sighed. "They make me a little nauseous sometimes too."

Bailey joined them on the deck, taking a seat on Woody's other side."Hey guys. Cody." She acknowledged her ex-boyfriend in a tone that said that just the sound of his name made her skin crawl. "What's going on?"

"Well, you just missed a close-up look at the nastiest foot I've ever seen." Maya said with a shudder. She looked at Woody. "Actually, I'm not even sure I would call it a foot."

"Darn..." Bailey said dryly.

Cody leaned into the counter. "Have you been sleeping all right, Bailey? You look like an extra from Dawn of the Dead." he smirked.

Zack raised his eyes heavenward. When Cody and Bailey had first broken up a few weeks ago, Cody hadn't even been able to think about his ex-girlfriend without weeping openly. Now they were in a stage where they bickered constantly, picking on every little thing about the other. Sometimes, Zack wasn't sure whether he preferred the crying or the insults.

"Oh, well, I guess I could have changed into my footsie pajamas and gone to bed at seven-thirty last night like you did," Bailey sniped back. "But some of us actually have social lives."

"Let me guess. You were up late making long-distance phone calls to the chickens on the farm?" Cody taunted.

"Close." Bailey returned. "It just so happens I had a hot date last night."

Zack winced. He didn't know if she was telling the truth about having a date or not, but it looked like this argument was effectively over. Cody would be too shaken to continue, too upset over the idea of her with another man... and he'd be miserable. Maybe even openly-weeping miserable, all over again.

But to Zack's surprise, Cody didn't stutter an excuse and make a hasty exit. Instead, he leaned back coolly, folding his arms. "Oh, a hot date. Right. Tell me, Bailey, did he have shoulders?"

Bailey smiled smugly. "Oh, he had a lot more than just shoulders."

"Wow." Zack whistled, drawing the ex-couple's heated gazes away from each other. "Is anybody else intensely uncomfortable right now?"

Maya nodded. Seated between Cody and Bailey, Woody whimpered and raised his hand meekly.

Cody patted his roommate on the back. "Sorry, Woody. Bailey can be so childish sometimes."

"Me?" Bailey repeated shrilly. "You started it!"

Cody shot the rest of the group a long-suffering look. "See what I mean?"

"Pathetic, Cody." Bailey snorted. "Don't you have somewhere to be? Like doing next month's homework?"

Cody picked a piece of dirt out from under his fingernail. "No, but you're about to be late for your shift at One of a Kind." he pointed out.

Bailey checked her watch and frowned. "Horsefeathers!" She stood up and gave the group a quick wave. "See ya, guys. Cody."

As soon as she was gone Zack fixed his twin with a no-nonsense look. "What was that about?"

Cody looked at him blankly. "What was what about?"

"You and Bailey being so vicious and aggressive to each other. What's going on?" Zack pressed.

"Uh, we broke up, remember?" Cody answered sourly. "We're angry at each other."

"Yeah, but you're being weird about it." Maya agreed slowly.

"Weird about what?"

Woody pointed his finger in Cody's face accusingly. "And now you're being purposely obese!"

Cody's eyebrows shot up. "Hey!"

Rolling his eyes, Zack reached over and pulled Woody's hand out of Cody's face. "He means 'obtuse'. And he's right."

"Obtuse? Really, Zack?" Cody repeated, stifling a grin. "What, were you just studying for the SATs?"

"Aaand now you're changing the subject." Zack pointed out.

"Look," Cody began. He stood up. "I don't know what you guys are talking about. But I've got some stuff to do, so I'll see you later." He hurried off in the same direction as Bailey had gone.

Zack smacked the counter in frustration. "What is going on with him?"

Woody shrugged. "Well, he has always had a couple screws loose... maybe the break-up knocked 'em out for good."

Zack furrowed his brow. "No... no, I don't think so. This feels weird to say, but I know my brother... and I know he's up to something."

"Something no good?" Woody asked.

"Something no good." Zack confirmed. "And I'm going to figure out what."