I ended up loving the film a lot more than I expected. It lived up to my expectations. I really wanted to see a film that would give me a lot of fun, and it did. Did I expect an Emmy award winning, Pixar/Disney/How to Train Your Dragon film? No, but I really loved it either way.
It's funny; I agree that the film isn't really such a good film. A lot of Dreamworks films tend to try way too hard to instill as many jokes as possible, and as consequence the story suffers. Their films have a lot of good bits that get easily overshadowed. How to Train Your Dragon showed that Dreamworks is still capable of a really good film that can still keep the humor, and bring a really touching story to us the audience.
"Must you go to this social gathering of yours?" Megamind whined, slumped over his leather chair. "I'm always so enraptured with feelings of utter incompleteness!" He groaned, eyes wide and glossy with a pathetic pout to add to his attempt at puppy dog warmness.
Roxanne crossed her arms, rather, wrapped one arm across her waist as Megamind clung onto her other arm. "It's not a social gathering, it's called work. You know, the annoying reporter thing I always do." She said, managing to slip her arm from his feeble grip. Normally she would be annoyed, but mornings like these were sorely becoming the norm. "And besides, you have Minion with you."
As if on cue, Minion arrived. "I have your lunch packed (turkey on rye, no mustard), and this weird smoothie thing you always drink." He handed Roxanne a tin lunchbox and a thermos. "Sorry about the lunchbox, it's all we really have at the moment."
Roxanne looked at the lunchbox, amused. "It's fine. Thank you, Minion." She said, patting his dome. She looked down at Megamind, who was still slumped over the back of his leather hair, still pouting. "I'll be back the usual time, unless there's some breaking news. Then I'll have to stay later." She bent down and kissed the top of his head, and left the lair.
Minion waved goodbye as she left, and as she phased through the entrance to their lair he glanced at Megamind. "Sir, that isn't the proper way to sit in a chair."
"I know how to sit in a chair, Minion." Megamind groaned, moving to sit on the chair. Unfortunately, slippery floors and rolling leather chairs don't make pleasant combinations. He found himself on the floor with a large headache.
"Are you okay, sir?" Minion asked, leaning over Megamind.
"I am fine, Minion. A genius such as myself has a reason for all such actions."
"I'm sure that's the case, sir."
"Good." Megamind huffed. "Now help me off the floor."
Minion lifted Megamind off the floor and back onto his feet. "You know, sir, instead of just waiting inside, you could go out."
"Go out?" Megamind questioned, feeling a combination of mortification and confusion. "But, I haven't gone out before!"
"Well, aside from the tirades we used to do in the old days, you did go out on those dates with Ms. Ritchie, sir." Minion shrugged.
"True, true," Megamind said, tapping his chin. "They were quite pleasant."
"And these days, Ms. Ritchie has been pestering you to go on more such dates, sir."
"Yes, yes, she always insists on such things as going to movies."
"So, why not go to the news station and see her, sir?"
"Why, you're absolutely right, Minion!" Megamind exclaimed, finger pointed towards the ceiling. He jumped onto his rolling chair and pushed himself towards his white cape. He grabbed the cape; however, the article remained snagged to the dummy he had placed it upon. Megamind was unceremoniously heaved to the floor, the chair having snagged onto his leg, and landing on his hip.
Minion winced.
Megamind slowly crawled to his feet, clumsily clipping the cape around his shoulders. "To the invisible car!"
"Sir, the car hasn't been completely fixed yet."
"Oh, well, I guess we'll have to walk!" Megamind exclaimed, dramatically turning on his heel. "To the exit!"
"Yes, sir!" Minion said excitedly, following behind.
"This is Roxanne Ritchie, reporting live from the site of Megamind's recent successful protection of our beloved city, Metro City. Having defeated the cloud of doom, Cumulus Doomicus, Metro City is back to the peaceful haven it is. Thank you, Megamind." Roxanne said, all the while keeping a smile on her face. "Coming up next, tips on keeping your fish tank clean."
"Cut—like, great work, Ms. Ritchie." Roxanne's new cameraman, rather, camerawoman congratulated.
"Please, Haley, call me Roxanne."
"Well, Roxanne, that was, like, a great performance. I don't think I could ever, like, talk to the camera like that, you know? Probably why I, like, stay behind one." Haley said, laughing a bit to herself. "Anyway, I'll be, like, going back to the station now. Need a lift?" Haley asked, taking Roxanne's microphone.
"No, but thank you. Have a good day."
"You, too." Haley waved, walking back to the van.
Roxanne waved as well, turning back to the site of slight turmoil. The battle just the day before was a bit more destructive than usual. Cumulus Doomicus was a new villain, an old weather reporter from the network that was fired after accidentally calling a sunny day on the worst hailstorm of the century. The location of their fight was in the middle of Metro City's park. The grass and trees were torn from the ground, and garbage was strewn all throughout. Over all a disaster, but not something that couldn't be fixed.
Roxanne sighed, sitting on a still intact bench. Sights of turmoil from battles between good and evil weren't new for Metro City. They weren't new for her, having reported numerous fights and kidnapped too many times to count. However, they weren't fights that had her so emotionally invested. She cared about the outcome, but never thought so much about the hero as she did the future of the city. Yesterday was different. She was afraid, even though the fight wasn't long or strenuous. And she brooded the rest of the day and throughout the night, hovering over a completely fine (granted, exhausted) Megamind.
"Come on girl, get yourself together." Roxanne tried motivating herself, but it was pointless. She held her head, closing her eyes. "I really need an aspirin."
In the distance, Roxanne could hear a distinctive scream. She jolted up from the bench, eyes wide. "A shot of tequila would probably be nicer."
"Um, Mr…. Megamind, I'm, like, sorry and all, but I didn't even get it in, like, your eyes." Haley kneeled next to Megamind, who was sprawled across the asphalt and grasping his face, holding a tissue. "I didn't even really, like, get it near your face. I guess the wind kinda, like, blew some in your eyes or something." Haley observed nonchalantly, tapping her cheek curiously.
"It burns, Minion, it burns!" Megamind screamed dramatically, one arm reaching towards Minion. "Minion, if—if I do not make through this ordeal…tell—tell!"
"Tell, sir? Tell who?" Minion grabbed Megamind's hand and slowly kneeled down next to Megamind's fiercely exaggerated, convulsing body. "Tell who, sir?" Minion cried out.
"Tell—tell—tell the Chinese delivery man I despise him." Megamind managed to groan before gasping one final breathe of air, and falling limp onto the asphalt.
"Sir!" Minion cried out, clutching Megamind's hand tightly.
"Oh my God, like, what a drama queen." Haley sighed, sitting comfortably next to Megamind, dropping her tissue on his face.
"What's going on?" Roxanne gasped; having ran in her high-heeled shoes all the way to where the three were in their dramatic turmoil. "Minion?" She noticed his expression of pain before turning to a bored looking Haley. "What's going on?"
Haley looked up and pointed at Megamind, still sprawled across the ground.
Roxanne held her breath, briefly holding a hand over her mouth. "Oh…no." She breathed, slowly walking towards Megamind. When she reached his body, she slowly lowered herself onto her knees, kneeling next to an emotionally torn Minion. She pursed her lips, running a hand over one arm and placing the other arm on his chest. "Megamind," she whispered, lowering her head near his ear. "Stop fooling around and get up already." She pulled back, crossing her arms over her chest.
Megamind's chest sharply rose as he gasped for a breath of air. The tissue, still on his face, was drawn into his mouth and he spent a few minutes choking on the confounded item. After spitting out the tissue, he pushed himself onto his elbows. "Ugh, Minion was always better at faking his death." He lightly punched Minion's knee, laughing.
Minion laughed as well. "I wouldn't say that, sir, your performance was quite convincing."
Haley rolled her eyes. "Ms. Ritchie, you boyfriend here, like, totally sneaked up on me and I, like, had pepper spray so I tried using it, but then, like, I accidentally sprayed his chest instead. Then he, like, got all weirdo on me and fell on the ground."
Megamind laughed, "Good one, eh?" He pointed at Haley, waiting for approval.
Haley continued to stare at him.
Megamind stared back. "Well, someone needs to get a sense of humor!"
"Someone needs to stop being so lame."
"Some unfulfilling individual needs to learn the finesse of witty banter."
"Ouch, pretty harsh on yourself there, bud."
Roxanne grabbed Megamind before he could reach his ray gun. "See, now this is why we can't have nice things."
Haley stuck out her tongue. "Ms. Ritchie, I'll be, like, going now. See ya tomorrow!" She waved, running back to the van and driving off before Megamind could throw more of his wit.
"That's right!" Megamind shouted out. "Run from the great and witty Megamind!" He shook a fist, teeth gritted.
"Sir, I don't think she can hear you."
"I'm sure she can hear me all right, Minion."
Roxanne rolled her eyes, a smile on her face, and helped Megamind onto his feet. "Come on, let's get you home." She said, brushing the dust off his suit. She then kissed his cheek.
"But I came all this way to see you at work!" Megamind exclaimed after recovering from a moment of fuzzy warmth. "And I'm already outside, I might as well stay outside." He said, exasperated, and threw his arms up in the air.
"You scared my camerawoman and nearly got yourself blinded." Roxanne said, hands on hips, raising an eyebrow. "You're going home." She reached up and pulled down Megamind's arms.
"I don't wanna go home."
"Sir, I think going home would be best considering yesterday's events." Minion suggested, much to Roxanne's relief. Megamind would listen to Minion.
"Ah, yes, Cumulus Doomicus; a devious man with a devious name." Megamind began. Roxanne forgot to consider Megamind's tendency to monologue when it came to his adventures with various villains, and on occasion Metroman. "A man with the ability to bring about tornadoes, hailstorms, waterspouts, and clouds on a nice, sunny day! He is man full of vengeance and hatred for all things right and good about Metrocity. A man—" He was interrupted by another kiss from Roxanne. "…What was I saying?"
"Well played, Ms. Ritchie." Minion praised.
"Maybe I'm just over thinking. I mean, it's normal for him to be out there and fighting. It's what he's been doing for the past decades, and each time he didn't really ever get into terrible danger. His fights are relatively the same with all the stupid, long banters and ego trips. So, why am I so worried?" Roxanne looked up. "Do you think I'm overreacting, Metroman?"
"Why are you here again?" Metroman asked, a sandwich in hand. Roxanne had unexpectedly appeared at his lair, sat on his couch, drank his soda, and suddenly had too much to say. "I really need to get a lock on that door."
"Metroman, do you think I'm overreacting?"
Metroman looked at her for a moment and sighed, sitting down next to her and placing the sandwich on his coffee table. He tapped his fingers together, looking at his sandwich as he thought, and looked up at an anxious Roxanne. "Roxie, I've known you for a long time. Our fake relationship had brought a lot of insight into each other's lives. But that's just it, fake relationship. You're worried, because this time someone you actually care about is going out in the city, risking his life to protect everyone. Especially you." He said, very gently patting her shoulder. "It's normal."
Roxanne patted Metroman's arm. "Thank you." She said, smiling. It was forced, a little. She felt more reassured, but her worry didn't cease, go away, or even die down. The talk made her think more about Megamind's near daily dangers, and her smile soon faded away as she hugged herself and slouched.
Metroman frowned. "Look, I think the best thing to do right now is to talk to him. This superhero gig is his thing now, it's his calling, and it's something you two are going to have to work around."
Roxanne rubbed her arms, looking around the apartment as if trying to search for her answer. "You're right, Metroman. You're right." She said, and patted Metroman's arm. "Thank you. Again."
"Anytime, Roxie." Metroman winked, picking up his sandwich and resuming consumption. "By the way, I'm Musicman now, not Metroman."
"You got it, Musicman."
Minion, carrying a tray of milk and freshly baked cookies, walked into the lair to find Megamind hunched over his worktable. He peered to the side, hoping to catch a glimpse of what Megamind was working on. "Sir, I brought your cookies."
"Thank you, Minion, just set them over there somewhere." Megamind said, pointing at a nondescript location.
Minion followed the hand to the uselessly large garbage disposal. Ignoring Megamind's request, he walked up to the worktable and peered over Megamind's shoulder. "What're you working on that's more important than warm cookies, sir?"
"An invention that could thwart Cumulus Doomicus, and ruin any of his future plans." Megamind replied, a blowtorch in hand. On the worktable was a small device covered in wires and small dials. "A device that could outdo his ability to control weather, and render him useless!"
"Amazing, sir! And how would that little doo-hickey do that?"
"What this?" Megamind laughed. "I'm just making the remote control right now. I haven't even started planning for the actual device."
"Oh." Minion drew back from the worktable, any excitement he had crashing and burning in an inferno. "Well, I'll just put the cookies here then."
"Thank you, Minion."
Suddenly, an alarm rang, the entire lair engulfed in red lights. The brain bots appeared from their designated spots, encircling Megamind and Minion. Every screen in the lair flashed the letters "INTRUDER" before switching screens to Roxanne, who was waiting outside of the abandoned factory.
"I really need to modify the doorbell." Megamind rose from his seat in front of the worktable. "Brain bots, code blue." He said, ordering the brain bots to fall back and float back to the designated hiding spots. He casually walked over to each panel and screen, flipped a few switches and pressed a few buttons. The red lights disappeared and the screens switched back to their normal broadcast.
"Shall I go get her, sir?"
"Nah, I'll go out and see." Megamind quickly walked (that is, skipped) to the outside door, and phased through the wall. He was greeted by a sudden hug from Roxanne. "I missed you, too?" He was then surprised with a sudden kiss. "Yup, I really missed you."
"We need to talk." Roxanne held his hands.
"Okay, I don't know if I miss you that much now." Megamind raised his eyebrows. "Um, do you want to go inside or?"
"A walk outside would be nicer." Roxanne said.
"Oh no, it is the talk."
"You know, the talk."
"The talk? What are you—oh, OH, no, it's not the talk, Megamind."
"Are you sure? It sure sounds like the talk."
"Megamind, there is no reason for me to break up with you."
"You're breaking up with me?" Megamind shrieked. "I thought you wanted to talk about the strangeness of reproduction!"
"…What?" Roxanne stared at him. "You've been watching Dr. Phil again, haven't you?"
"He's a mad genius, knows how to trick his viewers into obeying his every word—but aside from that, why are you breaking up with me?" Megamind said, finishing with a small squeak from his throat as his shoulders scrunched up into his body.
Roxanne stared, mouth open. She ran a hand over her face before grabbing Megamind's shoulders. "I'm not breaking up with you!" She nearly screamed, shaking him violently.
Megamind watched her carefully. "So are we talking about reproduction?"
"Lord." Roxanne groaned.
"Thinking back, the inmates never did teach me anything about that particular subject—something about corrupting the minds of the innocent. Ironic, isn't it?"
"Megamind, walk!" Roxanne grabbed his hand and walked, dragging him roughly behind her. She kept up the quick pace until they reached the park, not too far away from the abandoned factory, oddly enough.
"Wow, the brain bots did an excellent job of reconstructing the park. It's only been a few hours since."
"Megamind," Roxanne stopped walking, spun on her heels and grabbed Megamind's shoulders. "Please, focus and just listen to me."
Megamind watched her, her knitted eyebrows, and her pursed lips—how worried she appeared. "Okay, what's wrong?" He asked, prying her hands from his shoulders and holding them gently.
"I'm—I'm…I'm just worried about you. So much, and I—I don't know what to do! It's not that I don't think that you can win—it's not that. But yesterday, when that crazy guy created that insane hailstorm with that impossibly large, car-sized hail, and I thought you got crushed under one of those crazy ice blocks." Roxanne drew in a long breath of air, having spoke in one breath. "I was so scared." She said.
It was a few moments before either one of them moved. Megamind pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry." He said, and drew back. "But…it is what I do. I'm that guy who's going to be in perilous danger and fighting evil all the way until the end. I get scared, too, for you. When you get kidnapped, hurt, or kidnapped it scares me, too."
"I know." Roxanne said, pressing her forehead to his. "I know. It's just something I needed to say. I guess it's something we both needed to say. Being scared." She said, smiling. She kissed him, in the back of her mind counting how many times she kissed him that day. Not that she minded.
"Yeah, totally." Megamind chuckled. "That guy was a total drag, though. So serious about everything. And not even a single banter. Not one!"
Roxanne laughed, looping her arms around his. "Maybe next time."
"Ugh, there better be. Fights aren't what they used to be back when Metroman was still Metroman. Why, our first battle had a great exchange between our grand minds. Did I ever tell you about the time I invented my illiteracy gun and—" He was interrupted by a long kiss. "…What was I saying?"
Roxanne wears the pants in this relationship and you know it.