Man Down
By Carol M.
E/O Challenge…emergency…Dean's fading fast after a rough hunt and Sam's very worried…hurt! Dean, protective! Sam, brotherly, fluffy h/c
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Don't own em, only love em
Spoilers: None...can take place anytime
Dean's crumpled against the Impala, his head resting on his knees, his arm curled tight around his abdomen as he breathes raggedly between smoke tortured coughs. His jacket's singed from fire and his hands are red and blistered.
Sam gently grasps Dean's shoulder. "Dean, we need to get you to a hospital."
"M'fine, Sam," Dean murmurs, not moving his head off his knees.
"Seriously, man, this is like emergency room bad."
"Jus…need…a …" Dean goes limp, sliding towards the ground.
"Whoa!" Sam catches Dean and settles his brother against him, wrapping a protective arm around him. "I gotcha."
That's All Folks!