So basically this is going to be a series of drabbles between Master Sergeant Ron Greer and my OC Lexi. Some will take place in episodes of SGU and some won't, I'll probably be going back and forth in the timeline. Ok the first one takes place in Season 1 Episode 6 'Water' Just after Young and Scott go through the gate to search for pure ice.

And I'll be using little prompts for each drabble so if any of you have a prompt you want to give me to use be my guest and I'll pick the best ones to use.

This Chapter's is 'Why do you have an idustrial sized box of condoms in your bag?'
Ok now on with the story, review!

Dr Alexis Delgado

Nickname: Lexi

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Green

Skin: I guess you could say Russet...

Height: 5'4

Build: Slim but curvy, she has her mother's curves.

She's British, her mother is Spanish and her father is Indian, both born in England. Her best friend is Cassandra Miller, her nickname is Cassie, the two have been friends ever since sixth form (Which is the two years before university in England). Lexi went to Oxford University to study ancient mythology, languages and is now one of the brightest Doctors in the Language division in the Stargate program aside from of course Daniel Jackson. Cassie enrolled into the Royal Marines as soon as she turned eighteen and works on the Stargate Atlantis program. Lexi is quiet most of the time, unless you get a substantial amount of alcohol into her system, for someone so tiny she has a surprising tolerance and frequently drinks Marines under the table, only when she's encouraged by her best friend. She's fiercely protective of those she cares about.

Loves: Singing, Drawing, Reading, Languages, Watching Cassie get drunk and make a fool out of herself (not too badly, that would be mean). Cassie. Curling up with a good book by the fire with someone who loves her.

Hates: Her father's side of the family, (loves her father though) as they never think she's good enough and try to impose their strict, traditional lifestyle on her. Alcoholics (It's ok to party every once in a while but being an alcoholic is another thing completely), her mother who left her father and started a new family that she is perfectly happy with, her big brother who left with her mother leaving her father heartbroken. Her mother's side of the family except her uncles' who treat her like a princess. Abusive men (will get into it in later chapters...maybe).


Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Skin: Pale

Height: 5'9

Build: Slim but she's very strong, she doesn't have the curves that Lexi does but she is toned.
She is very outgoing, much more so when she's drunk but can't hold her alcohol, she has a temper which gets her into trouble more often than not, refuses to let anyone or anything hurt Lexi, hates her father who left her at a very young age.

Loves: Sex, music, dance, the Marines, her family (Apart from her father), adores her siblings, going out, Lexi.

Hates: Lexi's mother and brother, her father, the colour pink, men who cheat on their partners, abusive men, staying in four nights in a row, sitting still (She's like an animal in a cage).

"The Water levels dropped," TJ sighed coming out of the holding area.

Greer looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Again?"

"Nobody's been in or out, and Brody said there's no leak in the retention system, so that leaves one alternative," she replied, not liking the fact that someone on the ship was stealing from them.

"That's a lot of water," Greer said.

"Yeah, but right now I don't see any other alternative, take Sergeant Riley and Private Becker and start a search."

Greer nodded and headed off to get the two that'd be helping him.

The three split up so that their search wouldn't take as long, ignoring the shocked yells of the civilians and some of the airmen who didn't believe it was necessary. Greer nearly laughed at the indignation that appeared on some of the doctor's faces after he told them that they were searching for a thief. He stopped at a closed door and overrode the lock letting the door slide open. On the other side was a dark haired woman sitting on her bed typing something into her computer. She looked when the door opened and gave him an incredulous stare, "Do you not know how to knock? What if I had been changing?" she exclaimed and Greer raised an eyebrow at the British woman and grinned.

"Well then I'd have been graced with a very entertaining show."

Rolling her eyes the woman saved her work and gave her full attention to the Master Sergeant in her doorway, "Can I help you with something or is this a new initiative that the airmen are taking, you know annoy the crap out of the civilians and see how long it takes for them to explode?"

"We're doing a room by room search for the missing water and any other rations that people may have stolen."

She looked around the room and then back at the Sergeant as if to say 'you really think thirty thousand litres of water is going to be hidden in this tiny room?' "Well other than the rather large bar of Cadbury's chocolate, which I risked life and limb to save from being blown up back on Icarus by the way, you're not going to find anything in here, but by all means go ahead and search." Her eyes followed him as he went through everything in her small room and pulled out the bar of chocolate she'd been talking about. Snatching out of his hand she glared at him, "That's mine! No touching." She had wrapped her arm around the bar rather protectively and Greer fought the urge to laugh at the look on her face.

"Alright, calm down, keep your damn chocolate to yourself!" Even though he wasn't particularly in a good mood the young scientist was amusing, especially with the way she held the chocolate like it was the only thing in the world that could save her. Rolling his eyes he went back to searching through her bags and this time came up with something a little more confusing. "Why do you have a and industrial sized box of condoms in your bag?"

The scientist's eyes snapped to meet Greer's, "What?" she saw the box he was holding in his hands and flushed.

"Oh look there's a note," he smirked as her eyes widened and he began to read it, " 'Lexi I know you're wondering how this got in your bag so surprise! I snuck it in before you left. You're going to gone for close to a year so when you get back I expect the box to be empty. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, love Cassie.' Well it seems as if your friend wanted you to have some serious fun."

Lexi let out a squeak of embarrassment when he read the note and snatched the box off of him, "That's not water!" her tan skin was had a very distinct flush now.

"I don't think you have any stolen rations in here," Greer replied and spoke into his radio, "Section Three is clear."

"Confirmed," TJ's voice replied.

Greer gave the small scientist a nod and made a move to leave, stopping briefly at the door and turning to her. Giving her a once over with his heated gaze he smirked, "I'll see you round...Lexi." And with that the stoic Sergeant was gone, leaving Lexi speechless in his wake.

Ok that was my first attempt at a drabble please review and tell me what you thought, I know there wasn't exactly much 'romance' in this one but hopefully that will pick up!