Mind Controlling Conspiracy

Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns the Harry Potter world and characters. I'm still broke so do not sue me. You will be wasting your time.

Ron knew the day was going to turn out bad when he woke up and found half his mouth missing. Thus, he started the morning with Madam Pomfrey who was convinced Ron had done this to himself to "be funny". Already late for breakfast, Ron grumbled his way into the dining hall. At least he had the thought of a scrumptious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, buttered toast and sausage to cheer him up. Unfortunately, Professor Trelawney had been the lucky winner of the Monthly Favorite Breakfast drawing so everyone was forced to have a Continental Breakfast.

Hermione noticed Ron glaring at the plates of piled doughnuts and inquired about it. "Honestly Ron,"she said, reaching for a chocolate doughnut with multicolored sprinkles,"it's not normal to be this upset over doughnuts. Everyone loves doughnuts, right Harry?"

Harry nodded solemnly in agreement while attempting his own version of the Eiffle Tower with the Long Johns.

Ron scanned the other tables where everyone sat so content munching on their favourite doughnuts. Draco Malfoy, jelly doughnut in hand, was egging on Crabbe and Goyle as they tried to outdo each other popping down doughnut holes. Over at the Hufflepuff table Hannah Abbot sat merrily spooning lemon pudding out of an enormous vanilla doughnut. At the Head Table Hagrid hummed loudly while thoughtfully chewing three multiflavored doughnuts at one go. Even Snape looked-well-at least content with his powdered cinnamon doughnuts and chocolate milk.

This just wasn't right. It wasn't...normal. Ron's left eye began to twitch as he looked from person to person and saw the same thing: doughnuts. Everywhere doughnuts! Fred and George ate their glazed doughnuts in perfect synchronization. Terry Boot played ring toss with the doughnuts and his wand. The doughnuts began to levitate of their own accord, swirling about the dining hall in groovy, kalidescopic patterns. "Rooon,"they moaned,"Rooon eaaat us. You knoooww you want to eeeeat us."

Was no one else seeing this? Ron again looked around but everyone was completely lost in the divinity of their delicious doughnuts. It was madness! A conspiracy and he, Ron, the only one smart enough so see through the sham. The poor deluded fools, mesmerised by the demonic, evil forces of the doughnut entities! Was he to become like the rest of them? A mindless slave to crunchified sugar and endless arrays of sprinkles? No! Not he. It had to end here. Now!

"STOOOOOOP,"yelled Ron, jumping on top of the Gryffindor table. Everyone stared-statues of once normal human beings now nothing more than mere characatures with their doughnuts positioned near their mouths. "Don't you see? This is what they want. THEM. They want you to think they're your friends. It's all part of their plan. Th-they'll take over our minds if we let them. Fight them! Ya hear me? FIGHT THEM!"

Ron gazed imploringly at the endless stream of faces, wanting them to see, to...understand. But oh they just stared, the mindless zombies enslaved by frosted, chewy goodness! The tragedy was more than Ron could bear. With a gut-wrenching cry that mourned the loss of humanity as we know it Ron bolted from the dining hall. Hermione looked over at Harry. "What's the matter with him? It's not even close to exam time."

Harry shrugged and they all settled down for a second delicious breakfast of delectable doughnuts.