Dedicated to Riri.

Happy Sweet Sixteen~
Thanks for being such a great fanfiction friend and blog buddy! ^^
(Hopefully this story's good enough to sustain your sixteen awesomeness.)

Rima and Nagihiko were running away from the Royal Garden; for the tenth time this week, the other guardians were trying to set them up again.

Tired, they stopped at a nearby classroom and shut the door.

"That was horrible." Rima said, "I can't believe that, even after they make Tadase accidentally bump into you to make you kiss me on the cheek, they try AGAIN so they can go for the lips."

"Yeah," Nagihiko agreed. "Hey, why do they always play match-maker with us anyway?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that we always argue and HATE EACH OTHER," she replied sarcastically. "You know those guys have a fetish on "love-hate relationships" and what-not."

"Really? I always thought it was because of our hair." Nagihiko replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Our hair? What in the world gave you that idea?" Rima exclaimed.

"Well..." he trailed off. Then he took out a piece of paper and started writing.

1. We both have really long hair.

"So? Yaya's hair is pretty long when it's not in it's pigtails." Rima debated.

"But Yaya-chan's hair is never down, is it, Rima-chan?" he tilted his head and slightly smirked.

2. Even though our hair colors are different, they look good together.

"Are you saying that yellow and purple go together?" she asked.

"Well, yeah! I mean, look at those famous icons. They take two unlikely colors, and BAM, they look good together." Nagihiko replied.

"What exactly are you implying, Nagihiko?"

3. Also dealing with number two, other couples have different colored hair too. So, I guess, they also want us to be a couple.

"When I mean that, Rima-chan," he explained, "is that...well, look at it this way. Amu has pink hair and Ikuto has blue."

"Oh, I see. Also how Yaya has orange-ish/brown-ish and Kairi has green?"

Nagihiko nodded. "And how Kukai has brown and Utau has yellow."

There was a moment of silence. "Um, Nagihiko, those actually look good together."


Rima and Nagihiko sat in the classroom in silence. Suddenly, Rima yawned and then said, "Your hair is so pretty and straight, Nagihiko."

He smiled. "I like your hair too, Rima-chan. It's perfect and curly, and it's a beautiful yellow color."

Rima tilted her head sleepily. She was still tired from running, and it was almost five o'clock. "No, I love your hair more Nagihiko. It's shiny and a nice, dark indigo color."

" my hair?" he asked questionably.

She just nodded. Nagihiko noticed that she was very sleepy, and she was only half-awake. She's probably not aware she's even saying this, Nagihiko thought.

Then he grinned and asked her, "If you love my hair, do you love me too?"

"Yes...I love you too." she mumbled, and finally, her head dropped down and she fell asleep.

Nagihiko smiled and patted her hair. "I love you and your hair too, Rima-chan."

Lol, did you see that reference to 'Illegal'?

Anyway, this started as a drabble but I had a hard time making it short. That's why it's so random and weirdly written. O.o

I don't think it's that great either. It could be better.