
I released the yawn I had been holding in, enjoying the satisfaction of meeting the bazaar goal for the third time. I sleepily smiled as I glanced towards the illuminated alarm clock before I turned back to my new game, Grand Bazaar.

After playing through another in game week, I decided to put the game down and return to reality; where I have to go to sleep so I won't be a zombie tomorrow.

Not that I would mind, but my parents would take my Nintendo DS away which would really screw up my game play, not to mention fry my gaming schedual.

I turned in my bed, facing away from the bright, green alarm clock to attempt sleep. But I couldn't. After what seemed like forever, I turned back to the clock to see how much time had passed. Or hadn't.

I sighed in frustration, and slammed back down to my bed, at the dumb clock which insisted it was still eleven ten. I jumped back up, remembering that 11:11 was coming up and I could make a wish and stared persistently at the clock, not blinking, trying to will it to change for me.

Soon enough, the numbers flashed and I squeezed my eyes shut, deciding and whispering my wish.

"I wish the harvest moon world was real, and that I was the farmer in Grand Bazaar." I opened my eyes briefly, smiling in victory at the unchanging darkness before collapsing back to my bed; suddenly feeling tired.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

As I came to consciousness or reality as I liked to call it, the annoying beeping was the only thing I heard, the usual noises of traffic not there. I raised my hand and attempted to slam it down on the sleep button, but my hand came to rest on air.

I narrowed my eyes and tentatively raised my head from the pillow, seeing something that literally made my jaw drop.

I jumped up, immediately falling off the tiny bed I had woken up in and crashing to the hard wooden floor. Not the carpet that had always been in my room, where I was certain I had fallen asleep in.

I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled myself into a little ball, hoping I would see my usual room when I opened them and not some kidnapper's house. I slowly opened my eyes and peeked at my surroundings.

Nothing changed. I was in an unfamiliar place, and no idea what was happening; the recipe for success. I jumped to my feet when I heard a loud cough coming from outside. I froze, feeling terrified for at least ten minutes before I made myself calm down to survey my surroundings; or whatever it was people did when they got kidnapped, or lost. I still wasn't sure.

I was in a small house, wooden everything, with a small bookshelf crammed in between the bed and a larger bookshelf. There was an ugly lamp directly beside the bed, my alarm from my actual room was on the floor directly below it.

At least I got something, even if it was one of my most hated possessions. Kidnappers have a weird sense of humor.

Completely terrified, and a little confused, I continued my observation making my shaky legs move and looking around. Beside the loaded bookshelf, there was a large stone fireplace that I would have loved had I not been lost or kidnapped. Beside that were two doors and an opening, along with a small calendar with a couple of circled dates and red marks.

After the second door, the wall met a second wall; which had another door with an orange mat in front of it. After that wall met another, there was a table with books, flowers and a wooden object on it that had a curtained window behind them; beside that was yet another door and there was a boarded up hole in the corner. I hoped that all the doors weren't closets; if they were I would be seriously pissed.

The strange thing was that this place felt oddly familiar, but I knew it wasn't. I was very certain that I had never been here in my life; I'd barely ever left the comfort of my room.

Although, what the hell kind of kidnapper would leave so many openings and windows for me to escape through. I stepped forward to go check the doors, but slammed my knee on a short table I had apparently missed while I was looking around. It was covered with a white tablecloth, and had a white and blue rug underneath it.

I was tempted to kick it, but I might need my feet for some criminal beating later so I gave it a small glare before backing up to start at the boarded up hole.

I got to my knees and bent over, peering into a small area that was left unboarded, and found that it was pitch black inside. I slowly crawled away, deciding that it wasn't very safe around it.

I got back on my feet, and wiped my hands on my jeans; five white lines on each leg. Whoever owned this house did not like to dust or clean, I was terrified of what I would find in the bathroom, if there was one. My god, I hoped there was even if it was disgusting and smelly.

I continued my inspection and marched towards the door that was on the same wall as the bed. I gently clutched the doorknob, twisted it and pulled unsure of what I would find inside.

Whatever was inside rained down on me. Like in those shows where they put everything in the closet and someone opened it; it's not very funny when you're on the receiving end of the joke. I squirmed and threw things off of me, digging my way out of the pile with my eyes shut; terrified I'd be throwing dead things off me, or something even grosser.

When I could breathe again, I threw open my eyes and clambered across the room on my hands and knees. When I was against the wall, I turned to see all of my stuff. Clothes, electronics, trash; it looked like someone had thrown my room in there, and it was not a pretty sight.

I jumped up and ran over, and began rooting through the pile. All of my clothes were in here, my laptop, some sheets, and my game cases along with a few of my games and my iPod but my DS or really any gaming systems weren't there. It was a love hate relationship between me and the kidnappers. They had brought my stuff, but left some of my favourites at home or more importantly my gaming systems.

I decided to go through the stuff more in depth later, and shoved half of it into the closet leaving the other half on the floor.

I continued my inspection, and kept walking around the room's perimeter.

After I passed the empty brick fireplace, I peered into another opening and found what appeared to be a kitchen with loaded cupboards and utensils; more importantly weapons. I ran in, and saw what looked like a pantry on the far wall, before I began rooting through the drawers. After coming empty in the first few, I opened the one near the sink and found the utensils. I grabbed the sharpest knife I could find, which was pretty hard considering none of them looked like they could cut through toast.

Clutching the knife, I stopped in front of the door that was closest to it and slowly turned the knob, before kicking the door to reveal a no so disgusting bathroom. Or just a bath, I seriously hoped that the toilet was in the next door.

I closed the door, feeling creeped out and scared for my life, and glanced at the calendar; which had dates like "Bazaar Day", random names and birthdays, and "Flower Festival". Actually, a lot of the types of things you would see in a harvest moon game.

My breath quickened with my heart. The sound drumming in my ears with my breath. I was almost hyperventilating; I couldn't believe it, it was impossible.

"Holy crap."

Suddenly, I realized what was happening and where I was.

I wasn't being kidnapped. I was in a Harvest Moon game, more specifically Grand Bazaar or so it seems.

I had just finished the thought, when a fist began pounding on the door that was on the southern wall, next to the table.

Like it, hate it? Review anyway!

I don't really have a plot with this one, so we'll see where it goes. Chapter 1 should arrive sometime next week, sooner if you review (hint, hint). But no worries on that, even if I don't get reviews I will still post; I hate it when other authors do that to me.

Happy Reading!